1 精辟的开场白--一篇成功的个人自述应有一段精彩的开端,这可以是申请人对专业的,对事业的,对时事的,或对个人情况的感想和评述,但应注意与所申请的课程和专业相关。
2 对教育背景的介绍--申请人应用叙述的笔法,将个人的教育背景勾勒出来,并强调其中的重点部分,并应避免枯燥和对个人简历的简单复制。
3 对转专业的铺垫--转专业的申请人应用大量笔墨强调自身对所申请专业的了解和基础,实例和实力远远胜过无关痛痒的感想和评述。如申请人曾选读该领域的课程或从在该领域从业,所取得的知识足以弥补缺乏该专业专业训练的不足,则应成为该篇个人自述的重中之重。
4 对工作背景的介绍--应着重强调个人的工作背景如何与所申请专业有关联,并将在何方面帮助申请人未来的学习。
6 对英语的把握
8 为何选择该学校和该课程
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9 对未来的预期和计划
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J [CeT$@s$^d申请人如能将本篇介绍所涉及的要点在个人自述中均衡有序地覆盖,并避免文中提及的几种失误,再能通过精通英语和留学技巧的朋友或老师进行修饰和改进,一定可以完成一篇精彩的个人自述,为自己在申请中赢得更多胜机。
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我名字叫林蕊,生于1982年,2005年从上海师范大学(shanghai Normal University)毕业,获得学士学位,专业是英语语言。我想申请你们大学的XXXXX硕士课程。
我的祖父母和姑姑都是老师,很小的时候就从他们那里知道了很多世界各地的有趣的事情。诺贝尔是我对瑞典的第一印象,因为诺贝尔奖的存在,让我对遥远的瑞典有了一种崇敬。我读的第一个儿童小说就是《Pippi》,后来才知道,这是瑞典作家Von Astrid Lindgren的作品。随着年龄的增长,我逐渐知道了越来越多关于北欧,关于瑞典的历史和人文知识。从诺贝尔到圣诞老人,从爱立信到宜家(IKEA)。知道得越多,我就越是对瑞典充满了向往,希望自己有一天能踏上这个美丽的国度。
Personal Statement
I am Lin Rui, born on April 29, 1982. Majoring in English at Shanghai Normal University, I put across my undergraate program of English in 2005 and obtained a Bachelor’s Degree of Arts at the same time. In view of my insufficiency in current acquisition, I am determined to file for XXX offered by XXX so as to win self-improvement.
My grandparents and my aunt are engaged in teaching. In my early years, I got to know a lot of interesting things at every corner of the world from them. My first impression on Sweden was Nobel Prize, because of whose existence, I held a kind of admiration for remote Sweden. The first children’s novel that I touched was Pippi, which, I latterly knew, was the work of Sweden’s writer Von Astrid Lindgren. Along with my growth, I graally acquainted myself with North Europe increasingly, like its history and humanistic knowledge, ranging from Nobel Prize to Santa Claus and from Errison to IKEA. The more I understood Sweden, the more I yearned for it, hoping that someday I can set foot on this beautiful land.
Influenced by my grandparents, I was matriculated in Shanghai Normal University and chose to study English, for I felt that it was a powerful tool for me to understand the world.
In the four-year study at the university, I systematically acquired knowledge about English language, laying a sound foundation for listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. In study, I realized that every course would bring me a different gain and all the courses were the cornerstone for the actualization of my ideal. I firmly hold the belief that so long as I studied earnestly and assiously, I was bound to do a good job. At the university, consecutively winning scholarships of our university, I smoothly passed TEM 4 and TEM 8 as well as the Written Part of Shanghai Advanced English Interpretation. Recently I will take Oral Part of the test and I have full confidence in passing the test and obtaining Certificate of Shanghai Advanced English Interpretation. When I accomplished my undergraate courses, I ranked the fourth place in my speciality and gained the honorable title of Excellent Graate.
After my graation, I serve my employment in Regloplas (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. As Assistant to General Manger, I have to deal with the writing and translation of a good number of English files. In addition to daily English communication, I come across a wealth of specialized words including mechanism and trade, which is a challenge for me. And I know that if I conquer the challenge, I will make a great enhancement. Therefore I avail myself of the time that I can use to thumb through specialized dictionaries and exchange my ideas with seniors in these fields. From the initial ignorance, under my great endeavor, I am now able to deal with the professional kn
Originally, I dreamed of being a doctor as my aunt is a doctor. She always told me the knowledge related with biology and medical science, graally I became very interested in biology. However, I chose the insurance actuarial profession as my major mistakenly. Insurance actuarial is about applying the knowledge of statistics and mathematics to the pricing of insurance procts, which is quite similar with biological statistics.I was given the most valuable opportunity of participating in ICPSR program of University of Michigan, which can be regarded as the turning point in my life. I was deeply attracted by the free style of study in the United States, which made me decide to study in the United States. In the two months, I have learned to use SAS statistical software to analyze data, and initially mastered to establish sociology model for analyzing the social problems by utilizing NETLOGO.