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2021-08-30 来源:好兔宠物网
 初三英语下册Unit6 Section A (1a-2d)教学设计

所需物品:1、课本 2、导学案3、u盘 4、投影笔 5、表 一、教学目标:

1. 掌握本课时的单词短语 2. 学习问路指路的句型

3. 通过学习增强对家乡的热爱,为自己是一个高青人而感到自豪 二、教学重难点:掌握指路问路句型

A: Could you please tell me where ... is/how to get to.../where I can...?

B: Go along this street,turn right at the first crossing,you will find ...is on your left. 三、教学过程 Step1课前分组及解读

T: Today there are 10 groups. Everyone should be active to answer my question. If you do, I will give you a sticker. At the end of the class, Let’s see which group has the most stickers and the winners will get the presents I prepared for you. Clear?

Step 2 Free talk

T: Do you like travelling? Where would you like to go? Do you know Gaoqing is a famous city to travel now? Let’s watch a short video. 播放视频

T: In the video, Gaoqing is very beautiful. Many visitors are attracted by its beauty. Luhan is one of them. I will tell you a secret, do you want to know? Ss: Yes.

T: Luhan will come to Gaoqing. But he is a stranger here. He needs your help. Can you help him? Step 3 出示目标

T:Today we will learn Unit 6 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Section A(1a-2d)

These are our learning aims. Learn the new words and phrases. Learn how to ask ways and give directions. After this class, you will love our hometown more and you will be proud of it. Step 3 通过地图引出单词

T: Now Luhan comes to Gaoqing by bus. He is at the bus station. He wants to know somewhere interesting. So he bought a map of Gaoqing.

On the map, there are many places. There’s a supermarket beside the bus station. A bookstore on Huanghe Road. A post office on Qingcheng Road. In the post office, you can buy some stamps and postcards. There are also many restrooms in our city. We can also say washroom or bathroom. Normally people go to the restrooms in a rush. So if you can’t hear sb. clearly and you want him to say again,

you can say “pardon”. Let’s read together. One word three times. Ss: Read the words.

Step 4 通过地图引出动词短语

T: In the supermarket, we can get a pair of shoes. What we can do in the book store? Buy a newspaper, get some magazines, get a dictionary. In the post office we can buy some stamps.In a restaurant, we can have dinner. In the library we can get some information about the town. In the bank we can get some money. Good! Stand up to remember them. 1minute later

Let’s check together. I point at the place, you say the phrases. Just stand up to speak loudly. You did a good job. Step5 由旅游计划引出听力

According to the map, Luhan makes a plan. He wants to go to seven places, but there are two places he hasn’t decided yet. Let’s listen, and check where he will go.


T: Have you got the answers? Let’s see together. Ss: answer the questions.

Step 6 通过听力引出句型并及时练习

T: Now you see, Luhan doesn’t know the ways. So he really needs a guide. If you want to be a guide for him, you must know how to ask ways and how to give directions.

Usually, we ask directly. Where is the supermarket? If we want to ask politely, we can say”Excuse me, could you please tell me where the ...is?” (出示三幅图片练习)

We can also say”Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can...?” (出示1a短语,接龙练习)

There’s another way”Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to...?”(出示三幅图片,抢答练习)

T: Let’s see how to give directions. First, the directions.

Ss: Turn left, turn left, go along the road until...,go past..., go to the second floor.......(directions)

T:Now, could you tell me where the supermarket is?

Ss: On Huanghe road, beside..., next to..., between ...and..., in front of..., across from...(方位介词)

T: So if you want to give sb directions, you can say....(出示指路句型),read loudly,one sentence three times.(学生读,老师板书)

Step 7 老师示范,同桌练习问路指路句型

T: Luhan is at the bus station. The first place he wants to go is the bank. So if you are Luhan, you can ask, “Excuse me, could you please tell me where ... is/where I can .../how to get to? ” Listen to me carefully, I will show Luhan the road. “Walk along Huanghe Road, go past the supermarket, then you will see the bank is on your left. “Or “Walk along Huanghe Road until Culture Road, you will see the bank is on your left.” Now work with your partner , practice how to get to the bank.

Ss: Practice with their partners.

T: 随机叫学生展示练习结果。(抽查3-4组学生)

T: The second place is library. Let’s see how to get there. Practice with your partner. (两分钟练习之后)

Who’d like to show us your conversations?(抽查3-4组学生) Step8 小组练习其他四个地方,2、3号展示

Work in groups together, help Luhan find the way to the other places.

These two lines to the restaurant, and then the museum, the Qianshenghu park, at last, the water park.

Step 9 改编2d对话,情境问答,向中考靠拢

Luhan gets to the water park. There he meets his American friend Alice.What happened to them? Let’s listen! 情景对话 Step10 情感提升

Luhan had a good time in Gaoqing. He heard the Slow City is very beautiful.So before leaving, he went to Slow City. He saw the beautiful sights and enjoyed the delicious food. Now, Luhan finished his journey. He thinks Gaoqing is very beautiful. And it is a most comfortable city to live in. Do you agree with him? It’s true that Gaoqing is more and more famous in China. As Gaoqing citizens, we are proud of our hometown. Each of us should try our best to make our hometown more beautiful. Do you think so? Step 11 优秀小组

T: Let’s count the stickers and see which group is the best. Congratulations!

So much for today, thank you for your listening!

课时达标17 (见课时达标P33)

1.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( D )






解析 “拜”“除”只指任命官职,不用来表示官职升迁。 2.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( C )





解析 “黄昏”是现代时间的19点~21点,“人定”则是21点~23点,所以“人定”应在“黄昏”之后。

3.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( B )



C.春秋时,秦晋两国国君几代都互相通婚,后称两姓联姻为“秦晋之好”。 D.《鸿门宴》中“竖子不足与谋”一句中的“竖子”是骂人的话,相当于今天的“小子”。

解析 “令堂”是对对方母亲的尊称,“令尊”是对对方父亲的尊称。 4.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( C )

A.“布衣”是对百姓的称呼,与之类似的还有:黎民、庶民、苍生等。 B.“赠官”是古代中国的政治行为,意为给已死的官吏或其父祖追封官爵。如赠官“金紫光禄大夫”。



解析 “以籍贯命名”错,昌黎韩氏于唐是一时望族,韩愈自称“郡望昌黎”,故世称“昌黎先生”。

5.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( C )






解析 “在各乡举行”错,应该是“在各省省城举行”。 6.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( D )


B.“乞巧”,旧时风俗,农历七月七日夜妇女在庭院向织女星乞求智巧。 C.“顿首”,古时一种拜礼,为“九拜”之一,俗称叩头。行礼时,头碰地即起。也常用于书信、表奏的首尾,表示恭敬。


解析 “少牢”指古代祭祀用的羊和豕,没有牛。 7.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( D )

A.“五谷”是古代所指的五种谷物,泛指粮食。古代对其有多种不同说法。 B.“黄金台”,相传战国时燕昭王在易水东南筑台,上面放千金用来招揽人才。




解析 “指国家的最高学府”说法不严密,“国子监”指的是中国封建时代的教育管理机构和最高学府。

8.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( B )





解析 “齐宣王”应为“齐桓公”。

9.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( C )





解析 “赵惠文王十六年”属于王公即位年次纪年法。 10.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( D )




D.古代以水南、山北为“阳”,以水北、山南为“阴”。 解析 古代以水北、山南为“阳”,以水南、山北为“阴”。 11.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( B )

A.“月兔”,借指月亮。古神话中称月中有兔,故称月亮为“月兔”。 B.“郎中”,战国时为宫廷医生。隋唐以后,六部都设置郎中,分掌部内各司政务。

C.“青庐”,用青布搭成的篷帐,行婚礼的地方,东汉至唐有这种风俗。 D.“庠”和“序”,指的是地方开设的学校。如《齐桓晋文之事》中有:“谨庠序之教。”

解析 “战国时为宫廷医生”错,应该是“战国时为宫廷侍卫”。 12.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( D )

A.“微服”,指改变常服以避人耳目。如“桓公微服而行于民间”。 B.“道”,唐代时是监察区,相当于汉代的“州”。唐代先分天下为十道,


C.“流涕”指流泪。古代的“涕”一般指眼泪,而“泗”指鼻涕。 D.“五常”,也叫“五伦”,是封建礼教所规定的君臣、父子、兄弟、夫妇、师生之间的伦理关系。

解析 “师生”错,在“五常”中没有师生关系,应改为“朋友”。 13.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( C )





解析 “起于明代”错,应该是“起于隋朝”。 14.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( C )






解析 “指的是阴历每月的三十日”错,应改为“指的是阴历每月的最后一天”。

15.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( A )




D.“中岳”,指嵩山,在今河南登封市北,我国“五岳”之一。 解析 “运气就好”错,应该是“运气不好”。 16.下列有关文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是( D ) A.“朕”,第一人称代词,自秦始皇起专用作皇帝的自称。



D.“黔首”,是战国时秦国及后来秦王朝对平民的一种尊称。 解析 “黔首”并不是“尊称”。
