Method and apparatus for interfacing an elongated
专利名称:Method and apparatus for interfacing an
elongated object with a computer system
发明人:Louis B. Rosenberg申请号:US09276012申请日:19990325公开号:US06323837B1公开日:20011127
摘要:An apparatus for interfacing the movement of a shaft with a computer includesa support, a gimbal mechanism having two degrees of freedom, and three
electromechanical transducers. When a shaft is engaged with the gimbal mechanism, it
can move with three degrees of freedom in a spherical coordinate space, where eachdegree of freedom is sensed by one of the three transducers. A fourth transducer can beused to sense rotation of the shaft around an axis. The method includes the steps ofdefining an origin in 3-dimensional space, physically constraining a shaft in the 3-dimensional space such that a portion of the shaft always intersects the origin and suchthat a portion of the shaft extending beyond the origin defines a radius in a sphericalcoordinate system, transducing a first electrical signal related to a first angularcoordinate of the radius with a first transducer, transducing a second electrical signalrelated to a second angular coordinate with a second transducer, transducing a thirdelectrical signal related to the length of the radius with a third transducer, and couplingthe transducers to a computer.
代理人:Guy V. Tucker,James R. Riegel
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