课程基本信息(Course Information)
课程代码 (Course Code) *课程名称 (Course Name) 课程性质 (Course Type) 授课对象 (Audience) 授课语言
(Language of Instruction)
*开课院系 (School) 先修课程 (Prerequisite) 授课教师 (Instructor)
EN384 *学时 (Credit Hours) 32 汉英笔译(1) Chinese-English Translation (I)
必修 Compulsory
英语本科(翻译方向)大三学生Third-year English major undergraduates with
emphasis on translation and interpreting
英语与汉语 English and Chinese 外国语学院 School of Foreign Languages
英语语法 课程网址 (Course Webpage)
*学分 (Credits)
This course, intended for third-year English major undergraduates with emphasis on translation and interpreting, covers both theoretical and practical aspects of translation from Chinese into English. It is designed to enlarge the students’ general vocabulary in English, improve their translation skills and enrich their knowledge about Chinese and English with a view to enabling them to accomplish practical translation tasks regarding a wide variety of domains. It centers around English
*课程简介(Description) grammar and translation techniques by means of lecture, discussion and translation
practice so that the students could gain keener insights into the principles and methods of Chinese-English translation, challenges and solutions involved in translation based on an enhanced awareness of English language and culture, and of stylistic sensitivity plus felicitous use of translation skills. Translation tasks include homework assignments (translation of journalistic texts and excerpts from pragmatic, non-literary texts) and term paper (review of published English translations of Chinese literary classics). In-class lectures focus on a systematic elucidation of translation skills and detailed comments on the students’ performance in translation practice.
课程教学大纲(course syllabus)
1.掌握汉译英基本原则、概念和方法(A5.2.2) 2.提高实用性、非文学文本翻译能力(A5.2.2)
3.理解新闻英语基本特点与词汇特征,扩大相关词汇(A5.2.2) 4.了解中文实用文体特征(A5.2.2)
5. 鉴赏汉语文学作品,分析名家译作风格(B5) 教学内容 课程目标与内容等 汉译英的标
准 汉英词汇对
比 汉英句式对
比 翻译选词
要求 (Class Schedule & Requirements)
翻译常用工具书 专名翻译 语法知识与文本分析 作业讲评: 词汇与专名 作业讲评: 理解与表达 作业讲评: 翻译中的创造性 作业讲评:重复与省略 作业讲评:句式与选词
学时 2 2 2 2 2
教学方式 讲授 讲授 讲授/讨论 讲授/讨论 讲授/讨论
作业及要求 布置作业1、作业2、翻译
评论 阅读中英文报纸 词汇翻译练
习 短语翻译练
习 句子翻译练
习 初步调查电子词典与在线词典 整理翻译作业中的专名 阅读英文语法著作 整理作业中问题 整理作业中问题 名家译作赏
析 欣赏相关英文电影 调查相关历史文化知识
基本要求 了解作业及学期论文要求 细读相关报道 翻译词汇 翻译词汇 翻译单句 使用单语词典 掌握专名原则 分析句子 总结问题 分析原则 阅读分析典型译例 整理英文字幕 在线搜索
考查方式 抽查
*学习目标 (Learning Outcomes)
抽查、提问 抽查、提问 抽查、提问 抽查、提问 抽查、提问
2 讲授
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
讲授 讲授 讲授/讨论 讲授/讨论 讲授/讨论 讲授/讨论 讲授/讨论
抽查、提问 抽查、提问 抽查、提问 抽查、提问
抽查、提问 抽查、提问
作业讲评:习语翻译 翻译的步骤 翻译评论讲评
*考核方式 (Grading)
2 2 2
讲授/讨论 讲授/讨论 讲授/讨论
整理作业中问题 反思作业翻译步骤 阅读同学翻译评论
总结问题 精读相关论述 总结评论要点
抽查、提问 抽查、提问 抽查、提问
Final score(100%)=Final-term exam(50%)+ term paper (20%)+ homework assignments(20%)+attendance(10%)
1吕瑞昌等,《汉英翻译教程》,西安:陕西人民出版社,1983。 (ISBN: 9787224043808)
2冯庆华,《实用翻译教程:英汉互译》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2010。 (ISBN:9787544613927)
3 Pellat, Vallerie and Eric T. Liu. Thinking Chinese Translation. London: Routledge, 2010. (ISBN:9780415474191)
1 Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. 2 孙海晨,《汉译英实用技能训练》,北京:外文出版社,1998。
(Textbooks & Other
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