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2022-05-03 来源:好兔宠物网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The number of prescriptions involving repercussion of drugs, the amount of money and repercussion frequency on all kinds of drug were compared before and after intervention.(对退药处方数、金额、各类药品退药频次进行实施干预前后比较。)

2、A sharp reaction; a repercussion.(强烈反应后果。)

3、Antibacterials, cardiovascular drugs, and Chinese patent medicine were the main kind of drug repercussion.(退药品种主要是抗微生物药物、循环系统用药及中成药。)

4、I hope to see a day when women and men have the right to just basically walk with each other not be fearful of the repercussion what's gonna happen.(我希望看到那一天,女人和男人可以自由走在一起,而不必担心会发生什么不幸。)

5、In U. S. a, Enron event's repercussion in the year of 2001 haven't been put down, in 2002 the financial malpractice took place in the WorldCom and financial affairs of Xerox.(在美国,2001年的安然事件余波尚未平息,2002年又接连爆出世界通信和施乐公司的财务舞弊事件。)

6、The results showed that the drug has a good effect on anti-inflammation, repercussion and analgesia and functions to inhibit the bacteria and promote the wound healing.(结果表明该药具有良好的抗炎、消肿、镇痛、抑菌及促进伤口愈合的作用。)

7、Discussions on hot issues always produce waves of debates and strong repercussion in the universities or even the society.(热点话题的群体讨论经常激起阵阵波澜,在高校和社会上引起强烈的反响。)

8、Its main goal is to develop a prestigious brand, showing the enormous quality of our wines and wineries with the maximum media, and commercial, repercussion.(旨在构建一个顶级品牌形象,向大众媒体及业内人士展示西班牙优质的葡萄酒和顶尖的酒庄,引起反响。)

9、Objective: To analyze drug repercussion and discuss the countermeasure.(目的:分析我院门诊药房退药原因并提出相应对策。)

10、Conclusion great importance should be attached to adverse drug reaction, the incidence of drug repercussion can be greatly reduced by talking intervention measures.(结论临床医务工作者需重视退药现象和药品不良反应,通过加强干预措施可明显减少退药事件的发生。)

11、The status of man and livestock injured by wildlife and its strong social repercussion are analyzed.(分析了全省野生动物伤害人畜和财产情况及野生动物伤人引起社会的强烈反应;)

12、But the more important repercussion has to do with sovereign risk.(更重要的后果则与主权风险有关。)

13、The causes of outpatient drug repercussion were analyzed, and the countermeasure was got to decrease the events.(对我院门诊退药情况进行调查,分析原因并提出相应对策,减少患者退药行为的发生。)

14、Like poets, Virgos have a keen eye for every minute detail, however, their meticulousness may have negligence of larger details, as a possible repercussion.(他们就像诗人一样有着细致入微的观察力,但是,有时候这种一丝不苟的作风可能导致对有些稍大细节的忽视。)

15、as it turns out, it's usually fear of repercussion that keeps us from torturing our fellow human beings.(正如它所验证的那样,这通常是出于对方反击的恐惧使得我们对我们的人类同胞百般折磨。)

16、Popper's Historical Non-determinism is formed and reflected in the process of critiizing Maxist Historical Determinism and once evoked great repercussion in Western society.(波普尔的历史非决定论曾在西方社会产生过很大影响。)

17、According to the click rate, journalism blog in China has a repercussion to some degree.(从其点击率来看,记者博客已在我国国内引起了一定程度的反响。)

18、After being put out, service has received very good market repercussion.(服务推出后收到了非常好的市场反响。)

19、Consequently through the ages, countries (with few exceptions) have been able to act unilaterally without repercussion.(之后世世代代,国家(少数除外)一直能够单方地活动而不受其它影响。)

20、Objectve To observe the effect of functional fine ceramics (FFC) on rats' anti-inflammation and repercussion, and rabbits' hemorrheology.(目的观察特种功能精细陶瓷的抗炎消肿作用和对“血瘀证”兔血液流变性的影响。)

21、This is probably the biggest repercussion of the calculation.(这大概是计算的最大影响。)

22、Now, the unilateral move by Rio Tinto not only greatly disappointed its Chinese partner, but also drew huge repercussion among the Chinese industry and people.(目前,力拓集团单方面举动不仅令其中方合作伙伴非常失望,在中国业界和民众中也引起了较大反响。)

23、The artificial-neural-network model is built up by means of repercussion-pull-out, based on considerable data from the experiment.(在试验研究的基础上,建立了混凝土强度回弹-拔出综合法检测的人工神经网络模型。)

24、In the mid-1990s, the introduction of the concept of gender had been taken to China, which has aroused great repercussion.(90年代中期,社会性别概念引入到我国,引起很大反响。)

25、The atmosphere, the tides are all conspiring now and that which you call disasters are the repercussion of pressures being released.(大气、潮汐现在所有都协力而来,这些被你们称作灾难的是压力被释放的反应。)

26、I said nothing of this to my parents, but I did harangue one or another of my little friends, and I vaguely remember a parental repercussion.(自己从没向怙恃说起过这个话题,但自己的确对自己地某个小同伴高谈阔论过,自己还依稀记得他怙恃地不满反响。)

27、The learning type organization theory has evoked intense repercussion all over the world especially in business circles.(学习型组织理论在世界范围内,尤其是企业界,引起了强烈反响。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


