专利名称:Helping People with Their Health发明人:Douglas J. McClure,Mary Beth
Chalk,Frederick C. Lee,Wendy
Turenne,Martin D. Adler,Greg Zobel,SomuVadali,Loretta Keane,Robert A.
MacWilliams,Ramesh Kumar,Costas Boussios
摘要:Among other things, a computer-implemented method includes, on successiveoccasions over a period of time, gathering measured data and self-reported data thatrepresent health states of participants in a health goal system, based on at least some ofthe gathered data, determining, by machine learning, data representing a relationshipbetween sequences of self-applied interventions and health states of participants whobelong to respective groups that share similar characteristics, calculating scoresrepresenting characteristics of interactions between participants and the health goalsystem, and based on the scores and the data determined by machine learning, choosingelements of conversations to be provided to the participants, elements of theconversations being chosen to affect (i) behaviors, (ii) health states, or (iii) healthawareness, or a combination of any two or more of them, of the participants, theelements of the conversations comprising questions posed to the participants on userinterfaces of electronic devices.
申请人:Health Value Management, Inc.
地址:Louisville KY US