We cannot ignore the reality that college students in mounting numbers are suffering frommental problems. One of the leading factors in this is that students do not communicate properly with their surroundings. Communication plays a pivotalrole in college students' physical and mental health.
Firstly, communication can help expand social networks by establishing a channel between strangers. More friends guarantee a more colorful life. Secondly, mutual understanding is promoted by communication as people work together. Colleagues foster trust through communication and this can strengthen teamspirit, which may enhance working efficiency. Thirdly, through talking one canobtain a great deal of useful information, which may be very helpful to studentsand graduates as they learn how to live their lives.
To sum up, communication is of utmost importance to college students, as well as to people in general. “Communicate more, own more.” We cannotemphasize the significance of communication too much.
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