NEW YORK, Aug 2 (Reuters) 〔纽约,8月2日,路透社〕是消息来源,不属于句子成分。
第一分句 For most American shoppers, "Made in China" may still suggest cheap toys,
〔状语〕For most American shoppers(对大多数美国购物者来说)
〔主语〕"Made in China" (中国制造)
〔复合谓语动词〕may still suggest (还可以说是)
〔并列宾语〕cheap toys (廉价的玩具)
第二分句 China's largest household appliance maker has ambitious plans to change that with its sales of a growing range of sleek minibars
〔主语〕China's largest household appliance maker (中国最大的家用电器制造商)
〔谓语动词〕has (有)
〔宾语〕ambitious plans to change that (雄心勃勃的计划去改变这种情况)
〔状语〕with its sales of a growing range of sleek minibars (随着他们的越来越多时尚迷你冰箱的销售)