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剑桥少儿英语预备级教案(下) unit 1 School is fun

上课时间:3月7日,8日10:20—11:50紫教室 人数(3人)

.Teaching contents ; 2.words:

1)school:pen,ruler,bag,book,pencil-case,small,big,blackboard,desk,school,chair,pencil; 2) school:garden,swimming pool,classroom,playground; 3)numbers:1-15; 3.sentences:

1)What can you see? I can see…

2)How many …are there?There are … 4.grammar:how many is/are; 5.topic:school is fun; Ⅱ.Teaching purpose


part 1 pen,ruler,bag,book,pencil-case,small,big,blackboard; What can you see? I can see… Part 6 Listen and write the numbers

boy_ girs_desks_chairs_doors_windows_TV(s)_blackboards_ 2.speaking:会说教材以下内容; part 1

pen,ruler,bag,book,pencil-case,small,big,blackboard; What can you see? I can see… part 3

Look the picture and answer these questions:

How many boys/girs/teachers/doors/windows/TV(s)/fans are there? There are…

3.reading:会读教材以下内容; part 2

garden,swimming pool,classroom,playground. part 4

Which one is different(look at the pictures) 1)desk, banbana,chair,blackboard; 2)eraser,book,pen,door;

3)school,garden,pencil,playground; 4) chair, pencil, eraser, pen; 4.writing:会写教材以下内容;

part 6 Listen and write the numbers

boy_ girl_desks_chairs_doors_windows_TV(s)_blackboards_ 5.using:

1)能完成教材上以下内容的作业:part 4, part 5,part 6; 2)会唱教材上以下内容的歌曲:part 5;

3)会玩教材上以下内容的游戏:part4 ,part 6; Ⅲ.Teaching methods 1.song:part 5

School is fun ,school is fun.Drawing singing and we are Number One. School is fun ,school is fun.Drawing singing and we are Number One. Dancing,runningmjumping,and swimming. We are Number One.We are Number ONE. 2.game:

part 4 Look at these pictures and find out which one is different ;



最后,用游戏的方法,让学生动起来,边说英语,边找出本堂课的内容。 part 6 Listen and write the numbers;


其次,让学生明白本堂课的重点在哪里,根据重点有针对性的给学生教授数字知识; 最后,全班同学与老师一起互动起来做数字游戏。
