(A) like, make, too…to…,drive, I have to, look, how about, take, not…until, keep 1. Aunt Huang came in and she ________ worried. 2. Don't jump ________ a monkey in the room. 3. ________ it away! I don't want it here.
4. The question is ________ hard for me ________ answer. 5. Liu Mei ________ go home ________ she finishes the work.
6. My mother was ill. I ________ stay at home to look after her yesterday. 7. Don't ________ yourself ill. 8. The Sun ________ us warm.
9. She doesn't know how ________ the car. 10. ________ going to fly kites tomorrow?
(B) what, unlucky, either…or, so…that…, from then on, at least, laugh, no matter, do one's best, carry on 1. ________ it'll take you two days to get there on foot. 2. She makes you ________ and you love her very much. 3. ________ where she is, I must find her. 4. He ________ to run fast, but he failed.
5. Rising costs made it hard ________ the business. 6. ________, he hasn't seen his uncle again. 7. He is ________ a keeper ________ a vat.
8. He was ________ excited ________ he could not say a word. 9. This is the ________ day of my life.
10. It is important to do ________ the doctor tells you.
二、根据所给汉语,完成下列句子,每空一句(80分) 1.这些用石头砌成的桥非常美观。
These bridges which are ________ ________ stones look very beautiful. 2.雨下得越大,他跑得越快。
________ ________ it rained, the faster he was running. 3.他年轻时喜欢游泳胜过爬山。
He ________ swimming ________ climbing when he was young. 4.这个国家的四分之三由森林覆盖。
Three fourths of the country ________ ________ by forests. 5.没有什么能阻止他去那儿。
Nothing can ________ him ________ going there. 6.他总是在晚饭后出去散步。
He always ________ ________ ________ after ________ every day. 7.中国的人口比日本的多得多。
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The ________ of China is ________ ________ than ________ of Japan. 8.我发现很难对物理产生兴趣。
I find ________ hard ________ become ________ ________ physics. 9.他直到病重才戒烟。
He didn't ________ ________ smoking ________ he was ________ ill. 10.这两棵小树必须每周浇一次水。
These two ________ trees must ________ ________ ________ a week. 11.因为中国是个大国,不同地方的人们用不同的方式庆祝春节。
Because China is a big country, people in ________ ________ ________ the Spring Festival ________ ________ ________.
The heavy snow ________ ________ ________ for three days and the climbers ________ ________ ________ the mountains. 13.宠物可以帮人减少寂寞。
A pet can ________ a person ________ ________ ________. 14.不管他说些什么,你都不要信任他。
Don't trust him, ________ ________ ________ he ________. 15.这部电脑看来价廉物美。
This computer seemed to ________ ________ ________ ________ the best price. 16.使用信用卡在网上购物应小心谨慎。
It should be very careful to use credit cards to ________ ________ ________. 17.天太热,穿不了这件外衣。
It is ________ hot ________ ________ the coat. 18.去年我们差一点就是学校的冠军。
We were ________ ________ ________ our school last year. 19.孩子们对周围世界的认识在不断地增加。
The children's ________ of the world around is growing ________ ________ ________. 20.我不喜欢光说不做的人。
I hate people ________ speak ________ but do ________. 21.我们不知道100年后世界会发生什么变化。
They never knew ________ ________ happen ________ the world ________ a hundred years. 22.他们在来到旅馆前就已经吃过早饭了。
They ________ already ________ breakfast before they ________ the hotel. 23.他说英语而没有说汉语。
He spoke English instead ________ ________ Chinese. 24.请打开电视,我想收看未来二十四小时的天气预报。
Please ________ ________ the TV. I would ________ ________ watch the ________ report for the twenty-four hours.
We think________ our duty ________ ________ hard ________ all subjects. 26.那是一个非常简单的问题,小李毫不费力地答了出来。
________ ________ ________ ________ question. Xiao Li answered it ________. 27.我们有足够的座位给大家坐。
We have ________ ________ ________ everyone.
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She ________ ________ ________ a nice handbag so that it ________ ________ ________ to her mother on her birthday.
I prefer to ________ the weekend at home ________ ________ ________ out. 30.他下决心不犯错误。
He has made ________ his ________ not ________ make any ________. 31.我认为按时吃药是很必要的。
I think ________ ________ to ________ ________ on time. 32.从现在起,你们要一直传球。
From ________ ________. You must ________ ________ the ball. 33.当我到收银台时,发现我把钱包丢在家里了。
When I got to the ________, I realized I ________ ________ my ________ at home. 34.他一直坚持锻炼,因此他变得越来越健壮了。
He is becoming ________ and ________ because he ________ takes ________. 35.我忙于阅读一本小说,结果忘了看时间。
I was ________ busy ________ a novel ________ I forgot to look at the time. 36.在那场交通事故中,没有人伤得太重。
No one ________ ________ ________ in the traffic accident. 37.他没有到达珠穆朗玛峰山顶。
He had ________ ________ ________ the top of Mount Qomolangma. 38.警官在寻找鹦鹉住的笼子。
The inspector was looking for the cage that the parrot ________ ________. 39.不要担心你的英语,王先生会帮助你的。
Don't be ________ ________ your English. Mr. Wang will ________ you. 40.他坐在那儿,一小时接一小时地看电视。
He sat there, watching TV ________ ________ ________. 41.在这三个国家中,澳大利亚人口最多。
Australia ________ ________ ________ people ________ the three countries. 42.人们说,到2010年人口将有七十亿。
People say that ________ ________ ________ 2010 the population will be seven billion. 43.恐怕我们没有那种型号的鞋了。
I'm afraid we have ________ ________ ________ the size. 44.独木不成林。
A tree does not ________ a ________.
一、A. 1. looked 2. like 3. Take 4. too, to 5. won't, until 6. had to 7. make 8. keeps 9. to drive 10. How about
B. 1. At least 2. laugh 3. No matter 4. did his best 5. to carry on 6. From then on 7. either; or 8. so; that 9. most unlucky 10. what
二、1. made of 2. The harder 3. preferred; to 4. is covered 5. stop/keep/prevent; from 6. takes a walk, supper 7. population; much better; that 8. it; to; interested in 9. give up; until;
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badly 10. young; be watered once 11. different places celebrate; in different ways 12. continued to fall; became trapped on 13. help; feel less lonely 14. no matter what; says 15. offer the most at 16. buy things online 17. too, to wear 18. almost top of 19. knowledge/understanding; all the time 20. who/that; much; little 21. what would; to; in 22. had; had; reached 23. of speaking 24. turn on, like to, weather 25. it; to study/work; at 26. That's a very easy, easily 27. enough seats, for 28. decided to buy; would be sent 29. spend, rather than drive 30. up; mind; to; mistakes 31. it necessary; take medicine 32. now on; keep passing 33. checkout, had left; purse 34. stronger, stronger, always, exercise 35. so; reading; that 36. was badly hurt 37. failed to reach 38. lived in 39. worried about, help 40. hour after hour 41. has the most; of 42. by the year 43. no shoes in 44. make; forest
**于200X年X月X日举办一个全校性的综合型运动会,历时一周。期间包括三个部分:开幕式文艺演出、运动会和闭幕式颁发奖项(两天)。我们校学生会外联部是此类校园活动指定宣传策划单位,对商家赞助大学生活动的可行性,特别是赞助我校运动会活动的可行性有较深入的了解。现在就让我们为贵公司作此赞助可行性报告。 一、行性分析
2、在校大学生达XXXX余人,人流量大达到运动会每天入场观看人次为XXXX左右。人口密集,而且本校的消费能力较高,为贵公司宣传的成效更明显。 3、本次活动得到师生关注,贵公司的产品也将得到大力的宣传。 二、宣传方式
6运动会期间(一周)由贵公司在运动会赛区附近进行一定规模的产品销售活动 7运动会前后在校学生会网页上宣传并且发放传单。
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2.本次活动还可以帮贵公司在学校内派发传单 4.优秀运动员的奖品由公司提供. 5.横幅有标明赞助商
备注:赞助费达2000元的,商家可参与颁奖 四、活动经费预算 场地租用费 500元 宣传展板 300元
后勤、志愿者服务队、礼仪队 400元 保安工作人员、秩序维护员, 0.00元 宣传人员 200元
设备:运动会所用器材使用费。 600元 宣传材料管理及维护费用 0.00元 预计赞助费用总计: 2000元 五、赞助活动意义
扩大公司在各高校影响,通过全面的宣传,提高公司产品在高校的市场占有率。 通过赞助相关活动树立企业形象,提高公司的社会效益。
我们真心的希望能够以此次活动为契机,和贵公司建立更长久的合作关系,帮助贵公司不仅在校内,而且在社会上的最大的利益的实现。我们将在以后的工作为贵公司提供更大支持。 活动地点:XX体育场
涉外事宜:校团委(具体由校团委学生会负责) 赞助单位: