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2024-03-27 来源:好兔宠物网


作业(论文)题目: The Audio-lingual Approach and its application to English teaching in classroom 课程名称: 英语课程与教学论 任课教师姓名: 杨静 研究生姓名: 刘广先 学 号: 4201320000287 年 级: 2013级 专 业: 学科教学(英语) 学院(部、所): 外国语学院 任课教师评分: 评阅意见: 任课教师签名: 年 月 日

The audio-lingual approach

The audio-lingual approach is also called Army method or New Key. It is a method of foreign or second Language teaching which emphasizes the teaching of speaking and listening before reading and writing. 一. Background

① In 1929, the Coleman report recommended a reading-based approach to foreign language teaching.

② In 1942, ASTP was established in the need of war.

③ In 1939, the university of Michigan developed the first English Language Institute---Direct method.

④ In 1950, textbooks for teaching English were developed.

⑤ In 1958, the National Defense Education Act provides funds for the development of teaching materials.

⑥ In 1964, the term was coined by professor Nelson Brooks. ⑦ In 1960s, the method began to fall from favor. 二. Approach

Approach includes two aspects: theory of language and theory of learning, and they based on two theoretical foundations—structural linguistics and behavioral psychology. At last, the author showed us a number of learning principles. ⒈Theory of language

The theory of language underlying Audiolingualism was derived from a view proposed by American linguists in the 1950s-a view that came to be known as structural linguistics. The term structural referred to these characteristics (a) Elements in a language were thought of as being linearly produced in a rule-governed way. (b) Language samples could be exhaustively described at any structural level of description. (c) Linguistic levels were thought of as systems within systems. Learning a language entails mastering the elements or building blocks of the language and learning the rules by which these elements are combined, from phoneme to morpheme to word to phrase to sentence. Another important of tenet of structural linguistics was that the primary medium of language is oral: Speech is language. “Primarily what is spoken and only secondarily what is written”. Therefore, it was assumed that speech had a priority in language teaching.

⒉Theory of learning

Behaviorism, like structural linguistics, is another antimentalist, especially based approach to the study of human behavior. The occurrence of these behaviors is dependent on three crucial elements in learning: a stimulus, which serves to elicit behavior; a response triggered by a stimulus; and reinforcement, which serves to mark the response as being appropriate (or inappropriate) and encourages the repetition (or suppression), of the response in the future.\\ Reinforcement (behavior likely to Stimulus organism response behavior occur again and become a habit

No Reinforcement (behavior

not likely to occur again) ⒊Learning Principles

① Foreign language learning is basically a process of mechanical habit formation.

② Language skills are learned more effectively if the items to be learned in the target language are presented in spoken form before they are seen in written form.

③ Analogy provides a better foundation for language learning than analysis.

④ The meanings that the words of a language have the native speaker can be learned only in a linguistic and cultural context and not in isolation. 三. Design

Audiolingualists demanded a complete reorientation of the foreign language curriculum, and advocated a return to speech-based instruction with the primary objective of oral proficiency, and dismissed the study of grammar or literature ad the goal of foreign language teaching. 四. Objectives

① Short-range objectives: listening comprehension, accurate pronunciation, recognition of speech symbols as graphic signs on the printed page, and ability to reproduce these symbols in writing.

② Long-range objectives “must be language as the native speaker uses it. There must be some knowledge of a second language as it is possessed by a true bilingualist”.

③ The focus in the early stages is on oral skills, with gradual links to other skills as learning develops 五. The syllabus

①The starting point is a linguistic syllabus, which contains the key item of phonology, morphology, and syntax of the language arranged according to their order of presentation. ② The language skills are taught in the order of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. ③ Listening is largely viewed as training in aural discrimination of basic sound pattern

④. Language is presented entirely orally and written representations are withheld in early stages. ⑤. Students are taught to read and write something that they have already learned to say. 六. Types of learning and teaching activities

Dialogues and drills form the basis of audiolingual classroom practices. Dialogues provide the means of contextualizing key structures and illustrate situations in which structures might be used as well as some cultural aspects of the target language. The use of drills and pattern practice is a distinctive feature of the Audiolingual Method various kinds of drills are used. Brooks includes the following: 1. Repetition 2. Inflection 3. Replacement 4. Restatement 5. Completion 6. Transposition 7. Expansion 8. Contraction 9. Transformation 10. Integration 11. Rejoinder 12. Restoration

⒈ Learner roles

Learners are viewed as organisms that can be directed by skilled training techniques to produce correct responses. In the Audiolingual Method, the learners have little freedom in their studies, what they do is repeating the things the teacher taught regardless of their understanding ability. ⒉ Teacher roles

The teacher role is central and active; it is a teacher-dominated method. The teacher models the target language, controls the direction and pace of learning, and monitors and corrects the learners’ performance.

⒊ The role of instructional materials

A student textbook is often not used in the elementary phases of a course where students are primarily listening, repeating, and responding. When textbooks and printed materials are introduced to the student, they provide the texts of dialogues and cues needed for drills and exercises. Tape recorders and audiovisual equipment often have central roles in an audio-lingual course. A language laboratory may also be considered essential 八. Procedure

1. Hear a model dialogue repeat memorize do not consult their book

2. The dialogue is adapted to the students’ interest or situation, through changing certain key words or phrases.

3. Key structures some grammatical explanation

4. Textbook follow reading writing vocabulary activities

5. Follow-up activities may take place in the language laboratory, where further dialogue and

drill work is carried out.

九. The decline of Audiolingualism

I. Audiolingualism reached its period of most widespread use in the 1960s. II.Criticism on two fronts:

1. The theoretical foundations of Audiolingualism were attacked as being unsound in terms

of both language theory and learning theory.

2. Practitioners found that the practical results fell short of expectations.

① Chomsky: Language is not a habit structure. Ordinary linguistic behavior

characteristically involves innovation, formation of new sentences and patterns in accordance with rules of great abstractness and intricacy.

② Crisis in American language teaching circles. Chomsky’s cognitive code learning. 十.Assessment ⒈Advantages:

① It attempts to make language learning accessible to large group of ordinary learners.

②It stresses syntactical progression and uses pattern drills to help the students gain control over grammatical structures, and drilling can be positively beneficial in helping a student to develop his oral ability.

③ It offers practice in speaking and listening which gives students more thorough practice in using grammar pattern.

④ The Audio-lingual Method introduces specifically designed techniques of auditory and oral practice. It achieves noticeable success in developing aural comprehension and oral fluency.


①The theoretical basis of the Audio-lingual Method was found to be weak. The behaviorist theory could not possibly serve as a model of how humans learn language, since much of human language is not imitated behavior, but is created a new from underlying knowledge of abstract rules.

②Techniques such as pattern practice, drilling, memorization, etc. might lead to language like behavior, but they are not resulting in competence.

③Learners play a reactive role, and thus have little control over the content, pace or style of learning. They are not encouraged to initiate interaction, because this may lead to mistakes.

④The teacher’s role is central and active. The teacher dominates the class,models the target language, controls the direction and pace of learning, and monitors and corrects the learner’s performance.

⑤Materials are primarily teacher-oriented. The teacher’s book contains the structured sequence of lessons to be followed, the dialogues, drills, and other practice activities. The audio-lingual here ignores the fact that learning can be facilitated if all the channels are open to students. 十一. My own experience in audio-lingual teaching and teaching reflection

I have had my own remedial classes since 2009 in which I teach junior students English. During my teaching, I have tried to apply audio-lingual approach to English classes. But it didn’t reach my goals that I expected. Audio-lingual approach highlights listening and speaking skills, so I would find something interesting used to talk with students, in order to cultivate their speaking skills. Sometimes I showed them some photos or let them listen to a video tape first, and then students made some imitation.

However, it has many negative effects during the practice. Audio-lingual approach put more emphasis on listening and speaking instead of reading and writing. Moreover, under the condition of large class teaching, the speaking training can’t take care of most of the students. And as a result, the cultivation of speaking and listening skills are not realized and also not conductive to improving students’ reading comprehensive ability and self-educated abilities. Therefore, the method was only suitable for training oral English ability as the main teaching target responsibility system, and to cultivate comprehensive language ability, thinking ability and self-educated ability is not ideal.

十二. Conclusion

Audiolingualism stresses the mechanistic aspects of language learning and language use. There are many similarities between Situational Language Teaching and Audiolingualism. The similarities of the two methods reflect similar views about the nature of language and of language learning, though these views were in fact developed from quite different traditions.
