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My Big Dream of Being a Famous Singer

Hi there! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I go to Huangpu Road Elementary School here in Shanghai. Today I want to tell you all about my super big dream for the future. Are you ready? Okay, here it goes!

Ever since I was a tiny little girl, I've dreamed of being a famous singer! I'm not just talking about singing little kiddie songs for my parents and grandparents. No way, I mean being a real, actual professional singer with albums and music videos and concerts with thousands of fans! How cool would that be? I think my love for singing started when I was around 4 years old. My mom says I was always making up silly little songs and dancing around our apartment. She has all these embarrassing videos of me putting on little shows wearing tutus and fairy wings, singing my heart out. My favorite songs to sing when I was little were the classic Disney princess songs like \"A Whole

New World\" from Aladdin and \"Part of Your World\" from The Little Mermaid. I knew all the words by heart!

When I got a little older and started going to school, I joined the children's choir. That's when I realized how much I truly loved singing. There's just something magical about joining your voice together with other people and creating beautiful harmonies. It givesme goosebumps every time! My choir teacher, Mrs. Wang, is always telling me what a special talent I have. She says I have perfect pitch and can sing complex melodies after just hearing them once. I work really hard in choir, making sure I practice my scales and breathing exercises every day after school. I want to be the very best singer I can be.

Of course, my number one role model and biggest inspiration has to be Taylor Swift. I'm utterly obsessed with her music! I have all her albums memorized front to back. I love how she writes her own songs about her life experiences and emotions. That's exactly what I want to do when I'm a famous singer - write deep, heartfelt lyrics that really speak to people. Taylor is amazing live too, playing her guitar and dancing around onstage with so much energy. I can picture myself doing that in huge arenas in front of thousands of screaming fans! Wouldn't that be a dream come true?

Some of my other favorite singers are Ariana Grande (her voice is just outrageously good!), Ed Sheeran (his songwriting makes me want to cry), and the classic Chinese singer Faye Wong. Her song \"Eyes on Me\" is my go-to pick for singing competitions. I've won three talent shows already singing that song. The judges always tell me I sing it like I really mean and feel the words. I work hard to pour real emotion into every song I sing. My parents, bless them, have always been super supportive of my dream to be a famous singer. Some parents might think it's a silly pipe dream, but not mine. Every week, my mom takes me to vocal coaching lessons with an amazing teacher named Mrs. Zhao. She's trained opera singers before, so she really knows her stuff. With her help, my vocal range and breath control have improved so much. My dad has been working extra hours to pay for the expensive lessons. He always stresses that he and mom will do whatever it takes to make my dream a reality. They're the absolute best!

Of course, my dream is to get discovered and become a huge celebrity singer. But I know that takes a ton of hard work, dedication, and crazy luck. My plan is to start posting videos of me singing pop covers on YouKu and Bilibili once I'm a little older. I've been practicing my stage presence and choreography

too. Then, if those videos get popular, maybe I can audition for those vocal competition TV shows you see. Although to be honest, I'm a little nervous about being judged and criticized on live TV. I have to grow a thicker skin for that!

No matter what, I'm going to keep pursuing my passion for singing through middle school, high school, and beyond. If I don't make it big as a pop star, that's okay. My back-up plan is to get a music degree and become a professional singer in an orchestra or opera company. Or maybe write songs for other artists. Basicallly, I just want a career where I can sing every single day! As long as I get to do what I truly love, that's my dream come true.

Sometimes I do get a little worried that my dream is too big or unrealistic. After all, how many singers actually \"make it\" and get super famous and successful? The odds are pretty slim. But you know what? I'm not going to let doubts like that get in the way of chasing my dreams. I know I have a special gift, and if I nurture that gift through constant practice and training, amazing things could happen. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, right? This little 10-year-old girl from Shanghai isn't going to look back years from now and regret not giving my all to my one

true passion. The bright lights and booming applause of a major stadium concert are calling my name!

So that's my super big dream of being a famous, celebrated, and talented singer one day. It's going to take years of extremely hard work and a whole lot of luck. But I'm ready. Armed with an amazing voice, the support of my family, and an endless well of determination, I can make this dream a reality! Keep your eyes peeled for me, because one day you might just see me playing the Houston Arena or Madison Square Garden. A little girl from Huangpu Road Elementary School who defied the odds and took the music world by storm. Wouldn't that be something?


My Big Dream of Becoming a Famous Singer

Hi there! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I'm in 5th grade and I love singing more than anything in the whole wide world! Ever since I was a tiny little girl, I've had this huge dream of becoming a famous singer when I grow up. Let me tell you all about it!

It all started when I was just 3 years old. My mom was playing her favorite pop songs around the house and I couldn't help but sing along. My parents thought it was just an adorable

little phase at first, but then they realized I could actually carry a tune really well, even at such a young age! They were shocked at how good my pitch was.

From then on, singing became my biggest passion and hobby. I sang everywhere I went - in the car, in the bathtub, at the playground, you name it! My parents signed me up for singing lessons and entered me into local talent shows for kids. With each performance and every new song I learned, my dream grew bigger and bigger.

In my mind, I saw myself up on a huge stage, dressed in a sparkly outfitwith make-up and lights everywhere. Thousands of people would be cheering wildly as I sang my heart out into the microphone. Maybe I'd even have some back-up dancers behind me, helping me out with the choreography! How cool would that be?

Of course, I know becoming a famous singer isn't easy at all. My singing teacher tells me I have to practice every single day without fail if I want to make it big. She says I have to learn all about performing, connecting with an audience, controlling my breathing, and so much more. It's tons of hard work!

But I don't mind one bit. In fact, I practice singing for at least an hour every day after school. I make my little brother be my

back-up dancer sometimes and I sing into a hairbrush like it's a microphone. My parents are always laughing at me when I do that, but I don't care. A girl's gotta practice, you know? Besides singing itself, I've also been learning about the music industry and what it takes to actually become famous. It's not just about having a pretty voice. You need to write good songs, make connections with people at record labels, promote yourself like crazy, and more. Sometimes I get a little worried it might be too much for me.

Then I remember all the famous singers I look up to who had to work really hard to get where they are. Stars like Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, and so on. They all started out just being normal kids with a dream, kind of like me! If they could make it big time, why can't I? I'm determined to be the next huge pop star one day.

My ultimate dream is to win lots of Grammy awards and go on massive world tours. Can you imagine how cool it would be to sing in front of a roaring crowd in places like New York, Paris, Tokyo, or Sydney? And having hit songs on the radio that everyone knows? Getting mobbed by fans everywhere I go? That would be the life!

Of course, I know I have to stay grounded and humble too. My parents always remind me that singing is about passion and artistry, not just fame and money. I need to pour my heart into my music and connect with my fans on a deeper level. I totally agree with that. When you listen to someone like Adele sing a sad song, you can feeling the raw emotion she puts into every single word. That's the kind of impactful artist I want to be. There will definitely be haters and critics too. Not everyone is going to love me or my music. My teacher says I have to grow a tough skin and not let the negativity get me down. Instead, I should use it as motivation to work harder and get better. Easy for her to say, but I'll try my best!

Whenever I feel a little doubtful or discouraged about my huge singing dreams, I remember how happy being on stage makes me feel. When I'm up there pouring my heart out into a song, nothing else matters. I get completely lost in the melodies and lyrics. It's like the music takes over my body and mind. That feeling is SO incredible and addictive. Knowing I can make people feel strong emotions just by singing...wow, there's nothing else like it.

I have lots of other interests and hobbies too, like reading, drawing, and skateboarding. But singing is \"the one\" for me. It's

my biggest passion and my one true calling that I'll never give up on. Who knows, maybe one day you'll see me accepting a Grammy or going on a world tour! A girl can dream, right? Even if I never become a huge superstar, I'll never stop singing. It makes me happy and brings joy to others. That's really what matters in the end. So keep an eye out for me - Lily the Pop Princess is going to take over the world one song at a time! Thanks for reading about my big dream. I gotta run and get my practice session in for today. A future star's work is never done!


My Biggest Dream: To Become a Famous Singer

Hi there! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I go to Puxi Elementary School in Shanghai. Today, I want to tell you all about my biggest dream in life – to become a world-famous singer! Ever since I was a little girl, I've always loved singing. My parents say that even when I was just a baby, I would coo and babble like I was singing little baby songs. As I got older, I started singing along to the nursery rhymes and kids' songs my mom would play for me. I just couldn't help but sing and dance around the living room!

When I was around 5 years old, my parents noticed how much I loved singing and decided to enroll me in vocal lessons. At first, I was a little nervous about singing in front of my teacher, but she was so nice and encouraging. She taught me proper breathing techniques, how to project my voice, and even helped me learn how to read music. The more lessons I took, the more confident I became in my singing abilities.

One of my favorite memories from when I was little was putting on little concerts for my family. I would make them all sit on the couch, and then I'd stand up in front of them with my little pretend microphone (which was really just a hairbrush). I'd sing all the popular kids' songs I had learned, like \"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star\" and \"The Wheels on the Bus.\" My parents and grandparents would clap and cheer for me after every song. Those little concerts made me feel like a real superstar!

Now that I'm older, my dream of becoming a famous singer has only grown stronger. Whenever I watch singing competition shows on TV, I dream about being up on that big stage someday, pouring my heart out into a song for millions of people to hear. Can you imagine how incredible that would feel? To have an entire arena full of fans singing along to your songs? That's the dream!

Of course, I know that becoming a successful singer takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. That's why I continue taking vocal lessons and practicing my singing every single day. My vocal teacher says I have a lot of natural talent, but talent can only take you so far. I have to keep training my voice, learning new songs, and performing as much as possible. Just last year, I entered my school's talent show and won first place for my solo singing performance! It was such an amazing feeling to be up on that stage, with the whole auditorium cheering me on. I could hardly believe it when they called my name as the winner. That experience only made me more motivated to keep chasing my dreams.

In a few years, I hope to start entering bigger singing competitions around Shanghai. My parents have been

researching youth singing contests and competitions for young, aspiring vocalists in the area. I'm going to start preparing for those as soon as I can because I know the competition will be really tough. But I'm ready to work as hard as it takes! My ultimate goal is to one day get discovered by a big record label and become a huge pop star. I want to record amazing albums full of catchy songs that people all around the world can sing along to. And of course, I can't wait to go on

massive world tours and perform for thousands of fans every night on huge stages with bright lights and cool special effects. It's going to be so awesome!

I know the path to superstardom won't be easy, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make my dream a reality. As long as I stay focused, keep practicing every day, and never give up, I really believe that one day I can be up there on stage, living out my biggest dream as a world-famous singer. Just you wait and see!

Well, that's my story for now. I need to go practice my singing scales. But I'll be sure to give you all an update after I've released my first triple-platinum album! Thanks for reading, and wish me luck!


My Big Dream of Being a Singer

Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I love singing more than anything in the whole wide world! Singing makes me feel so happy and free. When I sing, it's like all my worries just melt away. I can express all my feelings through my voice. I've had this super big dream of being a famous singer ever since I was a tiny kid. Let me tell you all about it!

Ever since I was really little, like 3 or 4 years old, I've always loved singing along to my favorite songs and movies. My parents said I was basically singing before I could even talk properly! They thought it was just an adorable little phase at first. But then the \"phase\" never ended and I just kept on singing everywhere I went. In the car, at home, at preschool – you name it, I was singing there!

My parents started to realize that singing wasn't just a cute little hobby for me. It was my absolute biggest passion and joy in life. They're both really good singers themselves, so maybe that's where I get my amazing singing talents from! Anyway, they decided to nurture my love of singing by getting me singing lessons when I was 5 years old. That's when I learned all the proper techniques like breathing from my diaphragm and projecting from my chest. My singing teacher said I was a total natural!

From that point on, my life has been all about singing, singing, singing! I live for the amazing feeling I get when I'm up on stage performing my heart out. The bright lights, the cheers from the audience, the thrill of nailing those high notes – there's just nothing else like it! I've done lots of performances at my school's talent shows and community events. Sometimes I even

busk on the street and make pretty good money from kind people who enjoy my singing. I'm saving up all my singing money to hopefully record my first professional album one day! My ultimate dream is to become a hugely successful singer who can perform all over the world. I want to sell out massive arenas and have thousands of fans singing along to all my songs. Can you just imagine how incredibly awesome that would be?! I've got big plans – first I'll try out for some of those insanely popular singing competition shows when I'm old enough. Then with any luck, I'll get discovered and signed to a major record label. From there, who knows? Maybe I'll get to go on world tours, walk red carpets, win Grammy awards! Ahhh it gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. A girl can dream, right? Of course, I know that making it big in the music industry isn't easy at all. It takes years and years of extremely hard work, dedication and crazy amounts of perseverance. You have to have unbelievable talent, but also be smart about marketing yourself in the right way. My parents always tell me that the odds of \"making it\" as a singer are very slim, so I should also focus on getting a good education. I do try my best in school, but to be honest, it's pretty hard for me to care that much about things like math and science. Singing is a million times more interesting to

me than solving equations or learning about the life cycle of plants. No offense to math and science, but they'll never set my heart on fire the way singing does!

That's why more than anything, I need to make this singer dream happen. It's not just a fantasy – it feels like my true calling and life's purpose. I was simply born to sing! Whenever I'm feeling doubtful or discouraged, I picture myself living out my dreams. I imagine myself onstage, dressed in the most

glamorous, sparkly outfits. The crowd is cheering wildly as I finish singing an epic power ballad, hitting all the big high notes perfectly. Then I picture myself doing international tours, meeting fans from all around the globe who are moved by my music. How insanely cool would it be to inspire people through my singing and songwriting?! Those visions of my dream life as a famous singer give me the motivation to keep pushing forward every single day.

I have so many amazing songs and ideas just bursting inside me, waiting to be unleashed onto the world. I can't wait to share them! It might seem like a total pipe dream to some people, but I truly believe that if I work harder than anyone else, my huge singing dream can absolutely become a reality. I feel it deep down in my bones. With enough passion, persistence and little

bit of luck, this little girl is going to be a massively successful superstar singer one day. You just watch – the world hadn't seen anything yet! I was born to be a singer and I'm going to make that dream come true, no matter what!


My Dream to Be a Famous Singer

Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I have a really big dream that I want to tell you all about. Are you ready? Here it goes...

I want to be a famous singer when I grow up! I've loved singing for as long as I can remember. When I was just a little baby, my mom says I would coo and babble in a sing-songy way all the time. As soon as I could talk, I was making up silly little songs about everything. I sang songs about my toys, my pets, even brushing my teeth!

In preschool, I was always the first one to raise my hand during \"circle time\" when the teacher asked who wanted to sing a song for the class. I loved performing all the classics like \"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star\" and \"The Itsy Bitsy Spider.\" My favorite was \"The Wheels on the Bus\" because I got to make all the funny noises and motions. My friends and teachers always

clapped and cheered for me. That's when I knew singing was my special talent!

Now that I'm in elementary school, I take singing really seriously. Every week I have a private voice lesson to learn proper technique. My vocal coach teaches me how to breathe from my diaphragm and project from my face. It's hard work but I'm getting better every day!

I recently joined the school choir and I've already had two solo performances at our concerts. I was a little nervous at first, but as soon as I opened my mouth and started singing, it felt amazing! The spotlights were shining on me and I could hear my family and friends cheering loudly. After I finished, everyone gave me a standing ovation. It felt so incredible, I can't even describe it!

When I'm not singing, I spend a lot of time listening to music and watching music videos by my favorite artists like Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and Ed Sheeran. I memorize all the lyrics and choreography. In my bedroom, I perform my own little concerts in the mirror using a hairbrush as a microphone. I put on a big show with lots of dance moves, just like the pop stars! My dream is to one day put on a real concert at a huge venue like Madison

Square Garden and have thousands of fans singing along with me.

Of course, I know becoming a famous singer isn't easy. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. My mom always reminds me that for every famous singer, there are millions of other talented people trying for the same dream. The odds of \"making it big\" are really small. But I don't let that discourage me! I am prepared to work harder than anyone to make my dream come true.

In a few years, I plan to start posting song cover videos on YouTube to get some exposure and build up a fan base online. I've already started taking acting, dance, and stage performance classes too. You have to be a triple threat to make it in the music industry these days! I'm going to spend all my free time writing my own original songs and music too. Who knows, maybe I'll discover my signature style and sound that will make me stand out.

Once I'm a little older, I'm going to start entering every singing competition I can - our school's talent show, teen idol contests, anything! I'll take any opportunity I get to perform in front of an audience so I can get that practice. And when I'm 18, I'm definitely going to try out for one of those big TV singing

shows like American Idol or The Voice. If I can get on a show like that and wow the celebrity judges with my voice, who knows where it could lead!

My back-up plan is to study music technology and audio engineering in college. That way, even if I don't make it as a blockbuster singer, I can still work in the music industry doing studio recordings, mixing, or music production. But that's just my back-up...my real goal is to be a world-famous pop star playing arena tours and traveling all over the world!

I have huge dreams, but I know with my talent and

determination, I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Singing is my absolute passion and greatest joy in life. When I sing, I feel so happy and free, like I can express any emotion through my voice. I was born to be a singer - it's what I'm meant to do! One day, I'm going to be a household name and millions of people will know my voice and my songs. Just you wait and see!

I hope you all will be my fans and support me on my journey to super-stardom. Buy my albums, attend my concerts, wear my official merchandise! Together we can make my singer dream come true. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to pursue your own dreams too, whatever they may be. Follow your heart and

never give up! This little dreamer is off to go practice her scales...bye!
