Lesson 1
The Middle Eastern Bazaar I.
1)A bazaar is a market or street of shops and stands in Oriental countries.Such bazaars are likely to be found in Afghanistan,the Arabian Peninsula,Cyprus,Asiatic Turkey and Egypt.
2)The bazaar includes many markets:cloth—market,copper— smiths’market.carpet—market,food—market,dye—market,pottery—market,carpenters’market,etc.They represent the backward feudal economy.
3)A blind man could know which part 0f the bazaar he was in by his senses of smell and hearing.Different odours and sounds can give him some ideas about the various parts 0f the bazaar.
4)Because the earthen floor,beaten hard by countless feet,deadens the sound of footsteps,and the vaulted mudbrick walls and roof have hardly and sounds to echo. The shop-keepers also speak in slow, measured tones, and the buyers follow suit. 5)The place where people make linseed oil seems the most picturesque in the bazaar. The backwardness of their extracting oil presents an unforgetable scene. II .
1)little donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another 2)Then as you pass through a big crowd to go deeper into the market, the noise of the entrance gradually disappear, and you come to the much quieter cloth-market. 3)they drop some of items that they don't really want and begin to bargain seriously for a low price.
4)He will ask for a high price for the item and refuse to cut down the price by any significant amount.
5)As you get near it, a variety of sounds begin to strike your ear.
Ⅲ. See the translation of text. IV.
1)n. +n..seaside, doorway, graveyard, warlord 2)n. +v..daybreak, moonrise, bullfight 3)v. +n..cutback, cutthroat, rollway
4)adj. +n..shortterm, softcoal, softliner, hardware 5)adv. +v. .output , upgrade, downpour 6)v. +adv..pullover, buildup V.
1)thread (n.) she failed to put the thread through the eye of the needle.(v.) He threaded through the throng. 2)round (v.) On the 1st of September the ship rounded the Cape of Good Hope. (adv.) He wheeled round and faced me angrily.
3)narrow(v.) In the discussions we did not narrow the gap any further. (adj.)He
failed by a very narrow margin. 4)price(n.) The defence secretary said the U.S.was not looking for an agreement at any price.(v.)At the present consumption rates(of oil)the world may well be pricing itself out of its future.
5) (v.)live About 40%of the population lives on the land and tries to live off it. (adj.)The nation heard the inaugural speech in a live broadcast.
6)tower (n.)The tower was built in the 1 4th century.(v.)The general towered over his contemporaries.
7)dwarf (v.)A third of the nation's capital goods are shipped from this area,which dwarfs West Germany's mighty Ruhr Valley in industrial output.(n.)Have you ever read the story of Snow White and the Dwarfs? Ⅵ.
1)light and heat:glare,dark,shadowy,dancing flashes.the red of the live coals,glowing bright,dimming,etc. 2)sound and movement:enter,pass,thread their way.penetrate,selecting,pricing,doing a little preliminary bargaining,din,tinkling,banging,clashing,creak,squeaking,rumbling,etc.
3)smell and colour:profusion of rich colours,pungent and exotic smells,etc. Ⅶ.
1)glare指刺眼的光;brightness指光源发出的强烈稳定的光, 强调光的强度。 2)din指连续不断的噪音,听了很使人心烦意乱;sound指人们感觉到的各种各样的声音,包括高亢的,轻柔的,悦耳的,难听的;noise指所有强烈的、混乱的或令人不快的sounds。 3)quiet或silent指没有声音;而 音被压低或吸收而已。muted则指有声音,只不过声 4)display指陈列(物品),让人看得见;exhibition指展示(物品),以引人注意、观看。 5)distinct指声音十分清晰,让人一听就知道与别的声音不一样;clear指某物丝毫也不混乱、含糊或模糊不清,因而也就易于理解或领悟。 6)huge指体积大,比large更具体。
8)exotic不仅指很奇怪,而且指外来的,本地没有的。strange 的“奇怪”内涵是:生疏、异样、不自然、费解等。
9)sunlit一词更为具体,指因为阳光照耀而明亮;bright则强调光的强度。 lO)massive不仅指大,而且指重,给人的印象深。
12)old意指旧的、老的或古老的;used不一定就是陈旧的,它的意思是因已用过而不再新了。 Ⅷ.
1)buyers 2)sharp,strong 3)dismal,gloomy,solemn 4)declaring,insisting 5)strike 6)abundance,plenty 7)rich and costly 8)goods 9)mixing Ⅸ.
1)There is the cloth—market,with its profusion of rich colour.
2)There is the coppersmiths’market,where you can hear the sounds of tinkling,banging and clashing.
3)There is the carpet—market,where you can find varied textures and regional designs.
4)There is the spice—market,with its pungent and exoti’c smells.
5)There is the food—market,with everything you need for the most sumptuous dinner.
6) There is a sunlit courtyard, with flowers blooming and birds chirping. X.
1)A zig-zag path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods.
2)At the bazaar there are many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.
3)I really don't know what it is that has made him so angry.
4)The newly unearthed bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs.
5)Beyond the mountains there is a vast grassland that extends as far as the eye can see.
6)They decided to buy that house with. a garage attached.
7)The teachers make a point of being strict with the students. 8)This little girl is very much attached to her father. 9)To achieve the four modernization, we make a point of learning from the advanced science and technology of other countries. 10)As dusk fell, daylight faded away.
11)The apprentice watched his master carefully and then followed suit. 12)Frank often took a hand in the washing-up after dinner. XI.
bazaar, veiled women, copper vessels, carpets, spice, mosque, camels, caravanserai, desert, etc.
XlI. Omitted.
1)As I go deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and I come to the muted cloth-market. The earthen floor, beaten hard by countless feet, reduces the sound of footsteps, and I can hear no sound being echoed. The shop-keepers speak in slow, controlled tones, and the; customers talk in the same way.
The copper-smiths' market is easily traced by the noise coming from it.As I approach it,a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to strike my ear. The noise is so deafening that 1 have to leave as quickly as I can. I can hardly imagine how those copper—smiths and their apprentices can bear to live in all that noise.
Lesson 2
Hiroshima---the “Liveliest City in Japan”
I .
1)The writer must be an American journalist or reporter.2)The aim of the visit, I think, was to gather information about Hiroshima today.3)A lot of sad thoughts were on his mind. There were other visitors from abroad who didn't share his views. The first paragraph shows this to us clearly.4)He felt a sense of guilt.
5)The Japanese were not preoccupied with the same thought as the writer was. 6)Hiroshima was different from other Japanese cities in that it was destroyed by an atomic bomb on August 6, 1945.
7)Since then, it has been rebuilt with hard work and with the help of education, science and technology.
8)One is an obvious conflict between western influences and the traditional customs. Another is that the impact of the 1945 bomb attack is still felt or seen till now.
9)Because he thought it was unnecessary to do so since the answers were obvious after his talk with the patients.
10)The answer was the Hiroshima was not the liveliest city in Japan. Ⅱ .
1)They were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed not to pay any attention to the people around them.
2)As soon as the taxi driver saw a traveler, he immediately opened the door. 3)The traditional floating houses among high modern buildings represent the constant struggle between old tradition and new development. 4)1 suffered from a strong feeling of shame when I thought of the scene of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima wearing my socks only.
5)The few Americans and Germans seemed just as restrained as 1 was.
6)After three days in Japan one gets quite used to bowing to people as a ritual to show gratitude.
7)1 was on the point of showing my agreement by nodding when I suddenly realized what he meant.His words shocked me out my sad dreamy thinking.
8)I thought for some reason or other no harm had been done to me.
Ⅲ.See the translation of the text. Ⅳ.
1)n.+present participle:epoch—making,face—keeping,time consuming,nerve—wracking
2)n.+past participle:home—made,bedridden,sun—burnt, heartfelt 3)n.+adj.:pitch—dark,headstrong,duty—free,coal—black
4)n.+n.+-ed:lion-hearted,iron-fisted,wall—eyed,brick—walled 5)adj.+n.+-ed:stiff-necked,highminded,dull—witted,warm—blooded,
6)adj.+present participle:high—sounding,hard—working, plain-sailing,far—reaching
7)adj.+past participle:high—flown,new-born,finespun, high—strung Ⅴ.
1)was指事实如此;而must be意为“很可能”。
2)“Was I at the scene„?”表示不能断定是不是在那里,而 “Was I not at the scene„?”表示肯定是在那里,有“难倒„„不是”的意思。 3)elderly意为“上了年纪的”,但不算太老。
4)grin指露齿而笑,有时可指傻笑,但不出声;laugh表示大笑;。mile一词最常用,指不出声地微笑,可表示开心、满意、喜爱等等。 5)sketch指很快地勾画出轮廓。
7)site大多指一块地方,可大可小;它可能是留作特殊用途的地方,如建筑工地(a building site),也可能指发生某事的地方或场所,如第一枚原子弹爆炸的地方(site of the first atomic bombardment)。spot所指地点较小。
8)demolish意义比较实在,指彻底拆除,而destroy仅指破坏。 9)gay意为轻松愉快,兴致高。delightful指有魅力,心情好。
lO)gaze指目不转睛地长久地注视,往往出于好奇、钦羡、着迷等。stare指盯着看,瞪大眼睛看,往往出于吃惊、羡慕等。 Ⅵ.
1)job,task,duty 2)unaware 3)fronts,by the front doors 4)striking/fascinating/strange / sight;continual,endless, constant 5)sudden,sharp feeling;idea,thought,expectation 6)killed,murdered 7)pain,torture 8)fame 9)daydream,thoughts 1O)atomic disaster 11)tear down, pull down 12)meet with,face Ⅶ.
3)他专心致志地工作,完全没有理会周围正在发生的事。 4)记者们看到诺贝尔奖获得者时感到很兴奋。
5)——老师用了个什么字?我没太听清楚。 ——我也没听清楚,很像是preoccupation。 6)又拐了一个弯,我们来到了一个可容几百人的大岩洞。 7)人们领悟到这骇人听闻的消息之后都惊得目瞪口呆。 8)铁水倒人混铁炉有如把茶水从茶壶倒入茶杯。 9)手术的失败使年青的外科大夫心情沉重。 10)将军常到兵营里去,和普通战士们在一起。 Ⅶ.
1)soil 2)soil 3)earth 4)earth 5)familiar to 6)familiar
with 7)puzzled 8)surprising 9)admits 10)had confessed 11)careful 12)cautiously Ⅸ.
1)There is not a soul in the hall.The meeting must have been put off.
2)The book looks very much like a box. (The book looks much the same as a box. ) 3)Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect. It is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other.
4)The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the battle. 5)He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about.
6)What he did had nothing to do with her.
7)She couldn't fall asleep as her daughter's illness was very much on her mind. 8)I have had the matter on my mind for a long time.
9)He loves such gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and exchange opinions with them on various subjects.
10)It was only after a few minutes that his words sank in. 11)The soil smells of fresh grass. 12)Could you spare me a few minutes? 13)Could you spare me a ticket?
14)That elderly grey-haired man is a coppersmith by trade.
X. Omitted. XI.
My Visit to the European Town
One autumn, my friends and I went to Wuxi on vacation. We decided to visit the European Town first. It is a park located on the side of Tai Lake. Many European scenic spots are built smaller there and a lot of tourists go there for sightseeing everyday. Because they may never have the chance to see the real ones, they pay to see these imitations.
We arrived at the town late in the morning. It began to drizzle as we stepped inside. But the rain didn't decrease our plea-sure because it was more romantic than in the sunlight. I was deeply impressed by the scenery there. The number of European 31style buildings was beyond my imagination. We saw Triumphal Arch and Eiffel Tower of Paris, the Windmills of Holland and many others. Here and there, people were taking pictures. In an excited mood, we strolled to each building. We also took a lot of photos there. I liked the one taken in front of Triumphal Arch most. It was so real that you might think I had been to Paris.
We spent the rest of the day there. It was really an unforgetable experience for me.
Lesson 3
Ships in the Desert
1)The writer went to the Aral Sea to search for the underlying causes of the environmental crisis. What he saw there was hot dry sand.
2)It was the annual layers of ice in a core sample dug from the glacier.
3)Scientists were monitoring the air several times a day to chart the course of the climate change.
4)Because the polar cap plays a crucial role in the world's weather system, the thinning of the polar cap might cause flood in many places of the world.
5)There are more different species of birds in each square mile of the Amazon than exist in all of North America. The destruction of the Amazon rain forest will mean silencing thousands of songs we have never even heard. 6)The writer calls noctilucent clouds\"ghosts in the sky\". As a result of pollution, the clouds occasionally appear when the earth is first cloaked in the evening darkness. And they appear more often because of a huge buildup of methane gas in the atmosphere.
7)Because we are not yet awakened to take effective measures to deal with the climate change.
8)Carbon dioxide's ability to trap heat in the atmosphere causes global warming. Because global warming seriously threatens the global climate equilibrium that determines the pat- tern of winds, rainfall, surface temperatures, ocean cur- rents, and sea level. These in turn determine the distribution of vegetative and animal life on land and sea and have a great effect on the location and pattern of human societies.
9)The two key factors are human population and the scientific and technological development. The dramatic changes that have occurred in these two factors are a sudden and startling surge in human population and a sudden acceleration of the scientific and technological revolution.
10)The writer's solution to our ecological problems is to reinvent and finally heal the relationship between human beings and the earth by carrying out a careful reassessment of all the {actors that led to the relatively recent dramatic change in the relationship. Ⅱ.
1)It was not at all possible to catch a large amount of fish.
2)Following the layers of ice in the core sample, his finger came to the place where the layer of ice was formed 2050 years ago.
3)keeps its engines running for fear that if he stops them, the metal parts would be frozen solid and the engines would not be able to start again 4)Bit by bit trees in the rain forest are felled and the land is cleared and turned into pasture where cattle can be raised quickly and slaughtered and the beef can be used in ham- burgers.
5)Since miles of forest are being destroyed and the habitat for these rare birds no longer exists, thousands of birds which we have not even had a chance to see will become extinct.
6)Thinking about how a series of events might happen as a consequence of the thinning of the polar cap is not just a kind of practice in conjecture (speculation), it has got practical Value.
7) We are using and destroying resources in such a huge amount that we are disturbing the balance between daylight and darkness.
8) Or have we been so accustomed to the bright electric lights that we fail to understand the threatening implication of these clouds. 9)To put forword the question in a different way
10)and greatly affect the living places and activities of human societies ll)We seem unaware that the earth's natural systems are delicate.
12)And this continuing revolution has also suddenly developed at a speed that doubled and tripled the original speed.
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. IV.
1)transportation, imitation, destruction 2)encirclement, enrichment, enlightenment 3)postage, coinage, advantage 4)sharpness, boldness, smoothness 5)admission, concession, depression
6)productivity, sensitivity, desirability 7)posture, departure, indenture
8)independence, prudence, impudence 9)flagrancy, consistency, potency
10)analysis, metabasis, metamorphosis ll)dictatorship, ownership, partnership 12)depth, length, birth V.
1)technology 技术 2)ecology 生态学 3)hydrology 水文学 4)phrenology 颅像学 5)neurology 神经病学 6)pathology 病理学 7)physiology生理学 8)pharmacology药理学 9)gynaecology妇科学 lO)oceanology海洋学 11)lexicology词汇学 12)archaeology考古学 13)anthropology人类学 14)criminology犯罪学 Ⅵ.
1)anarchist无政府主义者 2)naturalist自然主义者
3)biologist生物学家 4)psychologist心理学家 5)satirist讽刺作家
6)encyclopaedist百科全书编纂者 7)geologist地质学家 8)sociologist社会学家 9)zoologist动物学家
lO)impressionist印象派艺术家 l1)environmentalist环境保护论者 12)terrorist恐怖主义分子 Ⅶ.
2)submerge淹没,潜入水中 3)subantartic亚南极的
4)subsolar在太阳正下面的,赤道的 5)subhead小标题
6)subaquatic半水栖的 7)subdivide把„„再分 8)suboxide低氧化物 9)subclass亚纲
lO) subclimax亚顶极群落 l1)subcommittee小组委员会 12)subconscious下意识的 13)subcontinent次大陆 14)subcontract转包合同 15)subculture亚文化群 16)subspecies亚种 17)subsoil 底土
18)sublethal ( 毒药的量等 ) 尚不致命的 Ⅷ.
inland sea, desert, core sample, glacier, atmosphere, carbon dioxide, polar ice cap, global warming, Amazon rain forest, species of birds, ecological balance, noctilucent cloud, methane gas, natural gas, landfills, coal mines, rice paddies, termites, biomass, upper atmosphere, elephants, greenhouse gases, water vapor, growing mountains of waste, acid rain, chlorine, human activities, heat-absorbing molecules, global climate equilibrium, winds, rainfall, surface temperatures, ocean currents, sea level, vegetative and animal life, etc. IX.
1)basic examples 2)unalterable 3)meeting 4)characterized strike against each other 5)set up 6)see, attack 7)at the same time 8)balance 9)increasing, existence 10)task ll)out-of-date
1)consequences 2)results 3)results 4)outcome 5)results,
6)outcome 7)causes 8)causes 9)reason 10)reason ll)relations 12)relationship 13) relations 14)relationship 15)complex
16)complex 17)complicated 18)complex 19)simple 20)simplistic XI.
1)with 2)of 3)on 4)of 5)in 6)in 7)against 8)than 9)of lO)as ll)as 12)with 13)of 14)of 15)for 16)of XII.
relationship, environment, garbage, what, endless, allow, that, dumping, dispose, drown, having, old, mind, running, waste, it, sight 11 recent, debates, disposal, ocean, elsewhere, confront, capacity, of, quantities, only, change, reduce, we, used, interdependent, chosen, unless, dramatically, thinking, humankind, inherit
XIII. Omitted.
We Must Protect Our Ecological System
With the development of human civilization, man has created countless wonders, but at what a price! Our ecological sys-tem, on which all animals' existence depends, has been seriously damaged and is still being threatened. The earth's temperature is getting higher, more and more forests are being felled, large numbers of animals are facing extinction, and deserts are expanding at an incredible rate.
The causes for the worsening ecological system are manifold. Perhaps two of the major problems lie in people's pursuit of short-term interests with little attention to long-term interest sand their pursuit of individual interests rather than collective interests. In the first case, many lakes are filled to grow crops or even build houses; trees are cut down, only bare mountains stand cold in the wind and are capable of holding no water when it rains. In the second case, scenic spots become dirty and deserted because of newly established nearby factories producing waste water and air; industrial countries invest heavily in chemical factories in the Third World nations, keeping their own land relatively clean.
To solve the problems mentioned above, we should try our best to balance
short-term interests with long-term ones by making long-term plans and taking as many things as possible into consideration. We're living today and are still to live tomorrow we and our posterity both have to live on the earth. Besides, Global action should be taken to protect our ecological system. People, eastern or western, rich or poor, should join their hands to prevent our ecological system from being further damaged. We have only one earth and we have to make it a better world.
Lesson4 Everyday Use for your grandmama
I .
1)In real life the mother was a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands.
2)Dee like her mother to have a slender figure and a fair skin, glistening hair and a quick and witty tongue.
3)When she meets a strange white man, she always avoids looking him in the eye and is ready to go away.
4)Maggie is an innocent, timid and kind-hearted girl.
5) Because they were more seriously looked down upon by white men at that time, and they were not as awaken as they are today.
6)Because Dee doesn't like her friends to see the poor state her family is in, which she thinks is shameful. This tells us that Dee is somewhat a snob. Another instance to prove this is that she wants nice things. 7)Because it was old and stitched by hand instead of by machine. So that she could use them for decoration showing to the people she was associated with.
8)Maggie wanted the quilt because she could remember her grandma better, who taught her to do needle work.
9)Because she wanted to get some valuable heritages of the family, mainly out of her vanity.
10)At first the mother liked Dee because of her beauty, taste, and education. But with the development of the story, her love was transferred to a dislike because of Dee's egotism, which was obviously revealed when she insisted on taking the quilts while her sister Maggie gave up keeping it willingly to satisfy her desire. 11)It's implied that the story is written in honor of the grandma mentioned in it and that the ordinary old thing may be something precious for the young. Ⅱ.
1)She thinks that her sister has a firm control of her life.
2)She could always have anything she wanted, and life was extremely generous to her.
3)The popular TV talk show star, Johnny Carson, who is famous for his witty and glib tongue, has to try hard if he wants to catch up with me.
4)It seems to me that I have talked to them always ready to leave as quickly as possible.
5)She imposed on us lots of falsity.
6)imposed on us a lot of knowledge that is totally useless to us 7)She is not bright just as she is neither good-looking rich. 8)Dee wore a very long dress even on such a hot day. 9)You can see me trying to move my body a couple of seconds before I finally manage to push myself up.
10)Soon he knows that won't do for Maggie, so he stops trying to shake hands with Maggie.
11)As I see Dee is getting tired of this, I don't want to go on either. In fact, I could have traced it far back before the Civil War along the branches of the family tree.
12)Now and then he and Dee communicated through eye contact in a secretive way. 13)If Maggie put the old quilts on the bed, they would be in rags less than five years.
14)She knew this was God's arrangement.
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. IV.
2)a stupid person/a simpleton 3)tightly curled
4)expressed or worded well/felicitous 5)say (used to describe dialogue)
6)as if shake hands in a fancy and elaborate way 7)I knew you couldn't trace it further back
8)mispronounced, failed to pronounce it correctly 9)people who bred and fatten cattle for meat 10)talked much and rapidly V.
1)Dee, however, is not like me. 2)I could never carry a tune.
3)It was like the reaction you have when you see the wriggling end of a snake just in front of your foot on the road.
4)Dee comes out of the car next. She is wearing a dress long enough to touch the ground, in spite of this hot weather.
5)Her earrings are gold,too,and they are hanging down to her shoulders. 6)\"No,Mama,”she says \"My name is not Dee now,it has changed into Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo!”
7)“Why shouldn't I call you by your new name?'’ 8)Those people were always too busy:„
9)\"Did Uncle Buddy whittle that one, too?” asked the barber.
10)“Imagine that she did all the stitching by hand!” she breathed again,clutching them to her bosom. Ⅵ.
1)„my complexion had a smooth and creamy texture.
2)„uncomfortably and nervously,wanting to get away as soon as possible. 3)„the quick and great humor that would make everybody laugh immediately. 4)He wasted no time in marrying a contemptible city girl from a family of ignorant ostentatious and vulgar people.
5)„move her feet in great discomfort.
6)\"Maggie's brain is very slow,”Wangero said, laughing. 7)„slightly sunken areas.
8)\"Mama,”Wangero said in an extremely sweet voice. 9)She breathed suddenly in painful surprise. 10)For us colored people。this is a new era。and we must seize our opportunities. Ⅶ.
3)of this sort带有贬义,暗示这种电视节目质量低劣,档次不高;like this one无贬义。
5)furtive 俩。指做事偷偷摸摸,心中有鬼;sly指长于欺骗,玩弄伎俩。 6)dangling意为在空中摇荡;hanging指把东西挂起来。
8)breathe意思是轻声地说,低语;breathe again是固定词组,意为如释重负,松了一口气。 Ⅷ.
1)A pleasant surprise,of course.This is much better than a situation in which the parent and child came on the show only to curse out and insult each other. 2)None of the Johnsons had a quick tongue.
3)I could never possibly look a strange white man in the eye.
4)1 know you hated the house and so you are very glad to see the house being burnt down.
5)You may take one or two of the other quilts. Ⅸ.
1)cropped up 2)put up 3)keep up with 4)brought up 5)brought together 6)hanging about 7)hung back 8)hung 9)hanging down 10)handed down 11)by hand 12)out of style 13)with a style 14)by hand 15)stuck to 16)carried back Ⅹ.
1)hog猪 2)bull calf小公牛 3)dog狗 4)cow奶牛 5)mule骡子 6)snake蛇 7)sheep羊 8)lizard蜥蜴 9)fish鱼 lO)cattle牛
Ⅺ.Since she never had an education herself,she tended to use simple words,fragmented sentences and other ungrammatical sentences.To give one example。she
used “like” to introduce a clause instead of “as”.
1)A big fire burned to the ground more than 300 homes in the slum neighborhood. 2)If you are upright and not afraid of losing anything, you will be able to look anyone in the eye. 3) Despite the flood, the losses in agricultural production were not that serious. 4) This blouse doesn't match the color or the style of the skirt. 5)Let's talk about the matter over a cup of coffee. 6)I can't imagine you doing disgraceful things.
7)He couldn't imagine why people were opposed to his suggestions.
8)Stepping off from the car, the official was confronted by two terrorists. 9)As long as we stick to these principles, we will surely be successful. 10)She was shocked at the news, but before long she recomposed herself. ll)It is very difficult to trace this quotation to its source.
12)Their way of life could be traced to the ancient traditions handed down to them by their ancestors more than one thousand years ago.
XlII. Omitted. XlV.
My Family
Ours is a big family. My father is a worker who lives in a lo-cal city. Both my oldest uncle and second uncle set up house-keeping in the countryside. My youngest uncle is a teacher and lives far from us. Great changes have taken place in my family since the beginning of the reform and opening policy.
In the late 1970s, our big family had a get-together and discussed the problem of my grandma's residence. Those were hard times. No one took the initiative to live with her. Each family had a skeleton in the cupboard. Oldest uncle had room only e-n0ugh to shelter them from the wind and rain. He had to tighten his belt to keep the family pot boiling. Second uncle had nothing but four bare walls to face and led a dog's life. Youngest uncle was said to be living in a dormitory and couldn't even afford a trip back. My father lived in a bungalow which was a doll's house thing and had to eke out our livelihood. But it was better anyway. My grandma lived on with us.
Such was my family at that time. Each family of the big ex-tended family was in financial straits. In the early 1990s, my big clan held another family meeting and still my grandma's residence was discussed. But great changes had occurred. Each smaller family was \"fighting\" for the chance to live with grandma. The meeting began in a merry atmosphere. My father started, \"The government has established a system of floor wages and ceiling working hours. We have a steady income and regular leisure time. Besides, we have a well-furnitured apartment. \" Oldest uncle hastened, \"The state has legalized us to be engaged in household sideline production, so I have set up
a small but rather profitable poultry farm. Moreover, there is more spacious room. \" Second uncle would't fall behind, \"I have contracted to run a large stretch of land and engage many farm hands. I profit a lot from it. I have more leisure time. \" Eventually, as regards the peace in the country-side, my grandma moved to second uncle, youngest uncle took a flight back and told us he had just bought a flat. That was my family about 10 years later. Each smaller family lived in abundance. Now, oldest uncle is manager of a large-scale poultry farm and second uncle's farm has been mechanized. To sum up, the spring wind of the reform and opening policy has led to great changes and my family is well on the way toprosperity
Lesson5 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R. I .
1)Germany attacked Russia on an enormous front by air on Sunday, June 22. 2)He was not surprised at the news, because he had thought that the Germans would attack the Soviet Union.
3)Because he had only one purpose, the destruction of Hitler, who he thought was the worst in the world.
4) The policy that Churchill declared Britain would pursue was to destroy Hitler and wipe off every single trace of the Nazi regime.
5)According to Churchill, Hitler's invasion of Russia served as the first step for his invasion of Britain, thus controlling of the Western Hemisphere. Ⅱ .
1)Hitler was hoping that if he attacked Russia, he would win in Britain and the U.S. the support of those who were enemies of Communism.
2)Winant said the United States would adopt the same attitude.
3)In this way, my life is made much easier in this case, it will be much easier for me to decide on my attitude towards events.
4)I will not take back a single word of what I have said about Communism. 5) I can see the German bombers and fighters in the sky, who, after suffering severe losses in the aerial battle of England, now feel happy because they think they can easily beat the Russian air force without heavy loss.
6) We shall be more determined and shall make better and fuller use of our resources.
7)Let us strengthen our unity and our efforts in the fight against Nazi Germany when we have not yet been overwhelmed and when we are still powerful.
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. IV.
1 ) anti-Communist 反共产主义的(人); antichrist反对基督(教)的(人) Here \"anti-\"means \"against\\"hostile to\\"opposed to\". Other examples, anti-Japanese, anticolonial, anti-party, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, anti-apartheid,
antidraft, antislavery, anti-Smith.
2) antibacterial抗细菌的,抗菌物; antifreeze 防冻剂 In these two cases, \"anti-\"means \"preventing', \"curing', \"neutralizing\" or \"reducing\". Other examples : antiknock, antitoxin, anti-pollution, anti-malarial, antifriction, anti-icer. 3)antiaircraft 防空的 anti-ballistic missile反弹道导弹 Here \"anti-\"has the meaning of \"counteracting\antitank, antipersecution, antitrust, antigas, antisubmarine, antidote, antimagnetic.
4 )antithesis (修辞学中的)对句,对话,偶句; antihero (小说,戏剧中)不按传统性主角品格塑造的主角 Here \"anti-\"means \"opposite\\"reverse\". Other examples : antimatter, antipole, antiparticle, antineutron, antiphrasis, antipode, antinovel. V.
1)He was almost at the end of his powers when„ 2)-\"his reputation is uncertain. 3)He completely ignored„
4)People who are in a vulnerable position should not attack others. 5)This may teach the young man not to take foolish risks. 6)\"'brought him great success.
7)The pupils took the teacher as their example. 8)...an enormous pile of letters. Ⅵ.
1)Whether for him, the arch anti-Communist, this was riot bowing down in the House of Rimmon :whether he was not renouncing his previous attitude towards Communism; whether he was not changing his position since he had all along been opposed to Communism.
2)I suppose they will be rounded up in hordes: I think the Red armymen will be surrounded and captured in surprisingly large numbers.
3)The Nazi regime is devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination: Here \"appetite\" is used metaphorically, meaning strong German desire for conquest.
4)Still smarting from many a British whipping: Here \"whipping\" is used metaphorically, meaning counterattack.
5)rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its peoples from his yoke: Here both \"shadow\" and \"yoke\" are used metaphorically, the former meaning the very strong power or influence (of Hitler) and the latter meaning control. Ⅶ.
1)as cool as cucumber 2)fact and fantasy 3)He came back sound and safe. 4)She sang a song.
5) Next to health, heart and home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobile.
Parallel structure : 1)We will never parley
We will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang 2)We shall fight him by land We shall fight him by sea We shall fight him in the air 3)behind all this glare
behind all this storm I see'\"
4)1 see the Russian soldiers standing'\" I see them guarding...
I see the ten thousand villages... I see advancing upon... I see also the dull„
I see the German bombers„ I see that small group„ 5)that is our policy
and that is our declaration
6)We shall be fortified and encouraged in our efforts.
We shall be strengthened and not weakened in determination and resources. 7)Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience. Let us redouble our exertions„ Repetition :
1)We have but one aim and one single, irrevocable purpose. 2)He has so long thrived and prospered.
3)We will never parley, we will never negotiate... IX.
the Nazi war machine, a swarm of crawling locusts, small group of villainous men, his shadow, his yoke, his tyranny, Hitler's blood-lust and the hateful appetites X.
1)preparing, writing down 2)very fast and violently 3)obtaining, getting 4)returned 5)spent...on it 6)frontiers 7)ancient time 8)evil 9)agree 10)hold talks with our enemy ll)religious belief; faith 12)sadly, deplorably 13) great and sudden disaster XI.
1)This is true of the rural area as well as of the urban area. 2)He was counting on their support.
3)I don't remember his exact words, but I'm sure he did say something to that effect.
4)Churchill said, \"Tell Stalin that Britain has but one desire --to crush Hitler.
5)Only 9% of the population in that country remains illiterate. 6)This leaves them no choice but to rely on his efforts. 7)The guests were overwhelmed by the warm reception. 8)They overwhelmed the enemy by a surprise attack.
9)Their difficulty is our difficulty just as we view their victory as our own victory.
10)It is clear that German fascists were trying to put the people in that region under their domination.
1)turn 2)turned...into 3)turn 4)turned to 5) turned„into 6 ) turning„ to 7 ) turn „ on 8) turned down 9 ) turned out 10)turned out 11)turn up
XIII.(6) (1) (4) (7) (3) (2) (5)
XIV. Omitted. XV.
The Nazi regime is the most wicked in the world. Now, it is invading U. S. S. R. , and the Russian soldiers are doing their best to safeguard their country. This is a crucial point. I have to declare the policy we should follow. Our policy is to destroy Hitler and every vestige of the Nazi regime. Therefore, we must make every effort to fight together with those who fight Hitler and his supporters. We must unite all our friends and allies in every part of the world to fight Hitler. Hitler's invasion of Russia is merely a prelude to an invasion of Great Britain, which will lead to his total control over the Western Hemisphere. The Russian danger is therefore our danger, and the danger of the United States. If we don't unite, we'll be struck down one by one. Let us make a joint effort to fight the Nazi German.
1)Yes, he did, because he wanted to make them more anxious.
2)Because she didn't like her maid and secretary to know what they would talk to the detective.
3)Because he thought that he knew their secret and that he was in an advantageous position.
4)She found a note made but not destroyed by her husband.
5)He found that on the night the couple entered the hotel through the basement instead of the lobby, both very much shaken.
6)A brush trace is a mark left on something when lightly touched or rubbed. 7)Ogilvie came to talk with them rather than go to report to the police. 8)They had to spend one day or two investigating in the suburban areas.
9)Because every repair shop had been told to report to the police when a car
needing fixing like theirs came in.
10)She thought that was safe for them by making use of the detective's avidity. 11)Originally, the detective asked for ten thousand only to keep silent and not to report to the police. But now the Duchess was asking him to drive their car north and she was ready to offer such a large sum. She knew the detective was greedy. Given so much money, he would do as she told him to. 12)Yes, Ogilvie accepted the Duchess' offer.
Ⅱ .
1)The house detective's small narrow eyes looked her up and down scornfully from his fat face with a heavy jowl.
2)This is a pretty nice room that you have got.
3)The fat body shook in a chuckle because the man was enjoying the fact that he could afford to do whatever he liked and also he was appreciating the fact that the Duchess knew why he had come.
4)He had an unnaturally high-pitched voice. now, he lowered the pitch. When he spoke
5)Ogilvie spat out the words, throwing away his politeness. pretended 6)The Duchess was supported by her arrogance coming from parents of noble families with a history of three centuries and a half. She wouldn't give up easily.
7)It's no use. What you did just now was a good attempt at trying to save the situation. 8) \"That's more acceptable,\" Ogilvie said. He lit another cigar, \"Now we're making some progress. \"
9)...he looked at the Duchess sardonically as if he wanted to see if she dared to object to his smoking.
10)The house detective made noises with his tongue to show his disapproval.
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. IV.
1)advertisement 2)brassiers 3)doctor 4)refrigerator 5)gymnasium 6)high fidelity(radio, photography, etc. ) 7) intercommunication system 8)liberation 9)memorandum 10)microphone 11)modern 12)permanent wave 13)poliomyelitis 14)popular-song 15)preparatory (school) 16)professor 17)sister 18)television 19)veterinarian 20)zoological V. 1)a half-finished letter 2)a half-closed window 3)a piece of half-baked bread 4) a half-turned body 5) a well-appointed hotel 6)well-behaved pupils 7)well-chosen words 8)well-fed children 9)well-informed sources (people) 10) high-flown language
1)sound (v.) His words sound lofty and pretentious.
2)figure (v.) Commerce figures largely in the prosperity of the city. 3)go (n.) He is always on the go from early morning till late at night. 4)try (n.) He didn't succeed in his first try, but he kept on jumping. 5)dust (v.) They are dusting
6)square(v. ) He squared his the crops with insecticide. shoulders to show his determination.
7)good(n.)Overworking yourself will do more harm than good. 8)head(v.)On hearing that,he headed straight for the gate without looking back. 9)make(n.)I don't like a bicycle of this make. 10)reason(v.)If you reason from false premises.how can you expect the conclusion to be sound? Ⅶ.
1)real 2)of no use/useless 3)are making some progress/ are accomplishing something 4)explain it exactly and in detail 5)what happens 6)deduce/reason out 7)started for 8)upset 9)a quick examination or inspection 10)need/occasion 11)observes/notices 12)bribed 13)wealthy/well— to—do Ⅷ.
1)surveyed 2)gaze 3)swept 4)flipped 5)chuckled 6) shot out 7)spat forth these words 8)sprang to her feet 9)clasped lO)swung around 11)detect 12)stared Ⅸ.
4)tired指疲劳或疲倦;weary指厌倦,不能或不愿继续下去。 5)leisurely意为不紧不慢地或从容不迫地。 6)oblige指为„„帮忙;help意义广泛得多。 7)discreetly意为保持沉默,不让别人知道。
9)tense和nervous都表示害怕、担心;tense还可指焦虑不安,神经上紧张。在这里,用tense暗示公爵不是一个生性紧张的人,而是当时焦虑不安和害怕。 10)eventuality指可能出现的结果,possibility指可能出现的事情。
1)sleep 2)work 3)the moment 4)thought 5)a doubt 6)time 7)labour 8)perspiration 9)music lO)mind 11) steel 12)events 13)laughter 14)refusal Ⅺ.
1)他从不会被出乎意料的问题难倒。 2)明年他们将生产更多的稻米。 3)这事真难办。(或:这事真糟。) 4)他跃跃欲试。
5)这位老人仍然精力充沛。 6)这个小店出售花哨的小商品。 7)你想喝点什么?
8)这个男孩正在猛长个儿。 9)这个女孩是个神枪手。
10)这两位大人物进行了私下会晤。 11)我们被安排在招待所里过夜。 12)他发现自己陷入了困境。 13)突然我想到了一个主意。
14)他的科学幻想小说在美国轰动一时。 Ⅻ.
1)There is no call for hurry.Take your time. 2)Are you suggesting that I am telling a lie? 3)He tried every means to conceal the fact.
4)Our chance to succeed is very slim.Nevertheless we shall do our utmost. 5)We will have our meeting at 10 tomorrow morning unless notified otherwise. 6)Neither of us is adept at figures.
7)Would it be possible to reach that place before dark assuming we set out at 5 o'clock(in the morning)?
8)He was reluctant to comply with her request.
9)I know you are from the South. Your accent has betrayed you. 10)We have no alternative in this matter.
XIII. Omitted.
Summary The Duke and the Duchess occupy a luxurious suite in a large hotel in New Orleans. On Monday evening while driving with his wife from a gambling house, the Duke knocks down a woman and her child. Both are killed. The Duke and the Duchess, however, drive away. The hit-and-run becomes top sensational news in the city. The hotel's chief house detective Ogilvie notices the battered car when it comes back. He does not go to report this to the police, instead, he comes to the couple's suite and has
a talk with them. He promises to keep quiet about what he knows and asks for a large sum of money in return for the favour. The Duke, now totally at a loss as to what to do, has to let his wife handle the problem. The Duchess, a clever woman, first pretends to know nothing about what the detective says and denies the fact that they have killed the woman and the girl, but later admits it after the detective has produced a lot of evidence. She understands that to get themselves out of this mess, the car has to be driven out of the south where people are alerted about the hit-and-run. So she offers to pay Ogilvie twice more than he has asked on condition that he drives the ear to Chicago up in the north. The greedy detective accepted the offer under the imposing air and the lure of money.
Lesson7 The Age of Miracle Chips I .
1)It looks like a stylized Navaho rug or the aerial view of a railroad switching yard. It is made mostly of silicon.
2)The computer of 25 years ago was as large as a room. The miracle chip of today is small, cheap, easy to mass produce, fast, infinitely versatile and convenient. 3)At 7:30 a. m. , when the alarm :lock burrs, the bedroom curtains swing silently apart, the venetian blinds snap up and the thermostat boosts the heat to a cozy 70~. The percolator in the kitchen starts burbling; the back door opens to let out the dog. The TV set blinks on with the day's first newscast. After the news on TV comes the morning mail, from correspondents who have dictated their messages into the computer network. Mr. A. , still in bed, then presses a button on a bedside box and issues a string of business and personal memos, which appear instantly on the genie screen. After his shower, which has turned itself on at exactly the right temperature at the right minute, Mr. A. is alerted by a buzzer and a blue light on the screen. His boss is on his way to the office. Mr. A. dresses and goes out to the car, the engine of which is running.\" After her husband has kissed her goodbye, Mrs. A. uses the computer to do shopping for tonight' s dinner party. Then she orders from the memory bank her favorite recipes, tells the machine to compute the ingredients for six servings, and directs the ovens to reach the correct temperature for each dish according to the recipe, starting at 7:15 p.m. She then joins a televised discussion of art. Later she wanders into the computer room where she has just learned from his headset that his drill in Latin verb conjugation was very good. 4)Home information management systems will take over memo pads, notebooks, files, bills and the kitchen bulletin board. And housewives will be able to do their shopping by computer TV.
5)Hospital computers will take the place of doctors to talk to patients and they are programmed not only to remind the pharmacy department to prepare prescriptions but also to alert nurses to give the proper dosage at the right time.
6)In addition to the microprocessors under the hood that will help the machine operate more efficiently, tiny computers will ease tensions and make life simpler for the driver and passengers too. For example, at the push of a button, the driver
can get a readout on the amount of fuel in the tank, and the number of miles he can expect to go before a refill is necessary or he can find out the miles yet to go to a preset destination and the estimated arrival time. The best auto will contain a small portable phone capable of reaching any number in the world in seconds, automatic braking and a miniradar to avoid collisions.
7)In schools, computers will be more common than slide projectors, movie film projectors and tape recorders. They'll be used from the moment school opens, through break, through lunch period, and to the closing of the school.
8)The computer revolution is stimulating intellects, liberating limbs and pushing mankind to a higher level of existence. Ⅱ .
1)The breakthrough in microelectronics will change people's lives in ways no one has ever thought of before. 2)Although at present only the rich man can afford custom made goods,the average person will be able to afford them in the future.
3)The computer might appear to make human beings machinelike,but it can bring some human qualities into our lives as well.
4)Personal service in medical care is regarded as the most important part of the American life.
5)It is the young Americans who will gain most of the advantages from the electronic revolution.
6)Right now,millions of American computer users are not able to make full use of the computer.
Ⅲ.See the translation of the text. Ⅳ.
1)微生物学 2)微型电路 3)缩微胶卷;缩微照片 4)显微图;微动扩大器;微写器 5)密纹唱片 6)显微照片;缩微照片 7)显微阅读器 8)微秒(百万分之一秒) 9)使微小化;使超小化 l0)微波 V.
1)miniradar超小型雷达 2)superpower超级大国 3)miniskirt超短裙 4)minipants超短裤 5)superfine过分精细的,(商品)特级的 6)minibus小型公共汽车,面包车 7)superhigh frequency超高频率 8)superhighway超级公路 9)superhuman超人的,神的,超过常人的 10)minicamera小型照相机 Ⅵ.
1)car 2)car 3)car 4)cigarettes 5)tape recorder(radio,TV set,stereo—equipment,etc.) 6)tea 7)watches 8)camera 9)airplane 10)life jacket Ⅶ.miracle chips,silicon,calculating capability,microcomputer, screen, read-out,
keys, terminal, memory bank, compute, computer room, microelectronic revolution, home computer system, computerize, household computer, program, information
management system, computer TV, microprocessor, magical beasts, a silicon circuit. Ⅷ.
1)assumed, shouldered 2)vast, huge, hulking 3)huge burdens of drudgery, a vast array of tasks 4)conducted 5)in time 6)amazing 7)order 8)punch (press, push) a button 9)wandered 10)to calculate IX.
1)read-out 2)be computerized 3)automakers 4)apparatus 5)appliances 6)computers 7)vacuum tubes 8)capabilities 9)applications 10)silicon chips , microcomputer-controlled 11)calculation 12)information 13)program. Ⅹ.
1)In addition to data processing, the modern computers have the capabilities of making decisions and choices.
2)This device is capable of sending messages to the other hemisphere within a couple of seconds.
3)The new products are being mass-produced.
4)The students are collecting information associated with micro technology. 5)In what ways do you think the mechanization in agriculture will affect the life of the peasants in our country?
6)Please give me a rundown of last week's news.
7) The adoption of computers made it possible for them to perform their task with high efficiency and speed.
8)In a few years, the TV set will be within the reach of the average family. 9)Calculating instruments were in existence long ago.And it was from those past calculators that modern computers evolved. 10)Despite their countless capabilities,the miracle chips must be programmed by human beings?
11)It is estimated that by the end of this year there will be 120 000 machine men(robots 1 working at various posts in service of the human race. 12)This instrument is portable,therefore convenient for the prospectors?13)I'm afraid your TV set needs repairing:It seems there 1s something wrong with the tube. Ⅺ.
YIT. Omitted.
The Role the Computers Will Play in Our Four Modernizations When the computers are widely used,we may have large numbers of computerized robots which make our lives easier.
Some of them, like the pocket calculator, can work much more quickly than human beings can. And they rarely make mistakes.
In some ways robots are better than people. They work quickly, but do not make mistakes. They do not get bored doing the same job over and over again. And they never get tired.
So robots are very useful in factories. They can be taught to do many different jobs. At first, their electronic brains must be shown how the job is done. A person moves the robot' s \"arms\" and \"hands\" through each part of the job. The robot's brain re-members each move. When the robot is put to work on its own, its brain controls the rods, wheels and motors which move its arm. When the robot is needed for a new job, its electronic memory is \"wiped clean\". Then it is taught how to do its new task.
Robots are also used for doing jobs which are dangerous. They can move objects which are too hot or too heavy for people to handle. They can work in places which are too hot or too cold for people. And they are not affected by poisonous fumes or gases. In scientific research, they may be used for doing such jobs as handling radioactive materials.
In short, the computers will play an important role in our four modernizations. With their help, we will be relieved of tedious, hard or dangerous work and have more time for more challenging and valuable things or even for entertainment.
Lesson 8
An Interactive Life I .
1)An interactive life of the future will be extremely convenient and productive, and a huge amount of information will be available at the touch of a button, everything from airline schedules to esoteric scientific journals to video versions of Broadway.
2)Stepping into the past makes us well aware of the great difference between the past and the present. And the present will become the past of the future ,so we can
imagine what the future will be.
3)Since anyone can record news with a video-camera and put it on the universal network for everybody else to see, there is no longer any need for news anchorman like Peter Jennings.
4)If you want to see a film, you don't need to rent a tape and play it on your VCR. Instead, you may pick one from the catalog shown on the TV and phone the library to have it beamed to you. Those game fans may do it in the same way by contacting another electronic library which has a large number of video tapes with recordings of the actual shootings and killings seen in video game shops. Those who want to do shopping at home do not need to look through catalogs published by clothing companies. They may watch video catalogs with models displaying clothes of the newest fashion from various angles.
5)It is not considered genuine interactivity because it is not novel enough with but one step beyond passive viewing. It is still the traditional form of sitting on the couch watching.
6)That means a viewer has access to thousands of channels delivered through some combination of cable, telephone, satellite and cellular networks, which provide data from computer-based archives and information services.
7)Because a user might stand in front of a monitor receiver and just talk and listen, communicating with whatever or whomever some distance away.
8)It means an act or condition of moving towards the same place, result.
9)Because they were afraid its user would get one of Senator Proxmire's Golden Fleece awards.
10)Fibre optics will stop electronic highways from getting crowded and digitalization can translate all kinds of data into the simplest form of number and letter.
11) Intelligent agents are artificial devices which can solve problems, direct conduct by reasoning and which can function properly.
12)Because to build and maintain the information highway at present requires a large sum of money and a huge amount of other investment. II .
1)He imagined that the machine could record informal communication between departments in a company but other people thought it could be used to record music. 2)Since large sums of money have been spent on an idea which is mainly in the planning stage, since great hopes have been put on such an idea, there certainly is a lot of exaggerated publicity. 3)For example, you film a video which you think has special artistic pretensions. 4)-\"even for those who firmly believe in this ,it is difficult to work out the details of how it will actually function.
5) another electronic Library which has a large number of video tapes with recordings of the actual shootings and killings available in video game shops 6) It is just one step beyond passive viewing. It is still the traditional form of sitting on the couch watching.
7)ordering films which you will pay for watching and getting bills piled up by doing shopping at home paying with creditcards
8)Future programs may be the technological descendants of today's CD-ROM discs. 9)\"Interactivity\" for the time being may be the most used word which has little meaning but sounds impressive to outsiders while \"convergence\" follows \"interactivity\" closely in the second place in frequency.
10)At Present, politicians starting from President Clinton all the way down to lower-level officials are eager and willing to state that they are for the new medium. 11)The solution to the problem is t0 use fiber optics? 12)Digits are digits.Digits are really wonderful?
13)Try to think what the conversation would be like:“I have got a user who will suit you fine!”
14)Interactivity may widen the gap between those people or nations with relatively much wealth or rich resources and those without.those who have access to the network and those who cannot afford to use the information highway?
Ⅲ.See the translation of the text. Ⅳ.
1)personal computer私人电脑
2)differential aptitude test鉴别能力倾向测验 3)computer aided designing计算机辅助设计 4)computer aided manufacturing计算机辅助制造
5)United Nations Development Programme联合国发展方案(联合国发展署) 6)United Nations Institute for Training and Research联合国训练研究所 7)World Health Organization世界卫生组织(联合国) 8)unidentified flying object不明飞行物,飞碟 9)International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织 10)most favored nation最惠国
11)Special Drawing Rights(国际货币基金组织的)特别提款权 12)free on board装运港船上交货 V.
1)media,bacteria,phenomena,strata 2)species,fish,deer,sheep
3)potatoes.heroes。volcanoes,tomatoes,Negroes,ghetto(e)s 4)analyses,crises,theses,geneses 5)stimuli,genii,loci,alumni Ⅵ.
information,data,network,intelligent agent,data highway, electronic library,interactive models,fake interactive,true interactive,television cables,fiber—optic cables,a TV monitor,hard disc,compact discs,multimedia。computer—based archives,information services,programmed electronic selectors,
video telephony,data transmittal,digitalization。Pulses of light,unimedia,artificial intelligence.information high—way,universal information library Ⅶ.
1)杰出人物统治论 2)类似人民党主义的主张 3)恐怖主义 4)穷人,贫民 5)民族主义 6)酒精中毒
7)多种文化融合论 8)象征主义,象征手法 9)多元论 10)唯一神教派 11)无产阶级性
1)院际 2)洲际
3)可互相转换的 4)在不同文化之间的
5)跨学科的 6)异族(不同宗教、人种问)的通婚 7)间奏曲,幕间演出 8)相互影响 9)相互联系 10)望远镜 11)电传排字机 12)电传
13)心灵感应的 14)技术统治论 15)专家政治论者 16)技术发展史 17)多极的 18)多能的,多用途的 19)在许多州有分公司的 20)大型综合性大学 21)一维的,一度的 22)单方面的
23)不分男女的 24)单一的,单元的,一致的 25)一年两次的 26)双语的 Ⅸ.
1)competitor竞争者 2)transmitter发报者 3)receiver收件人
4)terminator(月球、星球的)明暗界线 5)inventor发明者 6)recorder录音机
7)sticker屠夫;背面有粘胶的标签 8)carrier搬运人,递送人;航空母舰. 9)creator创造者;(大写)造物主 10)conductor售票员;(乐队)指挥
11)locker(公共场所供单人存放衣帽等用的)柜,小室 12)locator定位器,探测器 13)regulator管理者;调节器 14)detector发觉者;探测器 15)synthesizer合成物
16)condenser冷凝器,电容器 17)indicator指示物,指示器
18)controller审计官;调节器 19)sensor传感器
20)selector挑选者;波段开关 X.
1)There are no tickets available for Saturday's performance,let's do something else for the weekend.
2)The dress is available in all sizes.
3)To my knowledge.this is the most practical program they have ever conceived of.
4)The children have lots of fun playing the video games.
5)The play at the theatre was very poor fun.We hardly laughed at a11.
6)Right now.“tailoring” is the buzzword in executive suites of multinational corporations.
7)The programs of the music radio successfully cater to the different types of interest and taste among the listeners of varying backgrounds.
8)Some tabloids are trying hard to cater to the low taste of some readers for the sake of making money.
9)This oil refinery has a capacity of about one million tons of petroleum a year. 10)A stadium with a seating capacity of 80 000 is under construction.
11)It is the first time for the researchers have access to the valuable archives. 12)Only a few people had access to the details of the case. 13)The frontiers of medical science are being pushed farther onwards as time goes on.
14)The two rivals competed with each other so fiercely that they kept tabs on every move of the opponent.
15)The parents are pinning all their hopes on their son, so they've decided to send him to an expensive private school.
16)He is keen on all kinds of new things and has preference for computers. XI.
1)Hawkins says the work-at-home market could be computer based and provide a market for teleconferencing and portable computing devices ,like the device with Newton as its name which is highly recommended by Apple chairman John Sculley. 2)The cowboys round up cattle while the consumers round up data. To avoid being overwhelmed by a large amount of incoming data ,the viewer will depend on an electronic device with coded instructions to choose from the mass of in- formation the kind of things he needs.
3)„the wires, cables or air can no longer carry such great number of signals. 4)Maes and others admit that there's a disadvantage to all these dreams. 5)Certainly these electronic devices are a precious source of valuable information.
6)If that is the situation, the best thing to do is to join in for future Changes.
prosper, constantly || being, what, computer, suite, computer-wise, artificial, that, reports || like, same, set, case, orchestrates, overall, judgment || up, best, automate, not, robots, also, automation, neurocomputers ||computerized, worth, have, 1995, way, escape, intelligence, basic, a
XIII. Omitted. XIV.
The Impact of Science and Technology on Human Civilization Art creation is an unconquerable urge that can be found in every human culture. Ever since our ancestors finger painted on the walls of caves, the technology of art has been improving. Chisels, brushes, paints, canvas, pencils, pastels, forges, foundries ,cameras--all are the products of technology. When our species wishes to make something beautiful, it first constructs tools.
Recently, a new tool of constituting a potential revolution in the future of art has arrived: the electronic computer is able to store, access and manipulate large amounts of data and large numbers of picture elements. The field of computer art is still in its earliest stages but already displays immense promise. In principle, computers can create works recognizable in the style of the old masters, as well as art of a kind never before imagined.
The opportunities open to gifted artists who are also expert programmers are unlimited. This is , at least so far ,an usual combination, however--perhaps because the right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is mainly responsible for the overall conceptualizations essential for art, while the left is primarily in charge of the analytic thinking necessary of programming.
In another century, the sense of incongruity that many of us feel about mixing computers with serious aft will be out of date. Creating works of art with electronic computers will be on the mainstream of the history of art and, indeed, on the mainstream of the history of humanity.
Lesson 9
Mirror of America I .
1)Because his literary works such as two novels about Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are loved by Americans, who imagine he was adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous.
2)Before he became a writer, he worked as a tramp printer, river pilot, Confederate guerrilla, prospector, and reporter. He had done varied jobs.
3)He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days, signaling two fathoms of water.
4)He became a pilot on a steamboat in 1857 and stayed there for four and a half years. There he learned a lot about human nature and gained a keen perception of the human race. This experience immensely enriched his writing.
5)He left the river country because the development of railroad, rendered steamboat pilots less necessary and the Civil War began, stopping commerce. Then he became a Confederate guerrilla.
6)The celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.
7)Because it was a book centered on satirizing Europe and the Holy Land, arousing intense interest among Americans.
8)Because it is a classic tale of American boyhood describing Tom's mischievous daring, ingenuity, and the sweet innocence of his affection for Becky Thatcher. 9)Personal tradegy made him become bitter late in life. Ⅱ.
1)a man who became constantly preoccupied by the moral weaknesses of mankind 2)Mark Twain first observed and absorbed the new American experience, and then introduce it to the world in his books or lectures.
3)In his new profession he could meet people of all kinds.
4)With no money and a frashated feeling, he accepted a job as reporter with Territorial Enterprise in Virginia City, ...
5)Mark Twain began working hard to became well known locally as a newspaper reporter and humorist.
6)and when California makes a plan for a new surprise, the solemn people in other states of the U.S. smile as usual, making a comment \"that's typical of California\" 7)The man who had made the world laugh was himself consumed by bitterness.
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. IV.
1)compound nouns a) n. + n. : steamboat, pilothouse, keelboat, waterside, railroad, stagecoach, pickax, gold-fields, notebook, milestone, newspaper, bathtub, etc.
b)adj. (adv., prep. ) + n. : flatboat, hotbed, best-seller, rough-country, everything, downstream, etc. c)gerund +n. : mining-camp 2)compound adjectives
a)adj. +n. (-ed) :starry-eyed, acid-tongued, etc. b)adv. +past participle: best-loved
c)n. +present participle: energy-sapping d)v. +adv. :runaway V.
1)pessimist 2)civilized 3)dull 4)to accept 5)lazily 6)energetic, alert 7)to deny 8)small, tiny 9)interesting 10)cheerful VI.
river pilot, valley of the Mississippi River, main artery of transportation, keelboat, flatboat, large raft, downstream, steamboat, steamboat deck, stream. Ⅶ.
1)tramp printer 2)river pilot 3)pen name 4)steamboat days 5)Mississippi River 6)delta country 7)cub pilot 8) pilothouse talk 9)medicine shows lO)waterside slums ll)steamboat decks 12)steamboat trade 13)river country 14)gold and silver fever 15)Virginia city 16)newspaper reporter 17) city government 18) Sacramento Valley 19) rough-country settlers 20) mining-camp meals 21) Calaveras County 22) pleasure cruise 23) United States citizens 24)California newspaper 25)art treasures 26) book version 27)boyhood adventures 28)stage play 29) town drunkard 30)raft flight 31)steamboat explosion32)heart attack Ⅷ.
1)romantic意为“浪漫的”;sentimental意为“伤感的”或“易感伤的”;humorous意为“幽默的”或“风趣的”;witty意为“机智的”或“聪颖的”。 2)cynic意为“愤世嫉俗者”;critic意为“批评家”或“评论家”。
4)proclaim指正式宣布或宣称;claim表示对一项权利的要求和维护。 5)demand本为经济术语,与supply相对,即常说的“供需”;need为通用词,意为“需要”。 halt比stop更具体,暗指短暂的停止。
6)mistreatment指错误地对待;ill-treatment指虐待。 7)consequence常指不良后果或结果;result为常用词。
8)dreary指使人情绪低落,精神萎糜不振;tedious指单调,持续时间长,从而使人厌倦。 9)a pleasure cruise指旅游者乘船观光游览,不一定船上的人都玩得高兴;a pleasant cruise指乘船玩得很高兴,不一定是旅游。
11)robust指身强体壮、精力充沛的;healthy仅指健康无病。 12)desperation指因失望(despair)而表现出气急败坏的状态。 Ⅸ.
1)father:author,creator cruise through eternal boyhood:journey through lasting boyhood endless summer of freedom and adventure:long summer full of free and adventurous activities
2)artery:main route or channel
3)cast of characters:people of various sorts cosmos:a place where one can find all sorts of characters
4)current: stream (here not a good choice for the verb team)
5)succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever: gave way to (yielded to, submitted to) the gold and silver rush prevailing in that area
6)flirted with the colossal wealth \"\" and was rebuffed: did not try hard or persistently enough to get the colossal wealth \"\" failed
7)digging his way to regional fame: working hard to gain regional fame
8)honed: sharpened (It is not suitable to say \"to sharpen one's muscles\". ) X.
1)antithesis 2)euphemism 3)metonymy 4)alliteration 5)alliteration 6)personification 7)euphemism 8)antithesis XI.
1)The article does not touch the heart of the subject under discussion.
2)The newly completed railway is the main artery for traffic in the southwest of that country.
3)That problem produced two different currents of opinion among the Congressmen. 4)The overcrowded slum areas were a hotbed of diseases and vices. 5)Twain's source of inspiration never dried up. 6)Living in the enemy camp honed his wits. Ⅻ.
1)eternal boyhood 2)endless summer 3)a cosmos
4)a memory that seemed phonographic 5)the epidemic of gold and silver fever 6)a milestone in a country's development 7)America laughed with him.
8)„ almost as sure to be studied in American schools today as is the Declaration of Independence.
9)„ a moving panorama for exploration of American society 10)Twain found the ultimate expression of escape from„ ll)Personal tragedy haunted his entire life ...
12)Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.
l)completely, entirely 2)bankrupt, penniless 3)organizing
4)developing, carrying them out at high speed 5)as its characteristic is 6)wagered $ 50 with a stranger 7)exposed the falsehood of 8)cast away
1)He was obssessed with fear of poverty. 2)Dongting Lake teems with fish and shrimps.
3)Tom was every bit as intelligent as the top boy in his class. 4)He is an acquaintance of mine, but not a friend.
5)Under pressure, he had no other choice but quit office.
6)In the end he succumbed to her persuasion and decided to change his original plan.
7)Many children succumbed to small pox then.
8)Much to his horror, he found the cabin flooded.
9)The kids did extremely well in their exam, to the great satisfaction of both parents and teachers.
10)That's Peter all over.
11)Not until midnight did the surgeon finish the operation.
12)The history course has acquainted me with ancient civilizations. 13)The old writer shaped the folktale into a film scenario. 14)The dauntless revolutionary spirit of the Chinese people finds full expression in the new play.
XV. Omitted. XVI.
Mark Twain Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He was born in the small village of Florida, Missourion November 30, 1835. His family moved to Hannibal when Samuel was 4, where he spent his boyhood, fascinated by the romance and impressed by the violence of river life. Sam had relatively little schooling. He left school at 13, and became a full-time apprentice to a printer. At 18, he became a tramp printer and went to New York, then to Philadelphia and Washington, and finally to Iowa to set type for his brother's local paper. At22, he became a steamboat pilot's apprentice. About two years later, he became a pilot himself. He worked on the Mississippi River till 1861, learning a lot about human nature. In 1861,when the Civil War broke out, he became a Confederate guerrilla but retired after two weeks. Then he went to the West, and worked as a prospector, miner, and speculator, but failed. And then he did reporting for local papers. In February, 1863, he began to use the pen name Mark Twain, a river man's term for water that was just barely safe for navigation. In 1865, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County was published and he became famous. He married in 1870, and moved to Hartford, Conn. ,where he lived his most productive years (till 1891), during which he wrote Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Besides these two children's classics, he wrote many other important works in his life, among which were Roughing It, The Gilded Age, The Prince and Pauper, The One Million, Bank-Note and Other Stories, The Man that Corrupted Hadleybury and Other Stories and Sketches. He died in 1910.
Lesson10 The Trial That Rocked the World I.
1)In the 1920s,when he was a teacher at a secondary school in Dayton,a little town in the mountains of Tenessee,he was charged with teaching evolution and had to be present in the court.The trial。however,rocked the world.After the trial,he studied at the University of Chicago and became a geologist for an oil company later.
2)The struggles were in fact struggles between ignorance and wisdom.religion and science.That showed the spread of science and truth was no easy task. 3)Because the result would effect the whole country,even the world.
4)Darrow and Malone thought that the Bible could co—exist with the Evolution Theory and it was acceptable for a Christion to be an evolutionist.Besides,the Bible should not be interpreted and accepted literally.Bryan just thought the opposite way.
5) The trial began with prayer by a local minister. This showed the connection of the religion (Christianity) with the law. Among 12 jurors three had never read any book except the Bible. One couldn't read. That showed that the religion and ignorance play an important role in the law. Judging by the fact above, the law and legal proce- dures in the U. S. at that time were not sensible.
6)John Scopes lost the case in the court, but he won in a real sense.
7)We cannot take the Bible literally. Actually there is something inconsistent in it. It can be accepted as a religious book whose interpretation should not be defined by some people only.
8)This article is intended to draw the world's attention to the Evolution Theory and persuade people not to be stubbornly hostile to science. II.
1)We have some clever and unexpected tactics and we will surprise them in the trial.
2)The case had come down upon me unexpectedly and violently.
3)The fundamentalists believe in a word-for-word acceptance of what is said in the Bible.
4)that all life had developed gradually from a common original organism
5)Let's accuse Scopes of teaching evolution and let the court decide whether he is breaking the law or not.
6) People from the nearby mountains, mostly fundamentalists, came to support Bryan against those professors, scientists, and lawyers who came from the northern big cities and were not fundamentalists.
7)As my father complained angrily, \"That' s no jury at all. \"
8)He is here because unenlightenment and prejudice are widespread and unchecked. 9)People had to pay in order to have a look at the ape and to consider carefully whether apes and humans could have a common ancestry. 10)and the crowd, who were mainly fundamentalists, took his words showing no fear
as if they were prayers, interrupting frequently with \"Amen\"
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. Ⅳ.
1)legal terms: court, defence, criminal lawyer, leading councel for the prosecution, state legislature, trial, testify, a jury trial, case, indict, the U. S. Supreme Court, defend, presiding judge, attorney-general, open the session, juror, legality, witness, evidence, accuse, adjourn, verdict, jurymen, guilty, conviction 2)religious terms: fundamentalists , modernists, the Old Testament, fundamentalism, the Bible, agnostic, Catholic, Jew, infidel, God, Amen, Genesis\" Ⅴ.
1)Today the teachers are put on trial because they teach science, soon the magazines, books and newspapers will not be allowed to express new ideas.
2)\"It is doubtful whether man (rather the fundamentalist) has reasoning power,\" Darrow said in a contemptuous way. 3)The Christian believes that God in heaven made human being but the evolutionist thinks human beings come from lowly animals. The implication is there is nothing lofty, noble about human beings in the eyes of the evolutionist.
4)This is a pun, i. e. playing on words. This sentence may have two different interpretations, depending on how you read it. If you pause before the dash, it means Darwin, the naturalist is correct. If you read out the whole sentence, it means Darwin the shop owner is directly inside.
5)Even the ape shuddered when it realized that it might share the same ancestry with human beings (especially the fundamentalists). 6) Malone considered the defeat a blessing in disguise, although Scopes was found guilty, they had succeeded in drawing the attention of the people all over the United States to this issue.
7)The statement conveys false modesty about being with the people and indicates regional narrow-mindedness and bigotry.
8)This shows that the jurors were ignorant, prejudiced and narrow minded. There couldn't be a fair and impartial trial.
9)Bryan's role is self-appointed. There is no need for Bryan to act as the spokesman. If a thing is true it does not need anyone, least of all Bryan, to defend it.
10) Bryan was dead against knowledge, Science and new ideas, so it was ironical to name a university after him because the function of a university was to spread knowl-edge, science and new ideas. Ⅵ.
1)snowball: metaphor; grow or develop rapidly
2)circus atmosphere: metaphor; riotous holiday spirit 3)sprout: metaphor; grow or spring up quickly
4)spar: metaphor; fight with words, engage in argument 5)thunder: metaphor; say loudly and angrily
6)like a prairie fire: simile; spreading quickly, rapidly and overcoming all obstacles 7)scorch : metaphor wither, thoroughly defeat hot breath of his oratory: metaphor; the fiery speech, the caustic condemnation
8)a duel: metaphor; a life and death struggle
9)a storm of applause:metaphor;loud applause by many people 10)the oratorical duel:metaphor;the speech contest 11)spring the trump card:metaphor;take the most decisive course of action which one believes cannot fail
12)oratorical storm,blew up:metaphors;the great debate that took place like a fresh wind:simile;brought new and healthy changes.The great debate initiated by Clarence Darrow and Dudley Field Malone in the little court in Dayton brought new and healthy changes throughout the schools and legislative offices of the United States Ⅶ.
1)hyperbole 2)transferred epithet 3)synecdoche 4)
ridicule 5)sarcasm 6)irony 7)sarcasm 8)antithesis 9)hyperbole 10)ridicule,simile 11)ridicule 1 2)oxy-moran Ⅷ.
2)立法部门制订法律,行政部门执行法律,司法部门解释法律。 3)三个证人出庭作证,证明他无罪。
5)在美国法院,证人宣誓照实直说时,要把一只手放在《圣经》上。 6)自助者,上帝助之。
7)不管什么种族、民族和宗教信仰,在法律面前,法官应一视同仁。 8)Barristers是在法庭上进行控告或辩护的律师。
9)作为原告辩护律师,他就要尽力证明被告有罪。作为被告辩护律师,他就要为被告辩护。 Ⅸ.
1)At that time metaphysics was rampant.
2)I did not anticipate that 1 would get involved in this dispute
3)You must involve yourself in the work if you want to learn something.
4)The jury brought in a verdict of guilty and the judge sentenced him to three years' imprisonment. 5)Racial discrimination still exists in various forms in the United States though racial segregation is against the law.
6)I think we can reconcile the two views. 7)He seemed reconciled to the idea.
8)The spectators' hearts went out to the defendant.
9)The London papers expressed the view that the collapse of Nazi Germany was at hand.
10)He estimated the number of scouts on hand as ranging from three to five. 11)The project got under way soon after the signing of the contract. X.
criminal, guilt, defendant, legal, defence, afford, at, prison, prepared || trial, cross-examine, prosecution, witnesses, attend, compelled, court, counsel, right || jury, evidence, accused, verdict, innocence, unammous, majority|| appeal, tried, offence
XI. Omitted.
Because of the wording of the anti-evolution law, the prosecution had to believe that the Bible must be interpreted word for word. And Darrow sprang his trump card by calling Bryan as a witness for the defence. Bryan agreed. Darrow read from Genesis : \"And the evening and the morning were the first day. \" Then he asked Bryan if he believed that the sun was created on the fourth day. Bryan answered yes. Darrow asked, \"How could there have been a morning and evening without any sun?\" At this, Bryan did not know what to say. Darrow then asked if he believed literally in the story of Eve. Bryan answered yes. Darrow asked, \"And you be- lieve that God punished the serpent by condemning snakes for ever after to crawl upon their bellies?\" \"I believe that.\" \"Well, have you any idea how the snake went before that time?\" This made Bryan angry. \"Your honour,\" he said. \"I will answer all Mr. Darrow's questions at once. I want the world to know that this man who does not believe in God is using a Tennessee court to cast slurs on Him .-. \"\"I object to that statement,\" Darrow shouted. \"I am examining you on your fool ideas that no intelligent Christian on earth believes. \"The spectators burst into a brawl. The judge used his gavel to calm them down and adjourned court until next day.
Lesson11 But What's a Dictionary For? I .
1) the Atlantic. a \"disappointment\disaster\". the New York Times :speeding the deterioration of the language. the Journal of the American Bar Association: deplorable, a flagrant example of lexicographic irresponsibility, a serious blow to the cause of good English. Life :a non-word deluge, monstrous, abominable, a cause for dismay.
2)The making of the dictionary involves $ 3.5 million and the efforts of three hundred scholars over a period of twenty-seven years.
3)Between the appearance of these two editions, the science of descriptive linguistics has come into being. Some of the major features of the science are: a)Atl languages are systems of human conventions, not systems of natural laws. b)Each
language is unique in its pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, c)All languages are dynamic rather than static, d)\"Correctness'can rest only upon usage, and all usages is relative.
4)New dictionaries are needed because English has changed more in the past two generations than at any other time in its history.
5)He uses facts to show the popular press is using the language that the Third International describes, even including the very editorials which scorn it. 6)He says many English words may be spelled and pronounced, with equal correctness, in either way.
7)Because the obvious is not necessarily easy to define. 8)Yes, it certainly has some. Ⅱ.
1)a shameless example of irresponsibility in making the dictionary 2)What causes the abuse in the popular press?
3)Each language cannot be described according to other language, or even by its own past.
4)Every living language is in a process of constant change.
5)Even in spelling, which is so stable and hardly debatable, a dictionary cannot always decide absolutely which is right and which is wrong.
6) A dictionary should record the fact without bothering whether it can satisfy the vanity of those who use a dictionary to prove their unyielding position in an argument or help those who bet some money in support of their conviction. 7)Has the dictionary failed to do its duty?
8)Lexicography is a science and its judgment, like the judgment of God, cannot be swayed by anybody no matter what high social position he may occupy. 9)And this is also complicated, delicate, and always changing.
10)The editorial accuses the Third International of being pedantically and confusingly wordy.
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. IV.
1)anemia 2)anesthesia 3)behavior 4)favorite 5)check 6)center 7)meter 8)defense 9)dialog 10)gram 11) program 12)modeled 13)practice 14)maneuver 15)Moslem 16)fulfill V .
1)shame, disgrace 2)speed up the lowering of the quality 3)horrible, shocking/disgusting, very bad 4)quotations 5)difference, disagreement 6)forces 7)removed, taken away/irrelevant, not essential 8) given up, neglected 9)listeners 10) wordiness 11)increase 12)removal
1)to see sth. as 2)hoax 3)to charge 4)to set up 5)to
follow 6)quotation 7)to limit 8)to record 9)current 10)distinction 11)to be the business of Ⅶ.
1)Life regarded the dictionary being full of words that have not come to be accepted.
2)The difference...is by no means insignificant, it is basic. 3) Modern linguistics take Leonard Bloomfield's Language (1933)as its authority. 4)But if so, he has made unconsciously one of the biggest mistakes one is liable to make in dictionary making.
5)Anyone who tries to sort out the many meanings now included under door may have to sacrifice brevity to accuracy.
6)And, sure enough, in the definition which made the Post angry... Ⅷ.
1)alliteration and sarcasm 2)assonance and antithesis 3)metonymy 4) metonymy 5) synecdoche 6) sarcasm 7)synecdoche
IX .
1)Never has a scholarly work of this stature been attacked with such unbridled fury and contempt.
2)Is all this a fraud, a hoax?
3)The first—and essential—step in the study of any language is observing and setting down precisely what happens when native speakers speak it. 4)Change is constant—and normal.
5)But he wants—and has a right to—the truth,the full truth. 6)And this,too,is complex,subtle,and forever changing.
7)The fine print in the lease„-and the rent is computed on the number of rooms. 8)But one thing is certain:anyone who„nonsense. Ⅹ.
2)他总是从钱的角度考虑问题。 3)谈到这个男孩时他们总是赞扬。 4)从那时起两国一直保持着友好关系。 5)你必须把这件事记在他的帐上。 6)我们把成功归于你的帮助。
7)他的父母帮他开设了律师事务所。 8)他们被大雾耽搁了。
9)工作是困难的,但你一定要坚持下去。 10)她改行搞演唱了。
1)The Garden of Harmonious Interest was modelled on a garden in Wuxi. 2)He called on the children to model themselves on the PLA heroes. 3)This work may be relegated to philosophy.
4)Benjamin Franklin was as much a scientist and an inventor as a statesman. 5)He set down all the findings of every experiment in his notebook. 6)Can you sum up the central idea of this ancient poem in plain terms? 7)We should constantly adapt our thinking to the changing conditions.
8) The young soldier was frozen to death in the snow, his hands still hanging on to the gun.
9) The said company will furnish them with lodging and transportation. 10)The speed of motor vehicles is restricted to 55 km. per hour.
11)The cable message conveyed the deepest concern of the people in the capital for those in the quake-afflicted areas.
12)What can you infer about the author from the article it-self? 13)She has a preference for classical music.
14)The teacher urges the students to use English-English dictionaries in preference to English-Chinese dictionaries.
lexicography, it, dictionary, up, language, data, lexicographer, employed, selecting, fall, under, assembling, useful, for, their, establish, sometimes, of, changes, vocabulary, are, coinage, went, milestons, steps, that, such, listing, feet
XIII. Omitted.
At first, the author mentions the abuse in the popular press that greeted the appearance of Webster's Third New International Dictionary and asks: what underlies all this sound and fury? He doesn't answer the question at once but introduces the newly appearing science of descriptive linguistics related to the making of dictionaries. From the general findings of the new science he draws a conclusion that dictionary is good only insofar as it is a comprehensive and accurate description of current usage. Then by citing facts he points out that the English language has changed a lot since the birth of the Second International, and the popular press vehemently attacking the Third International uses many words only to be found in it. Therefore it is necessary to have a new dictionary to respond to and record the changing language. At last, he states though there is room for improvement in the Third International, it is wise and practical to use the Third instead of the Second.
Lesson12 The Loons
I .
1)The Tonnerres were poor The basis of their dwelling was a small square cabin made of poles and mud, which had been built some fifty years before. As the Tonnerres had increased in number, their settlement had been added, until thc clearing at the foot of the town hill was a chaos of lean-tos, wooden packing cases, warped lumber, discarded car tyres, ramshackle chicken coops, tangled strands of barbed wire and rusty tin cans.
2)Sometimes, one of them would get involved in a fight on Main Street and be put for the night in the barred cell underneath the Court House. 3)Because she had had tuberculosis of the bone, and should have a couple of months rest to get better.
4)Her mother first objected to take Piquette along because she was afraid that the girl would spread the disease to her children and she believed that the girl was not hygienic. She then agreed to do so because she preferred Piquette to the narrator's grandmother, who promised not to go along with the family and decided to stay in the city if the girl was taken along.
5)The cottage was called Macleod, their family name. The scenery there was quite beautiful with all kinds of plants and animals at the lakeside.
6)The narrator knew that maybe Piquette was an Indian descendant who knew the woods quite well, so she tried to ask Piquette to go and play in the wood and tell her stories about woods.
7)Because Piquette thought the narrator was scorning and showing contempt for her Indian ancestors, which was just opposite to her original intention.
8)Because the narrator felt somewhat guilty. Piquette stayed most of the time in the cottage and hardly played with the narrator. At the same time, she felt there was in Piquette something strange and unknown and unfathomable. 9)That was the very rare chance she was unguarded and unmasked, so that the author could perceive her inner world.
10)Her full name is Vanessa Macleod.
11)Just as the narrator's father predicted, the loons would go away when more cottages were built at the lake with more people moving in. The loons disappeared as nature was ruined by civilization. In a similar way, Piquette and her people failed to find their position in modern society. Ⅱ.
1)who looked deadly serious, never laughed
2)Sometimes old Jules, or his son Lazarus, would get involved in a rough, noisy quarrel or fight on a Saturday night after much drinking of liquor.
3)She often missed her classes and had little interest in schoolwork.
4)I only knew her as a person who would make other people feel ill at ease. 5)She lived and moved somewhere within my range of sight (Although I saw her, I paid little attention to her).
6)If my mother had to make a choice between Grandmother Macleod and Piquette, she would certainly choose the latter without hesitation, no matter whether the
latter had nits or not.
7)Normally, she was a defensive person, and her face was guarded as if it was wearing a mask. But when she was saying this, there was an expression of challenge on her face, which, for a brief moment, became unguarded and unmasked. And in her eyes there was a kind of hope which was so intense that it filled people with terror. 8)She looked a mess, to tell you the truth; she was a dirty, untidy woman, dressed in a very careless way.
9)She was brought in court several times, because she was drunk and disorderly as one could expect.
III. See the translation of the text. IV.
1)-ious: religious, rebellious, furious, obvious, conscientious 2)-ible: edible, eligible, visible, resistible, sensible
3)-able:separable,passable, standable manageable,readable,under- 4)-1y:manly,godly,deadly,motherly,monthly
5)-ive:sensitive,objective,decisive,aggressive,retrospective 6)-ul:beautiful,careful,lawful,handful,joyful
7)-less:soundless,meaningless,merciless,restless powerless 8)-y:dirty,healthy,sticky,showy,cloudy
9)-al:personal,national,conventional,traditional,hysterical 10)-ar:singular,polar,circular,similar,familiar. Ⅴ.
1)walk in limping manner一瘸一拐地走路
2)presence that causes embarrassment令人尴尬的人(或事) 3)eyes that do not smile不会笑的眼睛 4)a sound that ululates哀鸣
5)mockery that chills令人发冷的嘲笑
6)a birch log that is burning还在燃烧的白桦圆木 7)hope that terrifies令人生畏的希望
8)a resort that flourishes繁华的度假胜地 9)odours that penetrate强烈的气味 10)lumber that is warped弯曲的木材
11)car tyres that are discarded被人扔掉的汽车轮胎
12)strands of barbed wire that are tangled together,wire that are barbed搅成一团团的铁丝网
13)wild strawberries that are bruised表皮被擦伤的野草莓 14)a tree trunk that has been fallen伐倒的树干 15)shoppers who are offended被得罪的顾客
16)call that is drawn out for a long time拖长音的呜叫声 Ⅵ.
the water glistening greenly as the sun caught it;
All around the cottage were ferns„on the thin hairy stems;
two grey squirrels gossiping from the tall spruce beside the cottage,beach; icy water;
at night the lake was like black glass with a streak of amber which was the path of the moon„:
and flew out onto the dark still surface of the water:
there was no wind that evening„spearing through the stillness across the lake; etc. Ⅶ.
1)a rough and noisy quarrel or fight 2)very much
3)I'm absolutely sure
4)Why is that important? Why should I care?
5)1 am not supposed to walk unless it is necessary. 6)things like that 7)what exactly
8)Are you crazy or what? My father and I and the others 9)first—class,fine name lO)excellent Ⅷ.
1)grabbed 2)lure 3)stifled 4)howling 5)swung 6) thrashed 7)teetered 8)squawking even once 9)squashed lO)scrambled 11)flickered Ⅸ.
2)bad words指有教养的人不讲的话;obscenities指令人讨厌的脏话。
3)miraculously意为“神奇地”,“奇迹般地”;strangely enough 意为“特别奇怪地”,强调了“奇怪”的程度。
4)cottage指乡村或旅游胜地的小屋;villa指用于避暑消闲的 阔气的乡间别墅。 5)meticulously指过于细心,太拘小节;carefully有精细彻底或辛勤努力地的意思,表示以小心谨慎陶行为来避免错误 的出现;curious hands为转换修辞用法,实际上不指手,而 指那个小孩好奇;strange—looking意为“奇怪的样子”,指人的表情、外表看上去奇特或奇怪。
6)sullen意为“愠怒的”、“赌气的”;unhappy是常用词,表示 “不高兴的”。 7)respectfully指满怀敬意地;respectably指值得尊敬地。
9)path这里是指一长道反射的月光;reflection意为“反射”或 “被反射”,尤指镜中或静水中之映像。
10)suspect意指认为某事可能存在或发生,近于猜想;doubt 则指怀疑,不相信。 11)respond意为“反应”,不仅表现在语言上,还指作出积极的 行动;reply指对提出的问题或要求,经过认真考虑后,通过 书面、口头或某种行动的方式作正式的答复或回答。12)astounded指非常惊讶;surprised语气稍轻一些。
13)conventional指与正式的标准或原则相符或被其接受;traditional指跟传统一致的;reject表示拒绝同意、承认或相 信;resent指对人或事感到不快或气愤。
14)settlement指一小块或孤立的居住区;smell是常用词,指 气味,香臭不论;odour常指较浓的、易察觉或辨别的气味, 如chemical odours。 X.
1)What about cycling to the Fragrant Hills?
2)Only after her mother's death did the daughter realize that she was beginning to understand her mother.
3)She is a quiet person who does not enjoy other's company.
4)Seeing the funny look on his face.she could not help bursting into laughter. 5)The money does not belong to him.He borrowed it from a friend.
6)The second generation of immigrants are stiIl marginalized,belonging neither among the white society,nor among the Chinese Amarican community.
7)The Amarican couple put him up on the sofa in the living room for the night. 8)She opened her mouth but said nothing.Her mouth was round as though she wanted to sing a song.
9)He asked me how to set about learning a second foreign language. 10)This decree ceased to be effective last year.
11)This important news failed to find its way into the news paper. 12)I had trouble in making him change his mind. Ⅺ.
occupants,annihilated,from,year,massacre,place,great,assassinated,pay, remaining, refuge, children, cavalry, overlooking,turn,fired,loose,tepees,over,original,children,who,hit,since,few
My Childhood
I was born in a small village and my whole childhood was spent there. At that time, the countryside was poor and few families could afford a black—and—white television, let alone a colour TV.Fortunately,there was a film projection team in our people’s commune and it added to the happiness of my child—hood.
I became fascinated with films without my knowing it,and seeing a film became one of my major funs after schoo1. There was not a film On every day.Generally I would feel satisfied with one film every two or three weeks,though it was often reprojected in different villages.1 was happiest when my own village had a film on. Once the news came to me,I got excited,my spirits raised. Surely I would go
to the place where the film was to be on after school in the afternoon.1 was very pleased when l saw two deep holes dug,two long poles erected,and the screen hung high between the poles.After an early supper,I would carry along bench and occupy a better position,usually near the place in which the projector was to be,because it was also fun watching how the machine and tape worked.1 was not always SO lucky to get an ideal place,particularly when I toured with my elders to see a film in villages far away,as far as four or five Li on occasions.If I had classmates there,1 would be a little luckier since I had asked them to get a bench ready for me.Otherwise,I had to sit right under the screen,or if I chose,see the firm behind the screen.However,no matter where I found myself;I enjoyed seeing a film. Seeing a film in the open air was one of the major means of entertainment during my childhood.An old story as it is,I keep a place for it in my heart all the time.
Lesson13 Britannia Rues the Waves I .
1)Britain is sorry that she has lost her dominance on the high seas. Britain was proud of being the lord of the sea for along time, but now she regrets that she no longer enjoys a naval supremacy.
2)Shipping is a major successful industry in Britain because it makes over £l 000 million a year in foreign exchange earnings, which is of vital importance for the country. The reasons for the success are that the British ship-owners have put in big investment and that there has been a conference fixing prices to avoid cut-throat competition. 3)The stiff foreign competition comes from two main directions: from the Russians and the Eastern bloc countries who are massively expanding their merchant navies and doing their best to step into the international shipping trade by severely undercutting Western shipping companies, and from the merchant fleets of the developing countries, who are struggling to take over a big share of the trade between Europe and Africa, Asia and the Far East-routes over which Britain used to have a total dominance.
4)A \"conference\" is in fact a cartel, whose role is to fix prices for all the member nations and companies. 5)The oil-tanker fleets.
6)Because freight liners carry all sorts of different cargoes, so if there is a slump in\" one particular industry, they may depend on others and survive.
7)The Third World countries regard a merchant navy as a symbol of their national power and have expanded their fleets at an incredible rate. Yes, they are.
8)They turn to high-technology investment. Yes, they are for the time being. 9)On one hand, Russia wants to earn hard currencies, on the other, a deeper motive is that it desires to increase its sphere of influence in the world.
10)The major problems are the Soviet Union's massive expansion of its merchant navy and undercutting of Western shipping companies, and UNCTAD, which guarantees the developing countries a major slice of the shipping trade. The problems also show that the capitalist world is divided rather than united as one.
1)cutting their way into the international shipping trade by charging much less freight rate than the Western shipping companies
2)who are determined to take the biggest share of the trade 3)Britain has important interests in these trade routes.
4) They make it more difficult to make a large amount of money when economic conditions are favorable.
5)But they make it easier to survive when economic conditions are unfavorable. 6)More and more oil tankers the world over lay idle.
7)Much of the fleet carries goods between foreign countries.
8)British companies are doing much business on the line between Japan and Australia.
9)Developing countries consider a merchant navy very important because it is a sign of their economic power, so after they have set up a national airline, the next thing they would like to have is a merchant fleet.
10)Neither the growth in Russia's trade nor that in world trade would demand such a rapid development of Russia's cargo-liner fleet.
11)These ships would certainly make it possible for she Soviet Union to exert its influence on countries far away from its territory.
12)When these smaller shipping companies go bankrupt, a big part of the few old industries that have been doing well and earning huge profits will close down.
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. IV.
1)NATO--North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织(北约) 2)OAS—Organization of American States美洲国家组织 3)OAU—Organization of African Unity非洲统一组织(非统)
4)ASEAN—Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟(东盟) 5)OPEC—Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织 6)SALT—Strategic Arms Limitation Talks限制战略武器会谈
7)UNESCO—United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教科文组织
8)M.I.T.-Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院 9)BBC—British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司 10)V.I.P.-very important person重要人物 11)GMT—Greenwich mean time格林威治平均时 12)GNP—gross national product国民生产总值
13)KGB—Komite Gossudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti(Committee of State Security)国家安全委员会(克格勃)(苏联)
14)ICBM—inter—continental ballistic missile洲际弹道导弹 15)radar—radio detecting and ranging雷达
16)laser—light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation激光
1)the sea and shipping:merchant navy,merchant fleet, sea routes,the high seas,tonnage,ship—owners,shipping companies.merchant ships,shipping managers,sailing-ships.steam-ships,shipowners,shipping conference, shipbuilding boom.shipping industry,oil-tanker fleet, charter rates,tankers,bulk carriers,dry cargo,bulk—carrier fleet.shipping sectors,freight—liner services,liner— freight vessels,agreed routes,ports, shipment, liner ship,freight rate,cargo—liner fleet,sea—lanes,shipping fleet,shipping lines. 2)economy and trade:foreign exchange,balance of payments,in deficit,shipping trade,undercut,invest,grant. tax concessions,competition,oil prices,depression。crisis,demand,slump,bankruptcy,customer,manufactured goods,cross—traders,profitable,foreign currency. high—technology investment,investment,container service, warehouse,a code number,trading partners。revenue,liner trade,seaborne trade,profit,hard currency. imports,payment,trading ties,international business Ⅵ.
1)grab the headlines 2)were being elbowed out 3)the lion's share 4)cash in on 5)made a big killing 6)having weathered 7)is around the corner 8)the pinch of poverty 9)big lO)throw in the towel 11)made up 12)a slump Ⅶ.
3)sophisticated指不仅现代而且复杂,含有高精尖端技术等意;modern按时间划分,包括现在的和刚刚过去的,时间跨度可能相当长,也可能很短。 4)ruin意为“毁灭”;affect仅指产生不良影响。
6)influence常用以表示无形的力量,指看不见的影响;affec常指看得到的影响。 7)lease指租赁,租借;charter是包租。 8)ratify指正式批准;pass指一般的通过。
9)invention指首次发明的东西;discovery指原本存在,现被发现的东西。 10)ability 能力。指能力,常常指能把事情干好;capability指潜在的。 Ⅷ.
1)mercantile 2)fleet,shipping,marine 3)significant,key 4)ships 5)vital 6)freight 7)slump 8)grow, increase 9)lines 10)plus 11)to drive 12)coordinated Ⅸ.
1)Oil is considered the lifeline of industry.
2)The Soviet Union has already carved its way into the trade with the African countries.
3)The recession is biting deeply into the auto industry.
4)They tried to cash in on the internal conflict of the country.
5)Admiral Jellicoe said that if something was not done promptly to stop the losses,the Allies would have to throw in the towel before the end of the year. 6)They were elbowed out 0f the competition. 7)Big trouble lies just around the corner.
8)Officials insist that the country will be able to weather the boycott. X.
1)Oil is the vital lifeline of the national economy in many Middle Eastern countries.
2)The Third World countries are bent on developing their industries independently.
3)Some Western countries were afraid that the oil—producing countries would drive them out of business by undercutting them.
4)The British government promised to put up the money needed to solve the problem 0f unemployment.
5)Saudi Arabia’s proved reserves of on are by far the greatest in the world. 6)The Chinese people stood the test of the Cultural Revolution.
7)These veteran soldiers have all weathered the test of many battles during the Second World War.
8)We are still a long way from the goal of the four modernizations.
9) Many scientists and technicians are out to learn foreign languages so as to be able to read first-hand reference materials.
ll)A new telegraph building will be completed and put into service soon. 12)Iraq's expansionism was under attack from the press all over the World. 13)The military expenditures of that country increase at a rate of 4% to 5% every year. XI.
first, were, perhaps, thousand, the, Navy, coal, in, switch, which, all, to, of, tons ||growth, automobile, wars, surge, these, and, determined, by, shortest, oil, East, western || closure, following, Egypt, after, 1967, a, known, crude
XII. Omitted.
The Shipping Industry in China
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China is1949, its shipping industry has witnessed an enormous expansion.
In the last thirty years and more, the shippment of passengers and freight has increased by over 1600%, passenger turnover by over nine times, and freight turnover by round about ninety times. The total tonnage of ships and barges has risen by over fifty times, and the volume of freight handled at ports and harbours both along the
coastline and on the Yangtze River has become more than twenty times larger. As for navigational engineering, ships and harbours, machine-production industry, communications navigation, shippment monitoring, succouring and salvaging, and the research and education involved, all these sectors have developed at a rapid rate. In the total volume of freight turnover of all means of transportation, the shipping industry ac-counts for over 40% in the early 1980s, which is high above its share of less than 20% in the 1950s. As for the foreign trade freight, the shipping industry is also playing a more and more important role. At present, China' s merchant navy is capable of arriving at more than 400 ports in the world. China has built up a relatively massive shipping system.
Lesson14 Argentia Bay I.
1)The President was actually referring to the national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner.
2)See Note 20 and Exercise IX. 1)
3) Admiral King ordered him to put himself at Mr. Harry Hopkins' service and the President wanted to meet Mr. Harry Hopkins before Churchill came to call.
4)Hopkins' estimate was that the Russians would hold. The Soviet Union needed anti-aircraft guns most. He was for , assisting the Soviet Union.
5)No, they didn't. Churchill thought that if U. S. helped Russia, it would hurt itself soon. Roosevelt thought the U. S. would help Russia to defeat the Germans because Hitler was threatening the world peace and he must be destroyed. 6)According to the author, Roosevelt was Number One Man. 7)The major problems were. excessive and contradictory requests from the British services, unreal plans, unfilled contracts, jumbled priorities, and fouled communications. Building new ships to replace U-boat sinkings came first, because no war material could be used against Hitler until it had crossed the ocean. 8)Their immediate need was a hundred fifty thousand rifles. These rifles were not as expensive and unavailable as ships, airplanes, tanks, and men. 9)Burne-Wilke wanted to have a word with him. The British asked for two destroyers to escort them back. The request was put to Henry indirectly and tactfully as I see it.
10)First, Henry would escort the Prince of Wales with two of American destroyers, disembark in Iceland, and return with the two ships. Second, the U. S. would soon be escorting all ships to Iceland and Franklin Roosevelt. Junior would be sent along as a naval aide to Churchill while he toured the U. S. Iceland base. head a military supply mission to September. Third, Henry was to the Soviet Union in
11)Over the ship was hanging a subtle gloom because the conference was not productive as expected by Churchill. 12)Henry answered it was a rare privilege. He didn't accept the invitation because he thought once was plenty. 13)No, he didn't.
14)Because there was not a shred of increased American commitment.
15)Because many countries were British colonies.
16) Perplexed looks, lengthening faces, and headshakes. The questions centered on why the U. S. didn' t increase its commitment. Henry' s explanation was that the American people didn't want to fight Hitler. Ⅱ.
1)Compared with the British vessel which had gone through many a battle and weathered the storm, the Augusta which was new and clean and which carried King seemed to be from another world.
2)A group of British navy men were cleaning the deck in a spirited way.
3)His visits to London and Moscow were widely covered by newspapers all over the world.
4)He's having the best time of his life, sir.
5) The Russians will fight on. And it will be difficult for them to manage to carry on the fight. 6) Hopkins extended one of his weak and feeble hands and used his thin bony fingers to count the things the British wanted to have.
7)But it will make it difficult for the Americans to reject their second demand. 8)Their empire is very weak in that area (in Asia).
9)The British will also try, subtly but hard, to reach an agreement that the U.S. should give more and earlier assistance to Britain than to Russia.
10)The two leaders made their handshake last longer than usual to give photographers time to take pictures. At the same time they smiled and greeted each other.
ll)Somehow Roosevelt looked just a little more of a Number One Man.
12)Pug was more familiar with the crippled President than the one on the front-pages standing upright. 13)Throughout the talk of big imaginary plans ... one pitiful item appeared again and again. 14)If Russia was defeated, Hitler might try to conclude the war successfully with a large-scale airborne attack on England. 15)It was rather risky and daring (sportsmanlike) of Churchill to give the German soldiers a good chance to attack him on the high seas.
16)We would have to be careful not to make excessive use of those good angels, otherwise they would refuse to protect US.
17)There are too many claims on the limited naval force so we are badly in need of destroyers for escorts on our way back. 18)We could do with two more destroyers on the escort force on our return journey. 19)Victor Henry could be vaguely aware of a feeling of helplessness which was difficult to perceive but which permeated the place.
20)They were over conscious of their country's plight.
21)Their conversation showed that they were not sure of the American aid though they felt a little hopeful.
22)There in the Soviet Union things are going badly for the Russians.
23)You may experience some adventure during the voyage.
24)The film was interesting but without any important meaning. 25)For Victor Henry, it was an embarrassing half hour.
26)The declaration is in high-sounding words, but contains nothing substantial in terms of aid to Britain by the United States.
27)There was clear cut condemnation of the Nazi regime, but no promise of more U.S. aid.
28)I would think the Roosevelt-Churchill conference might have decided on more things than that. 29)Pug thought it better to give a clear, direct answer. Ambiguity would not bring any good, only more illusions and disappointments.
30)Lend-Lease is no hard work, it just means the American people will have more jobs and earn more money.
Ⅲ . See the translation of the text. Ⅳ.
sailors, officers, destroyers, battleship, admirals, generals, cruiser, vessel, accomodation ladder, main battery guns, quartermaster, the Navy captain, gangway, quarterdeck, gang-plank, bridge, cabin, afterdeck, marine, submarine, naval aide, wardroom, major-general, U-boat, flagship, embark, disembark V.
deck--floor, bulkhead--wall, stem--head, stern--tail, port--left (or left-hand side), starboard--right (or right-hand side), galley--kitchen, wardroom--living (or dinning)quarters for officers,bunk——bed Ⅵ.
1)aluminium 2)armoured 3)colour 4)favour 5)grey 7)programme 8)metre 9)labour 10)manoeuvre Ⅶ.
1)mist是薄雾;fog意义广泛,可指各种各样的雾。 2)chores是日常琐事;tasks意义宽泛得多,可指任务 工作、作业、功课等。
3)brass band为铜管乐队;symphony orchestra指弦乐队。
4)beckon是用手或身体其他部位示意;call除了用姿势,还可 用话语。 5)belittle意为贬低,带有故意挑剔的意味;diminish一般不含故意的成分。
8)blouses指水手、士兵的紧身短上衣;shirts指衬衣。 9)sip比drink更具体,指一小口一小口地喝,呷。
10)start后常接动名词或不定式,接名词时意为begin(开始);start on后接名词,意
11)paine(!expression指情绪不高;painful expression指因痛 苦而产生的表情。 12)heartily表示热烈地,热情地;happily表示幸福地,喜悦地。 13)detach表示让„„去干别的事;dismiss意为开除。
14)secrecy warnings指看得见的,告诉人们这是秘密地点的警告;secret warnings是看不见的,也不让别人看见的警告。
15)remark是简短地说,比较随便地评论;comment往往用于正式场合;plod意为费力地缓慢行走;stroll指悠闲地漫步。 Ⅷ.
1)plodded 2)walked 3)hobbled 4)tottered 5)stroll 6)diminished 7)reduced 8)belittle 9)dwindled 10)minimize 11)felt 12)is fully aware of 13)are conscious of 14)sensed 15)clustered 16)swarmed 17)rounded up 18)mustered IX.
1)The Augusta is an American cruiser and at that time the United States nominally was not at war with Hitler while the Prince of Wales was a British battleship and Britain had been fighting against Hitler's Germany for over a year. Hence the statement \"from America to England and from peace to war\".
2)At places on the part above the main deck there were new welds. These were damages caused by the gunfire of the German battleship Bismarck. The welds looked like stick-ing plaster put to new Wounds.
3)This time Hitler has attacked a country too big for him to conquer.
4)Britain was no longer the Number One power of the \"free democracies',. The United States was taking over this position. 5)As soon as the two parties agreed that priority should be given to the building of ships, all other requests and programs would have to be crossed out.
6)This simple yardstick rapidly revealed what were lacking in the U.S. war industry at the time.
7)Wines and spirits are forbidden in your Navy or you're not allowed to drink on board, are you?
8)The President is the man who lays down all Navy regulations and he can adapt them as he wishes.
9)Blockade ... would in time weaken the German control of Europe. 10)They were over conscious of their country' s plight.
ll)They vote according to their political suspicions or intuitions to protect their political careers. They try to figure out what the electorate want and then vote accordingly. In this way they hope the electorate will be pleased and they will be able to be re-elected.
12)You are our favorite.We feel kinship with you.You are the players from our side,all right;we are the spectators,we stand on your side。we have sympathy for you.When you play,we cheer you.
1)The wilderness—ringed Argentia Bay in Newfoundland looked gray and it was very quiet there.
2)Droves of blue jackets were doing a scrub—down in high spirits. 3)They prolonged the clasp for the photographers.talking and smiling. 4)Pug observed that not one of them was taking photos when he hobbled.
5)The sailors swarmed into a ring around the two men, laughing and cheering. 6)Franklin Roosevelt listened attentively.his eyes were shining and he was smiling all the time. Ⅺ.
1)他把钢笔丢了,还是一支新的呢。 2)主干道上来往的车辆越来越多。 3)别这么夸我,我会让你失望的。 4)他逐渐出了名。
7)1942年春季来临时,德国的军事形势几乎没有什么变化。 8)他用含混的语言掩饰真正的用意。 9)经过三周激烈的谈判,达成了交易。 10)医生一心扑在病人身上。 11)我的马丁尼酒不要甜的。
12)在禁酒期间,美国有些城市滴酒不售。 13)她喜欢面包上什么也不涂。
14)诗人要亲身体会一下各种各样的感情,从狂喜到悲痛欲绝。 15)那个国家尚未成为该国际组织的正式成员。 16)他只懂一点儿法语。 17)别开他的玩笑。
18)别放在心上,我是说着玩儿的。 19)汽车在公路上疾驰。
20)他们得精打细算,使钱能勉强用到发工资时。 Ⅻ.
1)We believe that victory is in sight.
2)They warn there is no obvious remedy in sight.
3)After the toasts by the host and guest,the band struck up an American folk song.
4)They struck up a friendship right after their first meeting.
5)To improve your diction, you must pay attention to the shades of meaning of words.
6)The African nations might press{or more stringent sanctions. 7)I didn't press him for further explanation?
8)The world newspapers are focusing their attention on the summit conference
being held in Geneva.
9)Demonstrators took to the streets by the thousands.
1O)The communique struck the reporters as one of historical significance 11)The U.S.president returned from the Mideast last week,only to find a new war raging on the domestic energy front.
12)Disappointed and exhausted,the general retired earlier than usual,only to be awakened soon after midnight.
13)There is more to the vote than approval of the canal treaty.
14)We 100ked at it more carefully to see whether there was more to it than we assumed in the past. 15)This mountain stream makes sounds similar to those of a guitar.Hence the name “The Spring of Jade Guitar\"
re—elected, naturally, endorsement' domestic, met, appealed,nations,defense,called,submitted,designed, limitations, make, available, This, authorized, transfer, articles, any, vital, also, nations, shipyards, law || made, arsenal, American, to, Axis, worth, services, production, officially, neutrality || announced, extended, one, common, broke, set, vast, was, mistakes, undid, England, had, pinning, German, front
XIV. Omitted. XV.
\"If Hitler wins in Russia, he wins in the world; if he loses in Russia, he' s finished\". That's also President Roosevelt's opinion for Hitler' s invasion of Soviet Union. If the United States interfered and declared war on Germany, the serious condition would be lessened. But Roosevelt lacked the support of the Congress and many of the people. Anyway, he did quite a lot in favour of the Soviet Union and Anti-Fascist League. He was going to send a military supply mission to Soviet Union, and he was ready to send a government representative to Moscow.
At that time, the life in America is peaceful and comfortable. People did not want to fight against Hitler nor anybody. And the congressmen tried to avoid any damage and loss of property from the war. Thus the extension of the draft was won just within one vote.
On the other hand, the condition then was profitable to the United States. It benefited from the war through the arms trade and other service trade. The passage of Lend-Lease Act is one indication.
At last America joined the war, that was for the sake of the situation.
Lesson15 No Signposts 1n the Sea I .
1)He can appreciate the grace of her gestures and the beauty of her clothes ,for
the good taste of which he praises her.
2)Yes, he appreciates natural beauty, but he was not always like that.
3)The moon and the cool water of the swimming pool provided him with relaxation, and a feeling of serenity of mind and sublimation of emotion.
4)He likes the stern cliffs best, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, because they are full of possibilities and only the most daring can climb on to the top.
5)An Italian is in charge of the lighthouse. He loves his job so much that he will not quit it for anything.
6)He imagines that one may live an idyllic life there.
7)Because suffering and sin can be found everywhere human beings live,including those two islands,one being a leper colony,the other a penal settlement.
8)The green flash means the green light seen in the sky the moment the sun sets under the horizon.and only in certain cases does it appear. Ⅱ.
1)The Colonel,an Empire builder who is not too disgustingly aggressive,sometimes tries to talk to me about public affairs.
2)Or maybe my suppressed inclination has been brought out under Laura's unintentional influence.
3)1 was as puritanical as a Pharisee and I viewed with contempt a11 those who lived a less practical life than my own and regarded them as inhabitants on the moon. 4)Just imagine how I have changed now.Here I stand。sentimental and sensitive,like an o ld unmarried woman painting a water—colour picture of sunsets. 5)Before I die,1 want to enjoy beauty to my heart's content.
6)I imagine devoted religious people must be experiencing a thorough catharsis as I do now when they leave the solemn confessional after gaining pardon of their sins.
7)There is a trace of simple poetic quality in his character.
8)1 also like the unusual information he conveys to me from time to time without speaking emphatically.
9)There is quite a lot of knowledge stored away in the Colonel’s mind,which is not interesting except for that.
10)This is quite another Edmund Carr,who has changed so much!
Ⅲ.See the translation of the text. Ⅳ.
1)(拉)特别,持定 2)(德)闪电战 3)(丹)祝你健康、干杯 4) (法)
代办 5)(意)协奏曲 6)(法)政变 7)(法)布置,舞台美术 8)(法)缓和 9)(法)冷菜,冷盘 10)(意)间奏曲 11)(日)和服 12)(汉)叩头 13)(俄)富农 14)(西)强壮男子 15)(瑞)餐前冷菜 6)(拉)现状 17)(西)节日 18)(印地)(印度的)王公 19)(阿拉伯)(穆斯林国家的)酋长 20)(希)我想出了,我找到了
1)fill(V.):He filled the position capably. fill(n.):Let her cry her fill.
2)ripple(n.):The moon danced on the ripples of the lake. ripple(V.):A laughter rippled through the hall. 3)marble(n.):He stopped to admire a statue in marble. marble(v.):All the book edges were marbled.
4)pile(n.):The actress’fan mail forms a huge pile.
pile(V.):He finished a whole dish piled high and thick with meat. 5)touch(V. ):Her words touched him to the quick. touch(n.):I have a mild touch of flu.
6)range(n.):Da Vinci had a wide range of interests. range(V.):The size of computers range from that of a button to that of a room. 7)beach(n.):He was drowned while swimming at the beach. beach(v.):They found a small boat beached on the shore. 8)catch(v.):1 was nearly caught in the shower.
catch(n.):Nothing could give the angler a greater delight than a good catch. 9)hump(n.):He was born with a hump on his back.
hump(v.):When the cat saw the mouse,it humped its back for a jump. 10)obscure( adj.):The meaning of that sentence is obscure to me. obscure(v.):Later successes obscured his earlier failures. Ⅵ.
grey,white,rich colours,dark red,olive green,midnight blue, blacker, more golden, bleached, yellow, golden brown,green,red,a tender palette of pink and blue,blue, purple, emerald Ⅶ.
1)pass our time pleasantly 2)beginning 3)level of existence 4) grown up 5) dry and barren 6) inner places (parts) „ stern/forbidding 7)lonely 8)tells/reveals 9)except 10)moved backward „ hidden ll)intense bluishgreen 12)joy/happiness Ⅷ.
1) cram 2) disperse 3) crept 4) scribbled/jotted down 5)soared/rocketed 6)Work is piling up 7)lounging 8)receded 9)snatched 10)slapped him
lX. metaphor :
1)a new Clovis, loving what I have despised „ 2)an Endymion young and strong
3)the sea „ with no ripples at all but only the lazy satin of blue 4)the red ball (the sun)
simile :
1)it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures 2)dismissive as Pharisee
3)as sentimental and sensitive as any old maid doing water colours of sunsets 4)my imagination „so austere in the foreground but nurturing what treasures of tenderness, like delicate flowers, for the discovery of the venturesome 5)„gives a cry like a sea-bird
6)„ we are as pleased a children when our game succeeds
7)I like the footfall of naked feet in the dust, silent as a cat passing. 8)the faint creaking, as of the saddle-leather to a horseman riding across turf alliteration :
1)on a less practical plane
2)And now see how I stand, as sentimental and sensitive as any old maid 3)clear of cloud
4)I would never have believed in the simple bliss of being 5)the hiss of sudden spray X.
1)metonymy 2)metonymy 3)euphemism 4)personification 5) transferred epithet 6)hyperbole 7)transferred epithet and9 ) onomatopoeia 10) trans XI.
1)imperial 2)simple 3)high 4)jealous 5)ignorant 6) clear 7) exaggerated 8) beaten 9) obvious 10) confident 11 ) disappointed 12)inadequate 13)close 14)interested 15)beautiful 16)conscious Ⅻ.
1)He has a good eye for water-colours.
2)The daughter ventured to object to her parents's arrangement of her marriage. 3)Pressed by poverty, he took to stealing. 4)My long journey was beguiled with novels. 5)I suppose you have read Mark Twain. 6)He concentrated all his attention on this problem to the exclusion of all others. 7)Failure to make the right decision at once will make the whole thing very difficult if not impossible.
8)Our problems are piling up. We must solve them as quickly as we can. 9)The sentries are relieved every four hours. 10)There was a touch of irony in his remark. ll)Memories of childhood are gradually receding.
XIII. Omitted
A Visit to Yellow Mountain
I was here at last! Standing at the foot of Yellow Mountain, I tried to convince myself that I was where I was. It was a hot day, and the sky was clear of clouds. We were sweating even before we began to climb the mountain early in the morning. The steps were so numerous that they looked like a ribbon winding its way to the sky. All along the way, birds were chirping among the trees and bushes, where leaves were stirring with every movement of the pure mountain air. Now and then a mountain stream ran down, leaping from rock to rock and filling the valley with laughing murmurs. When I looked up occasionally, the mountain tops could be seen clearly against the vast blue sky. I went on cheerfully, leaving my companions behind most of the time.
When we came to the Guest-Greeting Pine, all of us were very excited. She stood at the edge of an overhanging rock, stretching out her hands to us. How friendly she and the Yellow Mountain were !
Lesson16 1776 I.
1)The Second Continental Congress was convened in Philadelphia in 1776. It was important because it witnessed the signing of the Declaration of Independence. 2)He was not for independence.
3)These united colonies are free and independent states, they needn't be loyal to the British Queen any more they have nothing to do with Great Britain in terms of politics.
4)The vote was on the motion to postpone indefinitely the resolution of independence or proceed with the debate. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Dela- ware, Connecticut, and Virginia were for~ Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia were against, and New York abstained. Among them, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut are New England states, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland are middle states, and Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia are southern states.
5)Dickinson didn't deny there were crippling taxes and other grievances. He argued that Britain was the noblest and most civilized nation on the face of the earth. He offered a gentler means of redressing them instead of revolution and violence.
6) Dickinson maintained that seperation out of the British Empire meant total destruction to the continent, while Rutledge was against independence in that South Carolina, which he represented, would probably fall into the hands of people from other states when independence was gained.
7)Rutledge, representing South Carolina, changed to become for independence. 8)Hancock did so to make the vote on independence official and formal.
9)Because he thought if the vote was not unanimous, those colonies opposing independence would fight on the side of England against those favouring independence, resulting in internal strife and bringing destruction to the continent.
10)He wanted to postpone the debate because there was no written declaration of independence to vote on.
11)A literary society refers to men of letters. Bartlett says a congress is not a literary society because congressmen are politicians rather than writers who are fond of emotional and poetic expressions.
12)The passage was about the crime of Britain doing black slave trade and maintaining slavery in America. Rutledge wanted to delete it because in his native state ,South Carolina, black slavery was legalized and part of their life.
13)One was Britain, the other was the North of the united States. The former encouraged the trade of slavery, and the latter carried and sold slaves.
14) The triangle trade went like this, Americans went to Africa, bought slaves, and carried them back and sold them in America. The New England made the fortunes. 15)Franklin was angry because John clung to a minor topic- slavery instead of the central one--independence. John insisted that the abolishment of slavery should be included in the declaration, in such a case, southern states would not approve it because they do not seem to be able to go without slavery. Therefore, Franklin thought it was necessary to make some sacrifice or compromise to get the declaration approved unanimously.
Ⅱ .
1)The Deep South speaks in unity and complete agreement.
2) What position do you take on the question of independence? 3)Been drinking and eating too much again, old man?
4)I only wish that King George felt all over his body the pain that I now feel in my big toe.
5)North Carolina submits to South Carolina with respect.
6)It seems that in Georgia majority opinion is against independence but Hall (Georgia's delegate) is for independence.
7)For the obvious reason that we can no longer hear our continued connection with Great Britain.
8)Mr. Adams, you are good at making such pleasant word as \"property\" sound quite disgusting, which is annoying.
9)Why, even your own cousin has fled from justice and for his capture of death a reward has been offered by the British troops stationed in America. 10)I'm perfectly able to defend myself, Mr. Dickinson.
ll)And up to now, \"Brother\" Sherman, the devil (referring to Adams again) has been winning without making an effort.
12)Though it has been proposed in the name of Virginia, it reflects the spirit of Adams.
13)You are moving ahead of time. We are not ready for independence. 14)General Washington is in the battlefield.
15 )They are typical of opportunistic and cowardly sentiments of North Carolina. 16)If we are brave and courageous, we'll\" be able to defeat a bigger army. 17)Mr. President, South Carolina demands that the question be put to vote. 18)A declaration of this kind would be in keeping with the fine manners and proper way of doing things in Europe.
19)Don't play any tricks now, Mr. Adams. You have to think up something better for an answer.
20)Answer directly--what would be its purpose?
21)When one talks about one's own rebellion, it's legal, though other people consider it illegal from their point of view.
22)Are there any who wish to amend, delete, or alter the Declaration ? 23) I had hoped the work proper would show my opinion clearly. 24)We'll keep this word tyrant, he will continue to be a tyrant.
25)Good God] Fishing rights! How long shall we go on wasting time in trifling. 26)To us in South Carolina, black slavery is our special custom and we love it as part of our life.
27)Rutledge has found his target.
28)Many things weightier than money are involved in this issue. 29)Be brave to accept what's happened, John--it's over.
30)The price for keeping the slavery clause is too high for us.
31)Don't boast of the good things you've done before. Perhaps now you still have to do something worthy.
32) No matter how much we disagree with them, we shouldn't order them to do this or that like ordinary office workers.
33)But in any case, don't act like a coarse, scolding woman.
34)The question of American independence depends on what you say. 35)I'm sorry, John --I just didn't expect that.
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. IV.
president, members, secretary, custodian, bell-ringer, chamber, tally board, session, gavel, pass, abstain, abstention, absence, postpone, unanimous, delegation, delegate, proceed second a motion, move a motion, say Yea, say Nay, where does Congress stand, pound the gavel, call the question, the Chair would like to ..., vote on sth.
Gentlemen, the usual morning festivities concluded, I will now call the congress to order.
The Chair takes this opportunity to ..\" The Secretary will read the roll.
Mr. President, I second the proposal! The resolution has been proposed and seconded.
Congress will now proceed with the debate.
Mr. Secretary, you will record the vote. Hear me out. I move for a postponement.
It has been moved and seconded.
All those in favor of the motion to postpone signify by say \"Yea\".
The vote again being tied, the Chair decides in favor of the postponement. So ruled.
Move to adjourn.
Any objections? Yes! I have objections. Congress stands adjourned ! Hear me, Mr. President! I've got one! Over here !
Gentlemen, please ! No objections.
The Congress will now vote on -\"
I'd remind you, gentlemen, that a single \"Nay\" vote will defeat the motion, resolved. V.
1)Chris, Kit 2)Dave 3)Don 4)Ed, Ned, Ted 5)Fred 6)Jim 7)Joe 8)Mick, Mik 9)Pat, Paddy 10)Bob, Rob ll)Rod 12)Sam 13)Bill, Will 14) Cathy 15) Dolly 16)Bess, Betsy, Betty, Liza, Elsie, Lisa, Liza, Liz 17) Bella 18)Jackie 19)Jo 20)Kate, Kathy, Kitty 21) Maggie, Madge, Meg, Peg, Rita 22)Pat VI.
1)shout, yell 2)What position does Georgia take 3)Keep them in order/tell which is which 4)understand 5)g0 on bearing/tolerate 6)eating and drinking too much 7)it rests with me 8)got what you desired 9)have ruined us 10)continue with it ll)Be on the watch/Be careful 12)understand 13)has defeated us 14)don't press me hard 15)agree with them/join them Ⅶ.
1)You would second the motion, you little weasel!
2)These are precisely the sentiments of North Carolina. 3)Why do you want independence?
4)You are so safe, so fat, so comfortable in Pennsylvania.
5)We have no army, no navy„ but God bless our soul, we have spirit ! 6)Take it easy, John!
7)You have (I offer you) my sympathies, Mr. Morris. 8)I move to adjourn!
9)The proposal has been moved and seconded--do you have any objections? 10)That passage about slavery is just another literary license then. 11)Well, Mr. Rutledge, what do you want?
12)John, put first things first! The first thing is Independence I It's America ! 13)I ask for a poll. Ⅷ.
1)for if we do not make clear what our problems are and fight for independence
blindly, we may end by losing everything
2)We are not yet ready for independence. You are going too fast.
3)Whenever there is any risk or danger, you remain behind the scene, so that if we should fail you'll still be free of trouble.
4)Would you go on with all these Mterations and deletions until you take away all of its fighting spirit?
5)Don't boast of your past achievements! Perhaps it is time you made new contributions.
6)but in any case, stop being rude and scolding
7)We are about to face the deadly struggle courageously with our Declaration of Independence.
8)This paper is evidence of our \"treason\ IX.
1)they mill about over in that corner--near the two Carolinas. (ridicule) 2) They'll be wanderin' in any time now, sir--with Old Grape 'n' Guts leadin' the pack. (ridicule)
3)Where'd y' go for it, man--Jamaica? (sarcasm) 4)tria juncta in uno (irony)
5)a tribute to the eternal peace and harmony of the Delaware delegation. (irony) 6)Been living too high again, eh, Pappy. (ridicule) 7)The usual morning festivities concluded. (sarcasm)
8) After what Rh(,de Island's consumed, I can't say I'm surprised. (ridicule) 9)If you say so. (sarcasm) 10)They won't be satisfied until they remove one of the Fs from JEFFERSON' s name. (sarcasm)
11)Just another literary license. (sarcasm)
12)What's that smell floatin' down from the North--could it be the aroma of hypocrisy?(sarcasm)
13)They might have kept their document intact, for all the difference it will make. (sarcasm)
14)And is that how new nations are formed--by a nonentity -trying to preserve the anonymity he so richly deserves. (sarcasm) X.
1)You mustn't think our Northern friends merely see our slaves as figures on a ledger --- (figure.1)a number sign;2)a whole human body)
2)If we don' t hang together, we shall most assuredly hang separately. (Hang together, remain united, support each other. The second \"hang\die by dropping with a rope round the neck. ) XI.
l)euphemism 2)innuendo, sarcasm 3)euphemism, mild sarcasm 4)metonymy 5)metonymy 6)metonymy 7)metonymy 8) euphemism 9)
hyperbole 10) antithesis 11 ) synecdoche 12) hyperbole 13) metonymy 14) alliteration 15) euphemism, 16)metonymy, antithesis
1)Hopkins didn't wait until McNair finished his words. The Latter was not introducing to the former a doctor but a delegate by the name of Dr. L.yman Hall. 2)When Thomson said that, Mr. Hopkins, having drunk too much rum, had gone to the restroom. And \"passes\" reminded the members of \"pisses\" or pass water.
3)Franklin was awakened by Dickinson's hard strike against the table and he expressed his anger in a humorous way by saying \"how can a man sleep if you start banging\". Dickinson, who was also witty, retorted by saying \"how is a man to stay awake\implying that Franklin's speeches were so boring that everyone present would fall asleep if he spoke. By the last sentence, he meant \"I'm sure no one wants to listen to your speaking, so you'd better go on with your sleep. \"
4)Hancock was actually asking the members to come to sign the Declaration of Independence. Earlier, Dickinson, who was against separation,referred to the acts of those for in dependence as treason.
1)你的秘书今天又迟到了,你最好说说她。 2)证据有力地证明了他的诚实。 3)不要在背后说同志们的坏话。 4)在辩论中他坚持自己的立场。 5)他会请我们喝香槟吗? 6)我当然要遵守诺言。 7)我现在时间很紧。 8)治疗后病有些好转。 9)他待同志们很好。
10)女房东给新来的客人打扫了一个房间。 11)这所房子需要修缮。 12)我们差点出了大事故。
13)你什么时候发现钱包不见的? 14)教训非常深刻。
15)让我们忘掉分歧,一起工作吧! 16)他把一半财产投资在一桩生意里。 17)达成的协议决不可以撕毁。 18)这个他可没料到。
1)The General Assembly of the United nations is now in session. 2)The resolution was adopted by 74 to 31 with 8 abstentions.
3)We can go there by train in the event the weather is not fit for flying. 4)You could leave the building by the fire,escape in the unlikely event of fire. 5)Many people are skeptical about the talks producing any positive results.
6)The listeners were skeptical about the truth of the story。 7)We hope the new medicine will effect a cure.
8) The old head of the factory is always the workers in the workshops except to be found among the workers in the workshops except when he has meetings.
9)His account of the event is correct except that some details have been omitted. 10)Leaders at various levels without exception should not abuse the power in their hands.
ll)The old lady regarded the unexpected visitor with suspicion. 12)The students have a high regard for their teacher's opinion. 13)The speaker referred us to Chomsky's grammar book.
14)The book makes several references to the American War of Independence. 15)The lease is overdue. You've got to renew it. XV.
1)3, 2, 1, 4
2)4, 6, 2, 5, 1, 3
3)10, 8, 3, 2, 7, 9, 1, 4, 11, 6, 5
ⅩⅥ. Omitted.
A Summary of Scene Three The President declares that all the members begin debating Virginia's resolution of independence. Dickinson is against independence because Britain, he says, is the greatest empire on earth and Americans can enjoy its protection and share its benefits. Though things are not perfect with the British Empire, Americans should take some gentle measures to solve the problem instead of resorting to violence, rebellion, and treason, ac-cording to him. Then arguing with Franklin, he says it is accept-able for an American to be called an Englishman. At this, Franklin retorts by saying an American is not given full rights of an Englishman and therefore Americans require a new nation. Dickinson says American people don't think so, and over this John launches a debate with him. Then the focus goes to Rut-ledge from South Carolina. He is worried that his native state may fall into the hands of the people from other states. Other members against independence join the debate and say it is not right time to be independent. Besides, they are worried that American troops are too weak to defeat British forces. At this, John points out that it is no problem if the troops are brave and courageous enough. The debate is so heated that two parties get involved in a fight. Rodney tries to intervene, only to suffer a stroke and be sent home.
1)Yes, he did, because he wanted to make them more anxious.
2)Because she didn't like her maid and secretary to know what they would talk
to the detective.
3)Because he thought that he knew their secret and that he was in an advantageous position.
4)She found a note made but not destroyed by her husband.
5)He found that on the night the couple entered the hotel through the basement instead of the lobby, both very much shaken.
6)A brush trace is a mark left on something when lightly touched or rubbed. 7)Ogilvie came to talk with them rather than go to report to the police. 8)They had to spend one day or two investigating in the suburban areas.
9)Because every repair shop had been told to report to the police when a car needing fixing like theirs came in.
10)She thought that was safe for them by making use of the detective's avidity. 11)Originally, the detective asked for ten thousand only to keep silent and not to report to the police. But now the Duchess was asking him to drive their car north and she was ready to offer such a large sum. She knew the detective was greedy. Given so much money, he would do as she told him to. 12)Yes, Ogilvie accepted the Duchess' offer.
Ⅱ .
1)The house detective's small narrow eyes looked her up and down scornfully from his fat face with a heavy jowl.
2)This is a pretty nice room that you have got.
3)The fat body shook in a chuckle because the man was enjoying the fact that he could afford to do whatever he liked and also he was appreciating the fact that the Duchess knew why he had come.
4)He had an unnaturally high-pitched voice. now, he lowered the pitch. When he spoke
5)Ogilvie spat out the words, throwing away his politeness. pretended 6)The Duchess was supported by her arrogance coming from parents of noble families with a history of three centuries and a half. She wouldn't give up easily.
7)It's no use. What you did just now was a good attempt at trying to save the situation. 8) \"That's more acceptable,\" Ogilvie said. He lit another cigar, \"Now we're making some progress. \"
9)...he looked at the Duchess sardonically as if he wanted to see if she dared to object to his smoking.
10)The house detective made noises with his tongue to show his disapproval.
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. IV.
1)advertisement 2)brassiers 3)doctor 4)refrigerator 5)gymnasium 6)high fidelity(radio, photography, etc. ) 7) intercommunication system 8)liberation 9)memorandum 10)microphone
11)modern 12)permanent wave 13)poliomyelitis 14)popular-song 15)preparatory (school) 16)professor 17)sister 18)television 19)veterinarian 20)zoological V. 1)a half-finished letter 2)a half-closed window 3)a piece of half-baked bread 4) a half-turned body 5) a well-appointed hotel 6)well-behaved pupils 7)well-chosen words 8)well-fed children 9)well-informed sources (people) 10) high-flown language VI.
1)sound (v.) His words sound lofty and pretentious.
2)figure (v.) Commerce figures largely in the prosperity of the city. 3)go (n.) He is always on the go from early morning till late at night. 4)try (n.) He didn't succeed in his first try, but he kept on jumping. 5)dust (v.) They are dusting
6)square(v. ) He squared his the crops with insecticide. shoulders to show his determination.
7)good(n.)Overworking yourself will do more harm than good. 8)head(v.)On hearing that,he headed straight for the gate without looking back. 9)make(n.)I don't like a bicycle of this make. 10)reason(v.)If you reason from false premises.how can you expect the conclusion to be sound? Ⅶ.
1)real 2)of no use/useless 3)are making some progress/ are accomplishing something 4)explain it exactly and in detail 5)what happens 6)deduce/reason out 7)started for 8)upset 9)a quick examination or inspection 10)need/occasion 11)observes/notices 12)bribed 13)wealthy/well— to—do Ⅷ.
1)surveyed 2)gaze 3)swept 4)flipped 5)chuckled 6) shot out 7)spat forth these words 8)sprang to her feet 9)clasped lO)swung around 11)detect 12)stared Ⅸ.
4)tired指疲劳或疲倦;weary指厌倦,不能或不愿继续下去。 5)leisurely意为不紧不慢地或从容不迫地。
6)oblige指为„„帮忙;help意义广泛得多。 7)discreetly意为保持沉默,不让别人知道。
9)tense和nervous都表示害怕、担心;tense还可指焦虑不安,神经上紧张。在这里,用tense暗示公爵不是一个生性紧张的人,而是当时焦虑不安和害怕。 10)eventuality指可能出现的结果,possibility指可能出现的事情。
12)vacillate指思想一时动摇,拿不定主意;indecisiveness则指人优柔寡断的性格。 Ⅹ.
1)sleep 2)work 3)the moment 4)thought 5)a doubt 6)time 7)labour 8)perspiration 9)music lO)mind 11) steel 12)events 13)laughter 14)refusal Ⅺ.
1)他从不会被出乎意料的问题难倒。 2)明年他们将生产更多的稻米。 3)这事真难办。(或:这事真糟。) 4)他跃跃欲试。
5)这位老人仍然精力充沛。 6)这个小店出售花哨的小商品。 7)你想喝点什么?
8)这个男孩正在猛长个儿。 9)这个女孩是个神枪手。
10)这两位大人物进行了私下会晤。 11)我们被安排在招待所里过夜。 12)他发现自己陷入了困境。 13)突然我想到了一个主意。
14)他的科学幻想小说在美国轰动一时。 Ⅻ.
1)There is no call for hurry.Take your time. 2)Are you suggesting that I am telling a lie? 3)He tried every means to conceal the fact.
4)Our chance to succeed is very slim.Nevertheless we shall do our utmost. 5)We will have our meeting at 10 tomorrow morning unless notified otherwise. 6)Neither of us is adept at figures.
7)Would it be possible to reach that place before dark assuming we set out at 5 o'clock(in the morning)?
8)He was reluctant to comply with her request.
9)I know you are from the South. Your accent has betrayed you. 10)We have no alternative in this matter.
XIII. Omitted.
Summary The Duke and the Duchess occupy a luxurious suite in a large hotel in New Orleans. On Monday evening while driving with his wife from a gambling house, the Duke knocks down a woman and her child. Both are killed. The Duke and the Duchess, however, drive away. The hit-and-run becomes top sensational news in the city. The hotel's chief house detective Ogilvie notices the battered car when it comes back. He does not go to report this to the police, instead, he comes to the couple's suite and has a talk with them. He promises to keep quiet about what he knows and asks for a large sum of money in return for the favour. The Duke, now totally at a loss as to what to do, has to let his wife handle the problem. The Duchess, a clever woman, first pretends to know nothing about what the detective says and denies the fact that they have killed the woman and the girl, but later admits it after the detective has produced a lot of evidence. She understands that to get themselves out of this mess, the car has to be driven out of the south where people are alerted about the hit-and-run. So she offers to pay Ogilvie twice more than he has asked on condition that he drives the ear to Chicago up in the north. The greedy detective accepted the offer under the imposing air and the lure of money.
Lesson7 The Age of Miracle Chips I .
1)It looks like a stylized Navaho rug or the aerial view of a railroad switching yard. It is made mostly of silicon.
2)The computer of 25 years ago was as large as a room. The miracle chip of today is small, cheap, easy to mass produce, fast, infinitely versatile and convenient. 3)At 7:30 a. m. , when the alarm :lock burrs, the bedroom curtains swing silently apart, the venetian blinds snap up and the thermostat boosts the heat to a cozy 70~. The percolator in the kitchen starts burbling; the back door opens to let out the dog. The TV set blinks on with the day's first newscast. After the news on TV comes the morning mail, from correspondents who have dictated their messages into the computer network. Mr. A. , still in bed, then presses a button on a bedside box and issues a string of business and personal memos, which appear instantly on the genie screen. After his shower, which has turned itself on at exactly the right temperature at the right minute, Mr. A. is alerted by a buzzer and a blue light on the screen. His boss is on his way to the office. Mr. A. dresses and goes out to the car, the engine of which is running.\" After her husband has kissed her goodbye, Mrs. A. uses the computer to do shopping for tonight' s dinner party. Then she orders from the memory bank her favorite recipes, tells the machine to compute the ingredients for six servings, and directs the ovens to reach the correct temperature for each dish according to the recipe, starting at 7:15 p.m. She then joins a televised discussion of art. Later she wanders into the computer room where she has just learned from his headset that his drill in Latin
verb conjugation was very good. 4)Home information management systems will take over memo pads, notebooks, files, bills and the kitchen bulletin board. And housewives will be able to do their shopping by computer TV.
5)Hospital computers will take the place of doctors to talk to patients and they are programmed not only to remind the pharmacy department to prepare prescriptions but also to alert nurses to give the proper dosage at the right time.
6)In addition to the microprocessors under the hood that will help the machine operate more efficiently, tiny computers will ease tensions and make life simpler for the driver and passengers too. For example, at the push of a button, the driver can get a readout on the amount of fuel in the tank, and the number of miles he can expect to go before a refill is necessary or he can find out the miles yet to go to a preset destination and the estimated arrival time. The best auto will contain a small portable phone capable of reaching any number in the world in seconds, automatic braking and a miniradar to avoid collisions.
7)In schools, computers will be more common than slide projectors, movie film projectors and tape recorders. They'll be used from the moment school opens, through break, through lunch period, and to the closing of the school.
8)The computer revolution is stimulating intellects, liberating limbs and pushing mankind to a higher level of existence. Ⅱ .
1)The breakthrough in microelectronics will change people's lives in ways no one has ever thought of before. 2)Although at present only the rich man can afford custom made goods,the average person will be able to afford them in the future.
3)The computer might appear to make human beings machinelike,but it can bring some human qualities into our lives as well.
4)Personal service in medical care is regarded as the most important part of the American life.
5)It is the young Americans who will gain most of the advantages from the electronic revolution.
6)Right now,millions of American computer users are not able to make full use of the computer.
Ⅲ.See the translation of the text. Ⅳ.
1)微生物学 2)微型电路 3)缩微胶卷;缩微照片 4)显微图;微动扩大器;微写器 5)密纹唱片 6)显微照片;缩微照片 7)显微阅读器 8)微秒(百万分之一秒) 9)使微小化;使超小化 l0)微波 V.
1)miniradar超小型雷达 2)superpower超级大国 3)miniskirt超短裙
4)minipants超短裤 5)superfine过分精细的,(商品)特级的 6)minibus小型公共汽车,面包车 7)superhigh frequency超高频率 8)superhighway超级公路 9)superhuman超人的,神的,超过常人的 10)minicamera小型照相机 Ⅵ.
1)car 2)car 3)car 4)cigarettes 5)tape recorder(radio,TV set,stereo—equipment,etc.) 6)tea 7)watches 8)camera 9)airplane 10)life jacket Ⅶ.miracle chips,silicon,calculating capability,microcomputer, screen, read-out, keys, terminal, memory bank, compute, computer room, microelectronic revolution, home computer system, computerize, household computer, program, information
management system, computer TV, microprocessor, magical beasts, a silicon circuit. Ⅷ.
1)assumed, shouldered 2)vast, huge, hulking 3)huge burdens of drudgery, a vast array of tasks 4)conducted 5)in time 6)amazing 7)order 8)punch (press, push) a button 9)wandered 10)to calculate IX.
1)read-out 2)be computerized 3)automakers 4)apparatus 5)appliances 6)computers 7)vacuum tubes 8)capabilities 9)applications 10)silicon chips , microcomputer-controlled 11)calculation 12)information 13)program. Ⅹ.
1)In addition to data processing, the modern computers have the capabilities of making decisions and choices.
2)This device is capable of sending messages to the other hemisphere within a couple of seconds.
3)The new products are being mass-produced.
4)The students are collecting information associated with micro technology. 5)In what ways do you think the mechanization in agriculture will affect the life of the peasants in our country?
6)Please give me a rundown of last week's news.
7) The adoption of computers made it possible for them to perform their task with high efficiency and speed.
8)In a few years, the TV set will be within the reach of the average family. 9)Calculating instruments were in existence long ago.And it was from those past calculators that modern computers evolved. 10)Despite their countless capabilities,the miracle chips must be programmed by human beings?
11)It is estimated that by the end of this year there will be 120 000 machine men(robots 1 working at various posts in service of the human race. 12)This instrument is portable,therefore convenient for the prospectors?13)I'm
afraid your TV set needs repairing:It seems there 1s something wrong with the tube. Ⅺ.
YIT. Omitted.
The Role the Computers Will Play in Our Four Modernizations When the computers are widely used,we may have large numbers of computerized robots which make our lives easier.
Some of them, like the pocket calculator, can work much more quickly than human beings can. And they rarely make mistakes.
In some ways robots are better than people. They work quickly, but do not make mistakes. They do not get bored doing the same job over and over again. And they never get tired.
So robots are very useful in factories. They can be taught to do many different jobs. At first, their electronic brains must be shown how the job is done. A person moves the robot' s \"arms\" and \"hands\" through each part of the job. The robot's brain re-members each move. When the robot is put to work on its own, its brain controls the rods, wheels and motors which move its arm. When the robot is needed for a new job, its electronic memory is \"wiped clean\". Then it is taught how to do its new task.
Robots are also used for doing jobs which are dangerous. They can move objects which are too hot or too heavy for people to handle. They can work in places which are too hot or too cold for people. And they are not affected by poisonous fumes or gases. In scientific research, they may be used for doing such jobs as handling radioactive materials.
In short, the computers will play an important role in our four modernizations. With their help, we will be relieved of tedious, hard or dangerous work and have more time for more challenging and valuable things or even for entertainment.
Lesson 8
An Interactive Life I .
1)An interactive life of the future will be extremely convenient and productive, and a huge amount of information will be available at the touch of a button, everything from airline schedules to esoteric scientific journals to video versions of Broadway.
2)Stepping into the past makes us well aware of the great difference between the past and the present. And the present will become the past of the future ,so we can imagine what the future will be.
3)Since anyone can record news with a video-camera and put it on the universal network for everybody else to see, there is no longer any need for news anchorman like Peter Jennings.
4)If you want to see a film, you don't need to rent a tape and play it on your VCR. Instead, you may pick one from the catalog shown on the TV and phone the library to have it beamed to you. Those game fans may do it in the same way by contacting another electronic library which has a large number of video tapes with recordings of the actual shootings and killings seen in video game shops. Those who want to do shopping at home do not need to look through catalogs published by clothing companies. They may watch video catalogs with models displaying clothes of the newest fashion from various angles.
5)It is not considered genuine interactivity because it is not novel enough with but one step beyond passive viewing. It is still the traditional form of sitting on the couch watching.
6)That means a viewer has access to thousands of channels delivered through some combination of cable, telephone, satellite and cellular networks, which provide data from computer-based archives and information services.
7)Because a user might stand in front of a monitor receiver and just talk and listen, communicating with whatever or whomever some distance away.
8)It means an act or condition of moving towards the same place, result.
9)Because they were afraid its user would get one of Senator Proxmire's Golden Fleece awards.
10)Fibre optics will stop electronic highways from getting crowded and digitalization can translate all kinds of data into the simplest form of number and letter.
11) Intelligent agents are artificial devices which can solve problems, direct conduct by reasoning and which can function properly.
12)Because to build and maintain the information highway at present requires a large sum of money and a huge amount of other investment. II .
1)He imagined that the machine could record informal communication between departments in a company but other people thought it could be used to record music.
2)Since large sums of money have been spent on an idea which is mainly in the planning stage, since great hopes have been put on such an idea, there certainly is a lot of exaggerated publicity. 3)For example, you film a video which you think has special artistic pretensions. 4)-\"even for those who firmly believe in this ,it is difficult to work out the details of how it will actually function.
5) another electronic Library which has a large number of video tapes with recordings of the actual shootings and killings available in video game shops 6) It is just one step beyond passive viewing. It is still the traditional form of sitting on the couch watching.
7)ordering films which you will pay for watching and getting bills piled up by doing shopping at home paying with creditcards
8)Future programs may be the technological descendants of today's CD-ROM discs. 9)\"Interactivity\" for the time being may be the most used word which has little meaning but sounds impressive to outsiders while \"convergence\" follows \"interactivity\" closely in the second place in frequency.
10)At Present, politicians starting from President Clinton all the way down to lower-level officials are eager and willing to state that they are for the new medium. 11)The solution to the problem is t0 use fiber optics? 12)Digits are digits.Digits are really wonderful?
13)Try to think what the conversation would be like:“I have got a user who will suit you fine!”
14)Interactivity may widen the gap between those people or nations with relatively much wealth or rich resources and those without.those who have access to the network and those who cannot afford to use the information highway?
Ⅲ.See the translation of the text. Ⅳ.
1)personal computer私人电脑
2)differential aptitude test鉴别能力倾向测验 3)computer aided designing计算机辅助设计 4)computer aided manufacturing计算机辅助制造
5)United Nations Development Programme联合国发展方案(联合国发展署) 6)United Nations Institute for Training and Research联合国训练研究所 7)World Health Organization世界卫生组织(联合国) 8)unidentified flying object不明飞行物,飞碟 9)International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织 10)most favored nation最惠国
11)Special Drawing Rights(国际货币基金组织的)特别提款权 12)free on board装运港船上交货 V.
3)potatoes.heroes。volcanoes,tomatoes,Negroes,ghetto(e)s 4)analyses,crises,theses,geneses 5)stimuli,genii,foci,alumni Ⅵ.
information,data,network,intelligent agent,data highway, electronic library,interactive models,fake interactive,true interactive,television cables,fiber—optic cables,a TV monitor,hard disc,compact discs,multimedia。computer—based archives,information services,programmed electronic selectors,video telephony,data transmittal,digitalization。Pulses of light,unimedia,artificial intelligence.information high—way,universal information library Ⅶ.
1)杰出人物统治论 2)类似人民党主义的主张 3)恐怖主义 4)穷人,贫民 5)民族主义 6)酒精中毒
7)多种文化融合论 8)象征主义,象征手法 9)多元论 10)唯一神教派 11)无产阶级性
1)院际 2)洲际
3)可互相转换的 4)在不同文化之间的
5)跨学科的 6)异族(不同宗教、人种问)的通婚 7)间奏曲,幕间演出 8)相互影响 9)相互联系 10)望远镜 11)电传排字机 12)电传
13)心灵感应的 14)技术统治论 15)专家政治论者 16)技术发展史 17)多极的 18)多能的,多用途的 19)在许多州有分公司的 20)大型综合性大学 21)一维的,一度的 22)单方面的
23)不分男女的 24)单一的,单元的,一致的 25)一年两次的 26)双语的 Ⅸ.
1)competitor竞争者 2)transmitter发报者 3)receiver收件人
4)terminator(月球、星球的)明暗界线 5)inventor发明者 6)recorder录音机
8)carrier搬运人,递送人;航空母舰. 9)creator创造者;(大写)造物主 10)conductor售票员;(乐队)指挥
11)locker(公共场所供单人存放衣帽等用的)柜,小室 12)locator定位器,探测器 13)regulator管理者;调节器 14)detector发觉者;探测器 15)synthesizer合成物
16)condenser冷凝器,电容器 17)indicator指示物,指示器 18)controller审计官;调节器 19)sensor传感器
20)selector挑选者;波段开关 X.
1)There are no tickets available for Saturday's performance,let's do something else for the weekend.
2)The dress is available in all sizes.
3)To my knowledge.this is the most practical program they have ever conceived of.
4)The children have lots of fun playing the video games.
5)The play at the theatre was very poor fun.We hardly laughed at a11.
6)Right now.“tailoring” is the buzzword in executive suites of multinational corporations.
7)The programs of the music radio successfully cater to the different types of interest and taste among the listeners of varying backgrounds.
8)Some tabloids are trying hard to cater to the low taste of some readers for the sake of making money.
9)This oil refinery has a capacity of about one million tons of petroleum a year. 10)A stadium with a seating capacity of 80 000 is under construction.
11)It is the first time for the researchers have access to the valuable archives. 12)Only a few people had access to the details of the case. 13)The frontiers of medical science are being pushed farther onwards as time goes on.
14)The two rivals competed with each other so fiercely that they kept tabs on every move of the opponent.
15)The parents are pinning all their hopes on their son, so they've decided to send him to an expensive private school.
16)He is keen on all kinds of new things and has preference for computers. XI.
1)Hawkins says the work-at-home market could be computer based and provide a market for teleconferencing and portable computing devices ,like the device with Newton as its name which is highly recommended by Apple chairman John Sculley.
2)The cowboys round up cattle while the consumers round up data. To avoid being overwhelmed by a large amount of incoming data ,the viewer will depend on an electronic device with coded instructions to choose from the mass of in- formation the kind of things he needs.
3)„the wires, cables or air can no longer carry such great number of signals. 4)Maes and others admit that there's a disadvantage to all these dreams. 5)Certainly these electronic devices are a precious source of valuable information.
6)If that is the situation, the best thing to do is to join in for future Changes.
prosper, constantly || being, what, computer, suite, computer-wise, artificial, that, reports || like, same, set, case, orchestrates, overall, judgment || up, best, automate, not, robots, also, automation, neurocomputers ||computerized, worth, have, 1995, way, escape, intelligence, basic, a
XIII. Omitted. XIV.
The Impact of Science and Technology on Human Civilization Art creation is an unconquerable urge that can be found in every human culture. Ever since our ancestors finger painted on the walls of caves, the technology of art has been improving. Chisels, brushes, paints, canvas, pencils, pastels, forges, foundries ,cameras--all are the products of technology. When our species wishes to make something beautiful, it first constructs tools.
Recently, a new tool of constituting a potential revolution in the future of art has arrived: the electronic computer is able to store, access and manipulate large amounts of data and large numbers of picture elements. The field of computer art is still in its earliest stages but already displays immense promise. In principle, computers can create works recognizable in the style of the old masters, as well as art of a kind never before imagined.
The opportunities open to gifted artists who are also expert programmers are unlimited. This is , at least so far ,an usual combination, however--perhaps because the right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is mainly responsible for the overall conceptualizations essential for art, while the left is primarily in charge of the analytic thinking necessary of programming.
In another century, the sense of incongruity that many of us feel about mixing computers with serious aft will be out of date. Creating works of art with electronic computers will be on the mainstream of the history of art and, indeed, on the mainstream of the history of humanity.
Lesson 9
Mirror of America I .
1)Because his literary works such as two novels about Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are loved by Americans, who imagine he was adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous.
2)Before he became a writer, he worked as a tramp printer, river pilot, Confederate guerrilla, prospector, and reporter. He had done varied jobs.
3)He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days, signaling two fathoms of water.
4)He became a pilot on a steamboat in 1857 and stayed there for four and a half years. There he learned a lot about human nature and gained a keen perception of the human race. This experience immensely enriched his writing.
5)He left the river country because the development of railroad, rendered steamboat pilots less necessary and the Civil War began, stopping commerce. Then he became a Confederate guerrilla.
6)The celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.
7)Because it was a book centered on satirizing Europe and the Holy Land, arousing intense interest among Americans.
8)Because it is a classic tale of American boyhood describing Tom's mischievous daring, ingenuity, and the sweet innocence of his affection for Becky Thatcher. 9)Personal tradegy made him become bitter late in life. Ⅱ.
1)a man who became constantly preoccupied by the moral weaknesses of mankind 2)Mark Twain first observed and absorbed the new American experience, and then introduce it to the world in his books or lectures.
3)In his new profession he could meet people of all kinds.
4)With no money and a frashated feeling, he accepted a job as reporter with Territorial Enterprise in Virginia City, ...
5)Mark Twain began working hard to became well known locally as a newspaper reporter and humorist.
6)and when California makes a plan for a new surprise, the solemn people in other states of the U.S. smile as usual, making a comment \"that's typical of California\" 7)The man who had made the world laugh was himself consumed by bitterness.
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. IV.
1)compound nouns a) n. + n. : steamboat, pilothouse, keelboat, waterside, railroad, stagecoach, pickax, gold-fields, notebook, milestone, newspaper, bathtub, etc.
b)adj. (adv., prep. ) + n. : flatboat, hotbed, best-seller, rough-country, everything, downstream, etc. c)gerund +n. : mining-camp 2)compound adjectives
a)adj. +n. (-ed) :starry-eyed, acid-tongued, etc.
b)adv. +past participle: best-loved
c)n. +present participle: energy-sapping d)v. +adv. :runaway V.
1)pessimist 2)civilized 3)dull 4)to accept 5)lazily 6)energetic, alert 7)to deny 8)small, tiny 9)interesting 10)cheerful VI.
river pilot, valley of the Mississippi River, main artery of transportation, keelboat, flatboat, large raft, downstream, steamboat, steamboat deck, stream. Ⅶ.
1)tramp printer 2)river pilot 3)pen name 4)steamboat days 5)Mississippi River 6)delta country 7)cub pilot 8) pilothouse talk 9)medicine shows lO)waterside slums ll)steamboat decks 12)steamboat trade 13)river country 14)gold and silver fever 15)Virginia city 16)newspaper reporter 17) city government 18) Sacramento Valley 19) rough-country settlers 20) mining-camp meals 21) Calaveras County 22) pleasure cruise 23) United States citizens 24)California newspaper 25)art treasures 26) book version 27)boyhood adventures 28)stage play 29) town drunkard 30)raft flight 31)steamboat explosion32)heart attack Ⅷ.
1)romantic意为“浪漫的”;sentimental意为“伤感的”或“易感伤的”;humorous意为“幽默的”或“风趣的”;witty意为“机智的”或“聪颖的”。 2)cynic意为“愤世嫉俗者”;critic意为“批评家”或“评论家”。
4)proclaim指正式宣布或宣称;claim表示对一项权利的要求和维护。 5)demand本为经济术语,与supply相对,即常说的“供需”;need为通用词,意为“需要”。 halt比stop更具体,暗指短暂的停止。
6)mistreatment指错误地对待;ill-treatment指虐待。 7)consequence常指不良后果或结果;result为常用词。
8)dreary指使人情绪低落,精神萎糜不振;tedious指单调,持续时间长,从而使人厌倦。 9)a pleasure cruise指旅游者乘船观光游览,不一定船上的人都玩得高兴;a pleasant cruise指乘船玩得很高兴,不一定是旅游。
12)desperation指因失望(despair)而表现出气急败坏的状态。 Ⅸ.
1)father:author,creator cruise through eternal boyhood:journey through lasting boyhood endless summer of freedom and adventure:long summer full of free and adventurous activities
2)artery:main route or channel
3)cast of characters:people of various sorts cosmos:a place where one can find all sorts of characters
4)current: stream (here not a good choice for the verb team)
5)succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever: gave way to (yielded to, submitted to) the gold and silver rush prevailing in that area
6)flirted with the colossal wealth \"\" and was rebuffed: did not try hard or persistently enough to get the colossal wealth \"\" failed
7)digging his way to regional fame: working hard to gain regional fame
8)honed: sharpened (It is not suitable to say \"to sharpen one's muscles\". ) X.
1)antithesis 2)euphemism 3)metonymy 4)alliteration 5)alliteration 6)personification 7)euphemism 8)antithesis XI.
1)The article does not touch the heart of the subject under discussion.
2)The newly completed railway is the main artery for traffic in the southwest of that country.
3)That problem produced two different currents of opinion among the Congressmen. 4)The overcrowded slum areas were a hotbed of diseases and vices. 5)Twain's source of inspiration never dried up. 6)Living in the enemy camp honed his wits. Ⅻ.
1)eternal boyhood 2)endless summer 3)a cosmos
4)a memory that seemed phonographic 5)the epidemic of gold and silver fever 6)a milestone in a country's development 7)America laughed with him.
8)„ almost as sure to be studied in American schools today as is the Declaration of Independence.
9)„ a moving panorama for exploration of American society 10)Twain found the ultimate expression of escape from„ ll)Personal tragedy haunted his entire life ...
12)Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.
l)completely, entirely 2)bankrupt, penniless 3)organizing
4)developing, carrying them out at high speed 5)as its characteristic is 6)wagered $ 50 with a stranger 7)exposed the falsehood of 8)cast away
1)He was obssessed with fear of poverty. 2)Dongting Lake teems with fish and shrimps.
3)Tom was every bit as intelligent as the top boy in his class. 4)He is an acquaintance of mine, but not a friend.
5)Under pressure, he had no other choice but quit office.
6)In the end he succumbed to her persuasion and decided to change his original plan.
7)Many children succumbed to small pox then.
8)Much to his horror, he found the cabin flooded.
9)The kids did extremely well in their exam, to the great satisfaction of both parents and teachers.
10)That's Peter all over.
11)Not until midnight did the surgeon finish the operation.
12)The history course has acquainted me with ancient civilizations. 13)The old writer shaped the folktale into a film scenario. 14)The dauntless revolutionary spirit of the Chinese people finds full expression in the new play.
XV. Omitted. XVI.
Mark Twain Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He was born in the small village of Florida, Missourion November 30, 1835. His family moved to Hannibal when Samuel was 4, where he spent his boyhood, fascinated by the romance and impressed by the violence of river life. Sam had relatively little schooling. He left school at 13, and became a full-time apprentice to a printer. At 18, he became a tramp printer and went to New York, then to Philadelphia and Washington, and finally to Iowa to set type for his brother's local paper. At22, he became a steamboat pilot's apprentice. About two years later, he became a pilot himself. He worked on the Mississippi River till 1861, learning a lot about human nature. In 1861,when the Civil War broke out, he became a Confederate guerrilla but retired after two weeks. Then he went to the West, and
worked as a prospector, miner, and speculator, but failed. And then he did reporting for local papers. In February, 1863, he began to use the pen name Mark Twain, a river man's term for water that was just barely safe for navigation. In 1865, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County was published and he became famous. He married in 1870, and moved to Hartford, Conn. ,where he lived his most productive years (till 1891), during which he wrote Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Besides these two children's classics, he wrote many other important works in his life, among which were Roughing It, The Gilded Age, The Prince and Pauper, The One Million, Bank-Note and Other Stories, The Man that Corrupted Hadleybury and Other Stories and Sketches. He died in 1910.
Lesson10 The Trial That Rocked the World I.
1)In the 1920s,when he was a teacher at a secondary school in Dayton,a little town in the mountains of Tenessee,he was charged with teaching evolution and had to be present in the court.The trial。however,rocked the world.After the trial,he studied at the University of Chicago and became a geologist for an oil company later.
2)The struggles were in fact struggles between ignorance and wisdom.religion and science.That showed the spread of science and truth was no easy task. 3)Because the result would effect the whole country,even the world.
4)Darrow and Malone thought that the Bible could co—exist with the Evolution Theory and it was acceptable for a Christion to be an evolutionist.Besides,the Bible should not be interpreted and accepted literally.Bryan just thought the opposite way.
5) The trial began with prayer by a local minister. This showed the connection of the religion (Christianity) with the law. Among 12 jurors three had never read any book except the Bible. One couldn't read. That showed that the religion and ignorance play an important role in the law. Judging by the fact above, the law and legal proce- dures in the U. S. at that time were not sensible.
6)John Scopes lost the case in the court, but he won in a real sense.
7)We cannot take the Bible literally. Actually there is something inconsistent in it. It can be accepted as a religious book whose interpretation should not be defined by some people only.
8)This article is intended to draw the world's attention to the Evolution Theory and persuade people not to be stubbornly hostile to science. II.
1)We have some clever and unexpected tactics and we will surprise them in the trial.
2)The case had come down upon me unexpectedly and violently.
3)The fundamentalists believe in a word-for-word acceptance of what is said in the Bible.
4)that all life had developed gradually from a common original organism
5)Let's accuse Scopes of teaching evolution and let the court decide whether he is breaking the law or not.
6) People from the nearby mountains, mostly fundamentalists, came to support Bryan against those professors, scientists, and lawyers who came from the northern big cities and were not fundamentalists.
7)As my father complained angrily, \"That' s no jury at all. \"
8)He is here because unenlightenment and prejudice are widespread and unchecked. 9)People had to pay in order to have a look at the ape and to consider carefully whether apes and humans could have a common ancestry. 10)and the crowd, who were mainly fundamentalists, took his words showing no fear as if they were prayers, interrupting frequently with \"Amen\"
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. Ⅳ.
1)legal terms: court, defence, criminal lawyer, leading councel for the prosecution, state legislature, trial, testify, a jury trial, case, indict, the U. S. Supreme Court, defend, presiding judge, attorney-general, open the session, juror, legality, witness, evidence, accuse, adjourn, verdict, jurymen, guilty, conviction 2)religious terms: fundamentalists , modernists, the Old Testament, fundamentalism, the Bible, agnostic, Catholic, Jew, infidel, God, Amen, Genesis\" Ⅴ.
1)Today the teachers are put on trial because they teach science, soon the magazines, books and newspapers will not be allowed to express new ideas.
2)\"It is doubtful whether man (rather the fundamentalist) has reasoning power,\" Darrow said in a contemptuous way. 3)The Christian believes that God in heaven made human being but the evolutionist thinks human beings come from lowly animals. The implication is there is nothing lofty, noble about human beings in the eyes of the evolutionist.
4)This is a pun, i. e. playing on words. This sentence may have two different interpretations, depending on how you read it. If you pause before the dash, it means Darwin, the naturalist is correct. If you read out the whole sentence, it means Darwin the shop owner is directly inside.
5)Even the ape shuddered when it realized that it might share the same ancestry with human beings (especially the fundamentalists). 6) Malone considered the defeat a blessing in disguise, although Scopes was found guilty, they had succeeded in drawing the attention of the people all over the United States to this issue.
7)The statement conveys false modesty about being with the people and indicates regional narrow-mindedness and bigotry.
8)This shows that the jurors were ignorant, prejudiced and narrow minded. There couldn't be a fair and impartial trial.
9)Bryan's role is self-appointed. There is no need for Bryan to act as the
spokesman. If a thing is true it does not need anyone, least of all Bryan, to defend it.
10) Bryan was dead against knowledge, Science and new ideas, so it was ironical to name a university after him because the function of a university was to spread knowl-edge, science and new ideas. Ⅵ.
1)snowball: metaphor; grow or develop rapidly
2)circus atmosphere: metaphor; riotous holiday spirit 3)sprout: metaphor; grow or spring up quickly
4)spar: metaphor; fight with words, engage in argument 5)thunder: metaphor; say loudly and angrily
6)like a prairie fire: simile; spreading quickly, rapidly and overcoming all obstacles 7)scorch : metaphor wither, thoroughly defeat hot breath of his oratory: metaphor; the fiery speech, the caustic condemnation
8)a duel: metaphor; a life and death struggle
9)a storm of applause:metaphor;loud applause by many people 10)the oratorical duel:metaphor;the speech contest 11)spring the trump card:metaphor;take the most decisive course of action which one believes cannot fail
12)oratorical storm,blew up:metaphors;the great debate that took place like a fresh wind:simile;brought new and healthy changes.The great debate initiated by Clarence Darrow and Dudley Field Malone in the little court in Dayton brought new and healthy changes throughout the schools and legislative offices of the United States Ⅶ.
1)hyperbole 2)transferred epithet 3)synecdoche 4)
ridicule 5)sarcasm 6)irony 7)sarcasm 8)antithesis 9)hyperbole 10)ridicule,simile 11)ridicule 1 2)oxy-moran Ⅷ.
2)立法部门制订法律,行政部门执行法律,司法部门解释法律。 3)三个证人出庭作证,证明他无罪。
5)在美国法院,证人宣誓照实直说时,要把一只手放在《圣经》上。 6)自助者,上帝助之。
7)不管什么种族、民族和宗教信仰,在法律面前,法官应一视同仁。 8)Barristers是在法庭上进行控告或辩护的律师。
1)At that time metaphysics was rampant.
2)I did not anticipate that 1 would get involved in this dispute
3)You must involve yourself in the work if you want to learn something.
4)The jury brought in a verdict of guilty and the judge sentenced him to three years' imprisonment. 5)Racial discrimination still exists in various forms in the United States though racial segregation is against the law.
6)I think we can reconcile the two views. 7)He seemed reconciled to the idea.
8)The spectators' hearts went out to the defendant.
9)The London papers expressed the view that the collapse of Nazi Germany was at hand.
10)He estimated the number of scouts on hand as ranging from three to five. 11)The project got under way soon after the signing of the contract. X.
criminal, guilt, defendant, legal, defence, afford, at, prison, prepared || trial, cross-examine, prosecution, witnesses, attend, compelled, court, counsel, right || jury, evidence, accused, verdict, innocence, unammous, majority|| appeal, tried, offence
XI. Omitted.
Because of the wording of the anti-evolution law, the prosecution had to believe that the Bible must be interpreted word for word. And Darrow sprang his trump card by calling Bryan as a witness for the defence. Bryan agreed. Darrow read from Genesis : \"And the evening and the morning were the first day. \" Then he asked Bryan if he believed that the sun was created on the fourth day. Bryan answered yes. Darrow asked, \"How could there have been a morning and evening without any sun?\" At this, Bryan did not know what to say. Darrow then asked if he believed literally in the story of Eve. Bryan answered yes. Darrow asked, \"And you be- lieve that God punished the serpent by condemning snakes for ever after to crawl upon their bellies?\" \"I believe that.\" \"Well, have you any idea how the snake went before that time?\" This made Bryan angry. \"Your honour,\" he said. \"I will answer all Mr. Darrow's questions at once. I want the world to know that this man who does not believe in God is using a Tennessee court to cast slurs on Him .-. \"\"I object to that statement,\" Darrow shouted. \"I am examining you on your fool ideas that no intelligent Christian on earth believes. \"The spectators burst into a brawl. The judge used his gavel to calm them down and adjourned court until next day.
Lesson11 But What's a Dictionary For? I .
1) the Atlantic. a \"disappointment\disaster\". the New York Times :speeding the deterioration of the language. the Journal of the American Bar Association: deplorable, a flagrant example of lexicographic irresponsibility, a serious blow to the cause of good English. Life :a non-word deluge, monstrous, abominable, a cause for dismay.
2)The making of the dictionary involves $ 3.5 million and the efforts of three hundred scholars over a period of twenty-seven years.
3)Between the appearance of these two editions, the science of descriptive linguistics has come into being. Some of the major features of the science are: a)Atl languages are systems of human conventions, not systems of natural laws. b)Each language is unique in its pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, c)All languages are dynamic rather than static, d)\"Correctness'can rest only upon usage, and all usages is relative.
4)New dictionaries are needed because English has changed more in the past two generations than at any other time in its history.
5)He uses facts to show the popular press is using the language that the Third International describes, even including the very editorials which scorn it. 6)He says many English words may be spelled and pronounced, with equal correctness, in either way.
7)Because the obvious is not necessarily easy to define. 8)Yes, it certainly has some. Ⅱ.
1)a shameless example of irresponsibility in making the dictionary 2)What causes the abuse in the popular press?
3)Each language cannot be described according to other language, or even by its own past.
4)Every living language is in a process of constant change.
5)Even in spelling, which is so stable and hardly debatable, a dictionary cannot always decide absolutely which is right and which is wrong.
6) A dictionary should record the fact without bothering whether it can satisfy the vanity of those who use a dictionary to prove their unyielding position in an argument or help those who bet some money in support of their conviction. 7)Has the dictionary failed to do its duty?
8)Lexicography is a science and its judgment, like the judgment of God, cannot be swayed by anybody no matter what high social position he may occupy. 9)And this is also complicated, delicate, and always changing.
10)The editorial accuses the Third International of being pedantically and confusingly wordy.
Ⅲ. See the translation of the text. IV.
1)anemia 2)anesthesia 3)behavior 4)favorite 5)check
6)center 7)meter 8)defense 9)dialog 10)gram 11) program 12)modeled 13)practice 14)maneuver 15)Moslem 16)fulfill V .
1)shame, disgrace 2)speed up the lowering of the quality 3)horrible, shocking/disgusting, very bad 4)quotations 5)difference, disagreement 6)forces 7)removed, taken away/irrelevant, not essential 8) given up, neglected 9)listeners 10) wordiness 11)increase 12)removal Vl.
1)to see sth. as 2)hoax 3)to charge 4)to set up 5)to follow 6)quotation 7)to limit 8)to record 9)current 10)distinction 11)to be the business of Ⅶ.
1)Life regarded the dictionary being full of words that have not come to be accepted.
2)The difference...is by no means insignificant, it is basic. 3) Modern linguistics take Leonard Bloomfield's Language (1933)as its authority. 4)But if so, he has made unconsciously one of the biggest mistakes one is liable to make in dictionary making.
5)Anyone who tries to sort out the many meanings now included under door may have to sacrifice brevity to accuracy.
6)And, sure enough, in the definition which made the Post angry... Ⅷ.
1)alliteration and sarcasm 2)assonance and antithesis 3)metonymy 4) metonymy 5) synecdoche 6) sarcasm 7)synecdoche
IX .
1)Never has a scholarly work of this stature been attacked with such unbridled fury and contempt.
2)Is all this a fraud, a hoax?
3)The first—and essential—step in the study of any language is observing and setting down precisely what happens when native speakers speak it. 4)Change is constant—and normal.
5)But he wants—and has a right to—the truth,the full truth. 6)And this,too,is complex,subtle,and forever changing.
7)The fine print in the lease„-and the rent is computed on the number of rooms. 8)But one thing is certain:anyone who„nonsense. Ⅹ.
2)他总是从钱的角度考虑问题。 3)谈到这个男孩时他们总是赞扬。 4)从那时起两国一直保持着友好关系。 5)你必须把这件事记在他的帐上。 6)我们把成功归于你的帮助。
7)他的父母帮他开设了律师事务所。 8)他们被大雾耽搁了。
9)工作是困难的,但你一定要坚持下去。 10)她改行搞演唱了。 Ⅺ.
1)The Garden of Harmonious Interest was modelled on a garden in Wuxi. 2)He called on the children to model themselves on the PLA heroes. 3)This work may be relegated to philosophy.
4)Benjamin Franklin was as much a scientist and an inventor as a statesman. 5)He set down all the findings of every experiment in his notebook. 6)Can you sum up the central idea of this ancient poem in plain terms? 7)We should constantly adapt our thinking to the changing conditions.
8) The young soldier was frozen to death in the snow, his hands still hanging on to the gun.
9) The said company will furnish them with lodging and transportation. 10)The speed of motor vehicles is restricted to 55 km. per hour.
11)The cable message conveyed the deepest concern of the people in the capital for those in the quake-afflicted areas.
12)What can you infer about the author from the article it-self? 13)She has a preference for classical music.
14)The teacher urges the students to use English-English dictionaries in preference to English-Chinese dictionaries.
lexicography, it, dictionary, up, language, data, lexicographer, employed, selecting, fall, under, assembling, useful, for, their, establish, sometimes, of, changes, vocabulary, are, coinage, went, milestons, steps, that, such, listing, feet
XIII. Omitted.
At first, the author mentions the abuse in the popular press that greeted the appearance of Webster's Third New International Dictionary and asks: what underlies all this sound and fury? He doesn't answer the question at once but introduces the newly appearing science of descriptive linguistics related to the making of dictionaries. From the general findings of the new science he draws a conclusion
that dictionary is good only insofar as it is a comprehensive and accurate description of current usage. Then by citing facts he points out that the English language has changed a lot since the birth of the Second International, and the popular press vehemently attacking the Third International uses many words only to be found in it. Therefore it is necessary to have a new dictionary to respond to and record the changing language. At last, he states though there is room for improvement in the Third International, it is wise and practical to use the Third instead of the Second.