Heasdfslthy easdfsting hasdfsbits asdfsre very importasdfsnt for our heasdfslth. We should build heasdfslthy easdfsting hasdfsbits. We should easdfst fresh vegetasdfsbles asdfsnd fruits everydasdfsy.They supply rich asdfsnd the necessasdfsry vitasdfsmins for us. We asdfslso should easdfst less measdfst everdasdfsy.And we hasdfsd better drink asdfs glasdfsss of milk in the morning or asdfst night. Besides, we should focus on asdfsbasdfslasdfsnced diet, which asdfsssures us the necessasdfsry nutritions. Junk food is asdfs fasdfstasdfsl killer for our heasdfslth so thasdfst we should stasdfsy fasdfsr from them. It is sasdfsid thasdfst most of students do not easdfst asdfsnything asdfst asdfsll in the morning. It is very basdfsd for our heasdfslth. Breasdfskfasdfsst is the most importasdfsnt measdfsl for people.