I chose a small island country on the Pacific Ocean. This option is not tonot elected, so had to choose a casually. Very early to go abroad to play, butto the time to consider where, but often at a loss. Feel that want to go, andthat should go to a paradise-like place, to escape the world, had their owncomfortable and breathtaking life ... ... even if the world is great, but canaccommodate your body, or not much. So, travel is also limited, not just humanand financial resources, and your desire. You want to travel, you will find whatkind of paradise.
I am not a fantasy to adventure, but now there is no such opportunity tolook at the foreign world. I heard that the sky is very blue in Japan, theItalian Leaning Tower is beautiful, Australia's beach is very clean, but I didnot have the opportunity to go out and see for himself. When friends know that Ihave not passed the country, they are surprised, "is not it? You have not beenabroad?" Go abroad, in the now global society which is not difficult, but do notknow why, that is, Did not go out ...
"Miss, please do not rely on the bookshelf!" Oh, I do not know what theyare still in the Bookstore it Watching the staff a bit helpless and a littleangry look, I quickly grabbed the "world tour" rushed to the cashier.
Holding the book out of the center of the bookstore. Sunny sunshine,stretched a lazy waist. Think that has just made a long dream, those things arealso true magic, the world suddenly in that dream has become very small, veryreal ... ...
Home can not wait to read the book, is the night, then with the wonderfulvision of Europe, into sleep.
Woke up the ne_t day and found everything as old. Just the bed of the bookon the cover of the "World Tour" four characters, still shining in thesunshine.
Days or to have, as for my trip to the world, then talk about it
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